has the new update finally rolled out?

Don't bother, a mod has some kind of vendetta against SCP threads.

Hope you have a dynamic IP brother.
Should be today if everything is daijobu

Either today or Monday. Maybe. The dev team is lazy as fuck and also wants to try porting this shit to BYOND so good fucking luck.

Wait what ?

Whelp, let's try and enjoy it like the good o'l threads before the storm hit.
>last one alive in heavy containment
>play The Touch over mic

The gods have spoken, filthy mortal.

I could flood Sup Forums if I wanted. Don't try me out

>porting this shit to BYOND

>Spawn Chaos
>Team Rushes into the elevator, leaving me and a bro behind
>We wait for the elevator come back up and go down
>As we are going down, hear gunshots
>Door opens, its a fucking mayhem, 6 men team before us already down 2 guys getting chased by someone
>"Lets go back up"
>"Yea, lets do that"

Don't do it, you'll actually make a problem that the mods are pretending exists to justify removing these threads

Yes this is the only thing that it's stopping me
Juat discuss the game I guess

>porting this shit to BYOND

Why hate fun

Dev posted in their discord (which is the only way to talk to them since all their time on the forums is spent locking suggestion threads) that people wouldn't shut the fuck up about SS13 so they're "looking into" using BYOND to make the same game.

>also wants to try porting this shit to BYOND
Every game on BYOND wants to get the fuck OFF it I refuse to believe this.

So 096 is going to be stupid. Is there anything that could be better implemented? I was thinking that mask one that could take over anyone who got too close to it but would burn through bodies and need to find new hosts after starting on some NPC.

Actually I thought that they were gonna try to implement 457, some rumors I guess


Why don't you just go to /vg/

Fucking why? What the fuck for?

Here's hoping that was just their way of getting people to shut the fuck up about it and they're lying about actually doing it.

Holy shit that's an impressively terrible idea

>make completely free game for no money in spare time that has a surprisingly regular update schedule out of love for the subject matter
>retards like this filth who will never achieve anything in their live call you lazy because you don't push out updates like a factory worker.

I don't know BYOND, what's the fuss for not wanting it?

Do they even realize how much development SS13 went through for literal fucking AGES to reach the state it's in now?
They should definitely stay with unity.

It would probably be easier to answer the question what's NOT wrong with Byond.

Clunky as all hell, painful to code for, and would take focus away from fixing their current shit.
They still have to add in perks, a mute function, and remove T posing zombies.

It's an absolutely awful piece of shit engine the SS13 (the game he's referencing) has been hamstrung by for years.

It's the king of spaghetti code. It's also laggy as fuck and is incredibly janky to play if the host has any lag at all.

Is there any developer Sup Forums won't call lazy?

From gameplay standpoint, given that the server can do around 20 people,
lots of SCPs should be npc hazards.

I think that MTFs should have the hardest time and most shit to do, as well, it is a containment breech and it should be a dire situation. Currently, from pure gameplay standpoint, MTFs actually have no reason to go to Light containment as usually some Dboy or Nerd will get out with a red card to Heavy, so they can just use his to go activate nuke and contain Larry(Or find the red card in entrance zone).
The biggest problem currently is that once the SCPs are dead, you have zero tension Counter Strike game going on between the Furries and Infants.
I believe that situation should worsen as time goes by. First 5-10 minutes you have the standard afair with Doc, Larry, Peanut running about, but as the game keeps dragging on, more and more hazards break containment and it becomes harder and harder to contain the situation.
Would add some urgency.

079 would be welcomed back if he can open doors so fags don't lock themselves in places only Larry can get them.

What said. Space Station 13 is cursed by being written using BYONDs engine.

It's not actually the worst thing in the world for superficial stuff but it is not the kind of engine you want a well matured project on. It's the kind of thing you bang out a weekend project on.

fucking pollacks

Is SS13 idea/name copyrighted? Someone should remake it using a decent engine.

Welp that settles it then. I didn't even know the story behind SS13, or SS13 for that matter but now I'm scared

>From gameplay standpoint, given that the server can do around 20 people,
Honestly, this should be one of the first things they should work on. I hate that there are so many servers because voip breaks with 20+ people and it isn't as fun without mics.

people have tried none have succeeded, SS13 has taken 15 years to get where its at now

Dozens of people have tried and failed. SS13 is licensed under free to use so there goes any monetization stuff except donation buttons. Someone recently rewrote some of the game into Unity. It looks nice but it's just a bare bones game that people would have to rewrite 90% of the game into.

Here's the rub. Here's why SS13 is stuck on BYOND.

It has 10 years of constant content coded into it. 10 years. There's a dozen different servers with major differences to the game and good, working ideas. Porting this to a new engine, for free, would take forever and has failed every time. It's much easier to just keep chugging along satisfying the 1000~ players that love SS13 than switch engines.

>Someone should remake it using a decent engine.
Oh you have no idea, many have tried.

The nature of the game's development (multiple devs laying feature on feature on top of old Byond code for years on end) means that the game is incredibly complicated beyond belief at this point and nearly impossible to port to another engine with anything other then a massive team.

>wanting a mute function
>wanting T posing gone

They said they won't fix the T posing zombies because a vocal group objected.

Why are the SCP devs porting it to this engine, then? Are they just trolling us? It sounds like a genuinely stupid idea.

He wants to remove the airplane pose

I was merely being sarcastic about shit that would remove fun taking priority

if only you knew how bad things are.
there were many remakes in the work, even by dean "early access" hall. they either stop development because of how hard it is to code atmos, or because the devs have autistic drama going on (see unitystation)
in the end, it is a big challenge to make a remake, because ss13 is a community project which has been developed for 10 years to get where it is now.

SS13 is amazing. The monkey paw here is it's on BYOND.

They aren't. user read some one-off line in discord by a single dev, and didn't understand it then repeated it uncritically. Which was truthful of him but yeah as soon as that single guy actually looks at BYOND (by request of his playerbase mind you not because he thought it was a good idea) he's going to walk away from it.

Literally no one ports shit to BYOND.

it's a "side project"
they will "continue development on secret laboratory"

>discord ruins gaming again

we need to stop these jews

Sup Forums mods killed it, not the discord

Anyone servers up right now?