It's 4AM

>It's 4AM
>Enemies can haunt my dreams

>browsing this shithole on 4am

>not losing control of your life


>in the middle of fapping
>get the urge to check Sup Forums

i legit did this a few mins ago

>Being a tripfag
Nothing more pathetic desu

>not browsing this shithole at 4am while putting off your 5 page essay because you know that even if you do it, you will probably not get a passing grade.

Every time you dream youre viewing pieces of memories of another you in a different time line

why is the chaos insurgency chasing 8bit guy

>walk around outside
>start seeing full/half cover icons on objects scattered around
That's XCOM baby.

then i've had some fucked up timelines

he is the 8 bit general

I have had some pretty hot timelines then.

>in a different timeline I am a suppressed mp7
I don't know how to react to this

I though only I was that autistic.

>it's Sup Forums
>mod butthurt because his scp entry was rejected

>Every time you dream youre viewing pieces of memories of another you in a different time line


I've tried to open the menu when I went 24 hours without sleep once.

Man i dont even know why I'm up right now, there are just some nights where sleep seems impossible

>tfw just woke up from a comfy 8 hour deep sleep with multiple dreams

>have been playing for so long game warps your perception and sometimes even makes stuff warp around you

So there exists a timeline where I'm able to fuck a normal ass guy while gradually turning him into a cute trap?

I would just make mental notes of good tatical locations while I walked about my day. I almost fucking coughed up my lungs laughing when I actually noticed what I was doing

>sleep so long you get a headache
>forced to stay up on Sup Forums

>Died falling from stilts
>Died falling from sky scraper
>Died impaling myself on a piece of metal sticking out of the floor after getting spooked by a serpent
I died in the most fucked up ways in my other lives.

>There's a timeline where I escape an exploding nuclear plant with 2 touhous and my dad

Just remembered one of the dreams. I was in the Just Cause 3 world and I was flying around. Shit was so cash. You jelly op?

the tetris effect

>Had a dream where I laughed with my ex and she hugged me after seeing me smile
>She loved that

kill yourself for making me remember that dream

>alt me gets to have sex

>tfw when I don't even remember the last time I had a proper sleep, let alone a dream

So there exists a timeline where Im looking for my son in an open field and suddenly theres a footrace with like 40 other people and I get close to winning but all of a sudden my legs turn to molasses and I get last place, so I angrily storm off to the bus that happens to be nearby and I sit in the chair and wait to reach the plaza but the bus actually takes me to the train station and I have to walk all the way home which feels really floaty and uncomfortableb, and I reach my house which for some reason is blue and I try to open the door but I cant but I keep trying but it feels like an eternity just trying to budge the door open and then I wake up?

I copied this from my dream journal btw

Dont worry alt yous dream about your neet virgin memories too. Revenge is bitter sweet.

>oh boy, lets go to sleep!
>lay head on pillow
>brain brings up every regret I had in my life at once
>then it shifts to "So what will happen when I die?"
>intense panic attack
>look at the time
>only going to get 3 hours of sleep again

that time line is fucked m8

So there's a me who was stuck on a boat filled with kids who wanted to inject him with syringes full of AIDS infected blood and shit?

>theres a version where i play the board game version of the game of life with satan in a suburban neighborhood before a bunch of amazonian women with mg-42s come out and pass me one saying "give em hell". Then we kill satan and I fuck them all
why cant i be in that timeline

>play video games so long that you dream about grinding something then you wake up with NOTHING

I assume it's only fragments so probably some truth in that. Good luck with sorting that out

No fucking way you dreamt this shit

>it's 4am
>enemies are your dreams

I don't think dreams serve that purpose and the purpose that they do serve is currently unknown, important, and mundane.

>he doesnt have weird/exciting/surreal dreams every night
sucks to be you

Why did this hit me so hard

>have dreams where I open up unusual hats/extremely valuable items
>that post-dream haze where you slowly come to realize that you don't have any of that shit
fuck user, it does kinda suck sometimes

>You have played so much video games that at certain parts of the day you have a near out of body experince and feel like you are in a simulation.
It is fucking third person and everything and it scares me.

A huge chunk of my dreams are just me sitting in a chair browsing Sup Forums all day. There's no escape.

Try lucid dreaming, then stop.

Why stop

>that one timeline where I had a qt alien gf

That does make me feel slightly better. Thank you.

Take melatonin not only is it a great over the counter sleep aid. In higher dosages it boost dream intensity.

>have a actual sex addiction
>I wake up with a massive boner humping air occasionally at night
>yank and go to back to sleep
>doctor tells me to find someone to settle down with
>my doctor is literally telling me to start a family
I don't think I'm ready I'm actually scared

I barely remeber them and I surely have, but something about that one seems... exaggerated

I would buy I don't want to become reliant on it

>recurring dream where I'm outside of a huge white endless palace with giant gates
>no body, can tell people or other things are waiting too since I feel and see their presence in floating little 'balls'
>before I know it I'm towering over the other things waiting, somehow howling like a wild animal
>start doing what I assume is 'eating' the other entities as they scatter
>always crash the gates down, start attacking a huge powerful feeling entity and then get blasted into darkness and wake up

What does it mean?

