Black lady in charge

>black lady in charge
>killing nazis
>the sole black male character fucks and impregnates every female character
>white male characters run errands and are portrayed as retards

Is this game a joke? Honest question.

It's shit for multiple reasons but forced diversity is not one of them
It makes sense in the context of the game since whitey has all the privilege and leads a comfy life as long as he walks the line the nazis tell him to, as proven by Williams dad.
In this setting having the resistance being led by bl*cks with a jewish protagonist makes sense. Why would a white stand up to the people that keep him fed and happy?

cuckenstein 2: the nu soylossus

And the quintessential American man turns out to be Jewish.

BJ is too white to be american

The way this game turned out makes me almost half as mad as ME3, and that's a whole lot of mad.

lmao funny when they try to pull those jew cards but they look nothing like actual israeli's or even of (((white))) jewish descendant . How those judas have so much influence on western countries still surprises me. Oh wait western society is turning in one giant gaping pussy, there really should be a judge as to who may enter our political system.

But I thought Sup Forums liked jews now?

The game is actually really redpilled. It shows that whites who work with blacks get nothing. We have privilege in numbers, which is actually good, all races can have it if they stick together. When we mix we get the overt degeneracy you see in the game. The message is about not mixing together.


>the sole black male character fucks and impregnates every female character
I thought Sup Forums like evolution.

it was made by Swedes

His name is Blazkowicz though you retard.

>Why would a white stand up to the people that keep him fed and happy?

Idealism, a desire for freedom, patriotism, and the part where it actually happened?

thankfully it was a massive flop
I am not joking, I am seeing this shit -50% on every psn sale since the release

There are white resistance members in Wolf 2
Have you actually played the game?
It's just the first resistance member you meet is black because they're based in new orleans. She leads a group of "hackers" that specialize in intel gathering, which is why she's kind of "in charge" during the game.

I think it's a shame. We got TNO which was very, very good. Story was great, levels were great. It almost feels like the sequel was made by a different company. What the fuck happened? They fucking ruined what good they had, bunch of wasted opportunities.

>there are people itt who spent money on this game to spite Sup Forums

Winning internet warfare ain't free.

>another thread bitching about wolfenstein
Is this 2017? Get over it

The shills try to falseflag because they need money.

>shooting is more polished and more fun
>50% of the game is cutscenes

We always liked them for their cunning. Don't listen to the larping falseflagger.

you don't know the half of it

Funny since you 8cuck retards made falseflagging mainstream. Guess what goes around comes around.

Why does weekend Sup Forums have so much more shitty Sup Forums threads? Is it because of the influx of kids?

He was always a Polish Jew.

Why do you make this shit up? What do you get out of it? I'm honestly asking

I usually have a pretty high tolerance for this kind of shit and can enjoy most of the entertainment despite the creators personal thoughts, so I bought the game expecting another New Order or Old Blood, which in my opinion were solid games that I liked a lot.
But holy fuck was this game a goddamn disappointment. The narrative irked me at spots but it wouldnt have mattered that much if the gameplay was better in higher difficulties. Not to mention Mein Leben-difficulty, which is such a bullshit difficulty with these bullet sponge enemies and BJ dying to smallest of damage.

So much potential, wasted on artificial bullshit higher difficulty and unneccessary wuz were kangs-shit.

circle jerking of a bunch of nerds getting all mad as shit about whatever the fuck ,real or otherwise...usually otherwise, simply to revel in recreational anger. It is like they are trolling themselves simply so that they can get mad and upset as to then enjoy that adrenaline hit from said anger.

Considering how every sect is extremely conversion-unfriendly, the fact he had kids with a Catholic Polish girl means he's pretty much blacklisted in Hebrew eyes, which is basically the relationship experience for most Jewish guys who don't want their kids to experience what could a variant of their mom. My cousin goes for housewife-tier Mexican girls for this reason, and while my girl cousin is secretly childfree, she pretends that she wants kids to keep the gravy train chugging