What should I play next Sup Forums ?

Have pic related running Free McBoot and the following installed. I've just finished Fatal Frame and I can't decide on what to play next.
Burnout 3 Takedown
Clock Tower 3
Colin McRae Rally 2005
Echo Night - Beyond
God of War
God of War II
Gran Turismo 3 - A-spec
Gran Turismo 4
Grand Theft Auto 3
Grand Theft Auto San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto Vice City
Haunting Ground
Killer 7
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts II
Legacy of Kain Blood Omen 2
Legacy of Kain Defiance
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 2
Manhunt 2
Mega Man X Collection
Mega Man X7
Mega Man X8
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance
Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence
Need for Speed Underground 2
Need for Speed Underground
ObsCure II
Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time
Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones
Prince of Persia - Warrior Within
Project Zero
Project Zero 3
Project Zero II - Crimson Butterfly
Red Dead Revolver
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil Code Veronica X
Rule of Rose
Shadow of The Colossus
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 4
Silent Hill Origins
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
The Suffering
The Suffering - The Ties That Bind
The Warriors
TimeSplitters - Future Perfect
Tony Hawk's Underground
Viewtiful Joe
Viewtiful Joe 2
Zone of the Enders
Zonce of the Enders - The 2nd Runner - Special Edition

>I've just finished Fatal Frame and I can't decide on what to play next.
Fatal Frame 2 / Project zero 2 Crimson butterfly.
The best one.

spiderman 3 the best game of all time

god hand


Did you mod with SATA adapter or hunt down an IDE drive?

looking for a break from the ghosts for moment, i'll probably come back to it after the next game.
i'll make a list of games to get and try out
i'm pretty keen on survival horror as you can probably tell but am open to other genres, i know nothing about Prince of Persia, or Psychonauts.

>hunt down
Literally $15 on ebay for 180GB

~500gb IDE


Like Dark Souls, but with fast responsive controls and fast gameplay. No bullshit straight to the point game, not a long game, but it’s a good time.

That’s a lot of games for not much memory all things considered.

>i'm pretty keen on survival horror

Sheit and you've yet to do SH2 and 3? Those are next.

Post number ends in:
1-2 Soul Reaver 2
3-4 Megaman X4
5-6 MGS2
7-8 Zone of Enders 2
9-0 RE4

Destroy all humans is funny

Yeah I know, I have played through those before. SH2 about 10 years ago, SH3 2 years ago. I am keen to replay 2 as i don't fully remember all that happens

I probably shoud have included the games i have played through recently
gta sa
project zero/FF
sh origins

Are random slowdowns normal when playing games from the hard drive?

No Timesplitters 2? wut

So far i haven't noticed any slowdowns. project zero loads hella fast i was pretty surprised with that but then again the gta boot screens load pretty damn quick also. im using a WD ~500gb 7200 ide drive.
Don't get a WD drive because the connector is slightly offset and you'll have to modify the network adapter. fucking pissed when i realized that.

Why not just emulate?

I didn't even notice that. I haven't played any timesplitters so that's probably why.

MGS2 or MGS3 are pretty dope, just beat them on the HD collection

long ago i fell for the surround sound meme and i prefer it as well. ps2 has optical out and is hooked up to pic related. my games room is a bedroom so this system in a small room is pretty effective.

I rather like Half Life 1's PS2 version. Play that.

Do PS2 games have 5.1 or 7.1?

I have beaten 3 but never finished 2, got past the tanker and never came back to it.

5.1 but not sure if all support it. it's good for the spooks, project zero was great for this. Good sound and bad controls is much panic lol i missed a lot of shots