Fatal Bullet

How are you guys enjoying the game, let's see those custom weapons you've been working on.

>want to use a sniper rifle as secondary
>suck at aiming
>crosshairs bounce all over the place

Haven't been able to find an upgrade yet in NG+, even though the mobs start at lv70+.
So I had to upgrade this even though it's just a rank3 rare.

I don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it.

Wow, already on NG+? That's quick.

>Try most of the weapon
>Struggle most of the time
>Try pistol
>Rekt shits everywhere
Nigga what is this?

Pistols are just power house weapons because of their rof. though I'm not a fan of the low magazine sizes.


I've only just started on it.
I basically ignored all sidequests and affection grinding for the first playthrough, just to unlock extreme mode.
Still took me 23+ hours with a decent amount of wipes.

That's actually pretty good to hear that the main story took that long. I'm taking my time, I'm on the second zone(sand) boss right now and I'm 14 hours in. so It'll probably take me 80 hours or so to beat it.


>sidequests and affection grinding
What side quests? Killing x enemies one or did i miss something?
Also i keep hearing about the affection system but i can't fucking anything.
I already kill the Big Eye Boss.

Stuff like Enemy/PvP/Treasure hunts and those 'Kill X' quests you get at the lobby.
You raise affection by partying with characters, praising them (5 on keyboard), reviving them, etc.
If you want the True End you need to raise the OG characters to rank 4 + 75% and the others to rank 2.
Going NG+ resets affection by the way (you keep pretty much everything else), so don't do it if you're still grinding the True End.

>can't Enhance weapons you have equipped
Someone explain this logic to me. All it does is add needless menuing to do something simple.

Stat requirements go up when weapons go up a rank.
I guess they were lazy and wanted to avoid issues altogether instead of figuring out a confirmation system that gates insufficient requirements.

good info, thanks user

They could've just added a prompt before upgrading the weapon eg.
>"You'll have to unequip your items first, is this ok? Yes/No"

I was able to take the hit, but is there no way to dodge this bosses attacks besides hiding behind the pillar or being far away I guess?

Pretty much, the game could use a lot more polish and QoL stuff.
At least the core gameplay is fun enough.

>tfw Kirito is taking forever to raise affinity with because he does fucking nothing but run around and cast Horizontal Square or whatever

Why doesn't the E go away when I unequip a weapon?

The hell is that close up skill?

>Dodge rolling has no iframes and doesn't break bullet line, only slightly offsets tracking.
>Quickstepping doesn't either but at least leads right into a sprint.
>Sprinting (with enough AGI) is the only semi-reliable way to maneuver around bullet line. I say semi because sometimes things can just shoot me out of it anyway.
>The fucking Assault Zero-Shift Step has no iframes, doesn't break bullet line nor prevent tracking during it's duration, making it basically an extended dodge roll (with a longer recovery)
>Bullet Hide or whatever the sniper skill is called delays bullet line lock-on from half a second to one second, does barely anything at all.

I'm still enjoying the game, but the devs seem to have a crippling fear of viable defensive options outside of the tank's invulnerable state. This is also compounded by shoddy cover, i've been shot through walls and domed through cover.

What's with the overshilling of this game ? i never saw so many threads for such an insignificant weeb game

Basicly a good vita game reborn as a licensed anime game.

shit game
no enjoy

>no idea what kind of character to play
>dumped points in every stats
>will most likely have to restart the game
sniper rifle, smg and self damages buffs seems like a decent combo but I guess it will be overplayed any good combo ?

I'm fairly certain the roll has some iframes, timing them to the moment of impact was the only way I could've dodged some boss attacks (missiles, swipes, etc.).
Could be wrong though. Didn't even know the quickstep into sprint, thanks.

There's a respec option available from the medals store.

put the crosshair close to the weakpoint then aim with right click, for some reason smalls ajustement don't make the crosshair giggle

you are a shit game

I'm in the level 50 range maybe close to getting dual wielding but I feel like I am very underpowered now.
No idea what to do.

People are having fun with it, not everything is shilling you literal retard.

How does the gear look in this game that's a deciding factor to me

I'm pumping agi because I wanna go fast but I feel weak and useless. I don't even know what weapon to use. I like shotguns in most games but this doesnt seem like the type of game where they'd be very good. Haven't found one yet though.

I'm mostly int build btw

just get the 2 different kind from the store

If you wanna go with shotguns get some VIT, AGI doesn't end up increasing your move speed a lot.

Dumb ESL poster

Who voices the AI?

Yeah the same weeb games coming from the same shitty anime are now suddenly good games and there needs to be more threads about them, yeah fuck off shill

Reminder that Asuna got her tits out in the movie.