Holy shit I thought I was the only one. I can't tell you how many dreams Ive had about just shitposting.

>dream where I was dirt biking around a neighborhood under construction while getting chased by t-rexs

Some might call it a nightmare, but it was the best dream I've ever had.


Does anyone else dream in black and white?

I dont even need drugs for it, I just dream crazy shit, when I was younger I had more mundane dreams, but as time went on they've only escalated to become shit like that

This. I have had dreams more exciting than many movies. I even had a week where my dreams were all continued sequences and I even got a conclusion to the whole story. Sometimes I wish I could just sleep and dream forever.

Then I get the dream about the ninjas and Barny. A dream that has plagued me since I could remember.

>get nuked in TWO (2) timelines

you don't become reliant on it, all it does is somewhat influence your internal clock. it doesn't really help me outside of slightly vivid dreams but even then it's a crapshoot.

Maybe, I don't think I have ever paid close attention to the colors of my dreams.

So theres a version of me that saw an angel, tried to run away from said angel, and then it took me, and I slowly de-aged into a baby while it carried me into what I assume was heaven?

its been 10 years why do I remember this shit

>it's 4am
>enemies are sensually caressing you

>had dreams of a reaccurring character
>dreams are normal day to day life but with one more friend
>he's just a huge dickwad

about 15% of people dream in black and white

I don't know what dreams are for and any explanation I hear seems like either like pseudoscience or wild speculation, so I would rather not fuck with them too much and let my subconscious or what ever is below my subconscious continue with it's work after the initial testing.

>All my dreams are nightmares about animals killing my family

>all those dreams of me being happy
>that one dream where I was gassed to death in a sealab underneath the water. A sealab at the bottom of the sea

>you have countless dreams where you died and then floated around where you died bugging people who passed by

I have become a ghost, a lot.

>have dream last night where someone asks me what the fuck is wrong with my eye
>wake up and my eye is indeed fucked up


It's about a inner struggle to accept god. You're fighting him now and only hurting yourself and other people.

>tfw can't lucid dream

>Had a dream where my mother turned me in to the Killer Clown cult
>She ended up fucking the head Clown king and laughing at me while the other clowns Jihaded me.
>The then proceed to make out with my decapetaded head while listening to that ISIS song.
I don't even thing Freud could figure that out

The most common theory for dreams seems to be that they are a random mishmash of recent events and thoughts, since your brain percieves both as basically the same thing. I doubt there's any real meaning behind them unless youve been having some deep thoughts and introspection recently

there are 3 purveying theories
>they represent our wants
>they are a means to unpack info gathered throughout the day
>they are nonsense

> alt me is lying in bed with his beautiful loving wife

>Every time you dream about someone who you know then this person was thinking about you.
jokes on you

>browse Sup Forums all day
>go to sleep
>dream of browsing a thread here

I literally can't escape.

Have you ever been in a situation where you suddenly became self aware outside of lucid dreaming?

>in a troubling situation in dream
>oh god what do I do
>oh I know I'll just wake up
>wake up

>in a different timeline two girls gave me their number
>in a different timeline the only girl to ever ask me out was not rejected by me, and we went to the movies together
why must my dreams torture me so

>my ex is look for me

>getting mom NTR'd in your dreams

You should tell /h/ about this

>there were hundreds of thousands of timelines where I just fell or slipped and died.

It wakes me up yknow

How come I never have super surreal dreams like this? All of mine are regular as fuck

The closest thing to an irregular dream I remember having was back when I was a kid. A bunch of ghastly vamps had inhabited my house, and I was forced to cower behinds the towering pine trees in my yard in fear of being killed by them.

>oh fuck my life is ruined
>I cant fix this shit
>remember I am dreaming
>continue the dream but with a notion that it is just a dream
Great feeling desu

>when you have a dream about getting up, getting ready to go to work, going to work, getting about half way into the day and then realize there has been this droning wailing sound in the background the entire time only for you to suddenly awaken in your bed, its mid day and you missed work

Who here has had super mundane dreams only to wake up and realize you missed half the day?

I hate this feeling so much. I never get the warping, but my brain keeps snapping back to game controls/mechanics when idle.

that's a fucking awesome dream

You think 10 years is bad? I remember a nightmare from when I was 7.

>Have no irl friends
>Barely meet with anyone in real life repeatedly besides family
>Dreaming simulator.exe reuses the same assets of my classmates from highschool, middle school and even fucking elementary school despite them being younger versions younger than me and me being an adult, instead of fictional characters.
So fucking awkward, and yet there are times when I even do questionable things with them, outside of my control.

My most memorable and profound nightmares are from when I was between the ages of 4 and 8

>most common dream is failing classes

Why am I such a nerd

Keep a dream journal by your bed and you might remember all the bullshit dreams youve had before, most of them you forget the same hour you wake up

I still remember how it felt, kinda terrifying too, I remember it as a nightmare for 9 year old me

Makes sense. I've been back and forth on believing for a long time. I also give God shit daily due to the state of things. He isn't getting off scott free just due to being God.

t h i s _ i s _ o n e _ o f _ t h e m