So I bought a new 1000 AUD laptop a month ago, in the last 24 hours its become really.. really sluggish, like swapping between programs, youtube videos, closing an excel spreadsheet, and in league of legends my FPS drops to 1-10 (when its normally 60), making it unplayable.
I read it means the CPU is not working? It has not been hot here so it can't be overheating. In 40 minutes of "leagueing" it actually went back to normal frames per second for maybe 5 of those minutes..
Any idea what the problem is? Is it CPU, something else? Gonna take it back to store tomorrow if I can't fix and hope they can help..
I haven't really changed or done anything since yesterday to today when the problem (most notably league fps drop) started. I haven't installed anything. Can only think some form of sabotage or something else I missed.
Tyler Perry
dumb underaged ausfag poster
Evan Jackson
Australians are fags, this is true.
James Gutierrez
league sucks but uh try rebooting it m8 :^)
Joshua Smith
rebooted it several times no differnece
Jonathan Wilson
dont buy a fucking laptop for gaming you autistic cunt.
if it is high (well over 250MB, possibly in the GBs) then it is a problem with Windows Network Data Usage Monitoring Driver causing a memory leak (which doesnt clear by rebooting either)
if this is the case, simply editing a registry entry can solve the problem
Christopher Gutierrez
>gaming laptop >for LoL You deserve it.
Oliver Martin
>check your non-paged pool memory usage >(ctrl+alt+del > task manager >performance > memory) >if it is high (well over 250MB, possibly in the GBs) then it is a problem with Windows Network Data Usage Monitoring Driver causing a memory leak (which doesnt clear by rebooting either) >if this is the case, simply editing a registry entry can solve the problem
Yeah so I rebooted and opened this page only and the memory is saying 2.6GB in use... ill google what you said
Hudson Watson
its saying the disc is 100% usage.. is that right??
Joseph Price
>Yeah so I rebooted and opened this page only and the memory is saying 2.6GB in use... ill google what you said
I have this problem on my desktop - every now and then after windows updates i have to remember the issue and change the registry entry again. i also monitor ram usage on my desktop so i can see when it skyrockets (it goes up to 100% eventually when the memory leak occurs).
if you google the correct thing, you should be changing the "start" value in "ndu" to a '4'
Camden Hall
>if you google the correct thing, you should be changing the "start" value in "ndu" to a '4'
just for more clarification:
"Applied the suggested fix of altering the registry key value of the “Start” entry to 4 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Ndu\ to disable the Windows Network Data Usage Monitor Driver from starting and after a reboot the issue seems properly solved!"
Ryder Smith
What specs?
In either case, user, the proble is most likely Windows 10. No, you don't need to install something else.
Just get win10privacy and disable Windows update and windows defender. Both are essentially malware/bloatware.
Jaxson Edwards
at least share the laptop's model you major retard
Jace Rodriguez
>Sup Forums - tech advice
Cameron Hill
>le laptop meme le le le xD you autist know that with the 10xx nvidia series there is a single digit difference in performance between desktop and laptop gpus? t. writing from i7 7700, 16gb ram, 256 ssd, 1070gtx gaming laptop suck it up
Gavin Gonzalez
>1000 AUD What specs? CPU/GPU? What other programs are you running in background? Have you also checked things like disk usage? (Geforce Experience if it has an nvidia card can randomly scan hogging all disk-bandwidth, likewise with windows itself if windows 10, performing/downloading updates). Could be a recent update that didn't agree with the system? Some windows updates can entirely break systems. Also even if it's not hot the cpu can still be throttling, i had a hp laptop that even in aircon and 18 degree ambient temps would still throttle and hit 80-90+ degrees celsius due to garbage cooling.
Austin King
The problem is windows 10. Install 7 or 8.1.
Lucas Rogers
Pssh don't tell them. Let them believe 2012 memes are still relevant.
Nathaniel Sanders
Likely windows 10 being windows 10, try a program called shutup10, it disables most of the botnett-y crap and will reduce the overall overhead of the OS. Unfortunately there's certain things like WIN10 telemetry hammering your disk on first run of most applications (usually to ensure they load up properly and don't fuck up/crash, essentially like running a game in compatability mode pre-win10, but as a general "feature" to ensure that if there's any crashes that the cause (i.e. memory issue/OS Kernel/game executable itself etc. can be easily identifiable via general data).
Ethan Murphy
There is no denying that laptops can be pretty powerful, but the fact is it's either the size of xbox, or it sounds like a jet or it melts the processor and you are thus compromising - and usually you've got to pick 2 out of 3. Not to mention you're also somewhat restricted to 1080p since higher resolution means nothing on tiny monitor.