Will this game last me more than 60 hours I need to know if it's worth $60


Reminder that despite having an entire internet full of porn, I fapped to that like four times in the last week.


I watched it last night and I had to rewind that to make sure I wasn't seeing things. I wonder if the author knew they were going to defile his waifu in it.

Shotgun Art.

The author defiled his own waifu with gloop

How do you get these skills?

Please someone answer

time stamp?

Buy the info from Argo.

I don't know how to get these skills too.

Wait, does AGI affect gun damages? Or should i pump all point into DEX?

Yuuki could possibly be for (you).

Yuuki is for Asuna.

Info broker girl Argo. She's to the left when you exit the housing complex. Below the stairs.

I bought the info and I still can't find it

I've never even watch/read sword art online, this game just looks legit fun anyways though. why can't devs just make original anime games with quality gameplay? if its not based off an established franchise, it doesn't sell? Other than CODE VEIN coming out this year, you don't see many original Anime games.

I can't afford this game until next week unless I borrow money off my bro or some shit.

Once it's bought its auto-unlocked. I don't think there are multiple skills per weapon.

How the fuck do you consistently swap weapon?

Man, I learned after a bit of googling that you can easily reset stats/skills by loading a blank Customization Data in your terminal.
Probably unintended, but I'll take it.
At least I won't have to spend medals on it.

E on keyboard.

I don't get paid until midnight in two days but I really want to play. Is the game good enough to even consider dipping into savings?

That is fucking stupid

Sweet. I'm happy I got this weapon at the start, I almost sold it but its turned out pretty good.

Just enjoy the cheap tricks

if you struggle paycheck to paycheck you shouldn't dump money in vidya

They probably intended it to be a way to do different builds, but a straight up reset is silly.
It also resets your AI's stats/skills too, and even though you have to learn the skills before their later forms are unlocked, all skill progress is saved.

How's Zeliska?

G-Guys? I need to know this to pump all my excessive stats into.

Not struggling just been dropping a lot into funds to take with me on holiday next month.

Is the game particularly good though?

Christ I suck at this game, the giant floating thing and its spiked exploding balls keep killing me

It's a fun shooter game, if you like game like that then you will enjoy this one.

I don't think AGI helps with damage at all, DEX helps with weak spot/crit damage.
Now that I think of it I don't know if there's a stat that straight up raises gun damage.
Reminder that you can easily reset with in case you mess up.

>tier 1

Had to redo this fight like 3 times. A sniper rifle hitting the weak spot does like 1.2k damage so you can take it down easily.
Just always run to the opposite side and hide when it lazors so you don't get fucked
AI is useless so just try to keep them alive so they can help you in case get killed

Can you dual-wield rocketlaunchers?

Is this like a new Freedom Wars or something?

Do you have full 4 man party? I had a hard time against him too.
Take your time with this boss and kill him safely from distance.
Saw him throw balls > start running to behind his attack > fire (repeat)

fucking hell I hate the light facsimiles in the cave

>particularly good
imo it's decent, the gunplay is good, you can play dress-up with anime girls, I don't really care about the story or characters.
The way ennemie IA is aiming in kind of lame really feels like it's aimboting. Also your IA partner just wont shut the fuck up.

>crack never
>didn't preorder cause had no money so won't get the 2nd game in a month

>4 man team
Oh, whoops well it's fine I just beat him after realizing where the weak point was, using a sniper rifle on it and just staying as far away from my teammates as possible except when healing to avoid a TPK

Someone else, but how do you use it? I don't remember seeing it in my weapon skills or a relevant tutorial window;

How do you recruit others? I just have me and Kureha and AI

>try to fight Yeomon for the bounty quest
>nonstop waves of scorpions and bees basically fuck me and my party up


Menu, Friends, hit P on the friend you want to add to your party.
Friends are added automatically as you progress.


Once you get above 50% on the medal meter you'll start to build art gauge. The weapon icon next to your health will start to fill up, once full hold V + middle mouse to use it.

Press R2 when you in the friendlist to recruit the 4th member. I figured that out after play the game for 4 hours lmao.

The fuck there is no mention of P on those menus

This, got the game thinking I could go for Shinon as my OC donut steel. I can't.
Literally dropped.

It's on a tutorial when you start the game.

Theres also no mention that F and right mouse click can be used in place of Enter when it prompts.

Is EXP that much of a grindfest? I'm more than 10 levels behind the recommended level for the next story mission, and I haven't even rushed the story.

What even is the difference between energy weapons and normal guns?

The leveling system isn't exact. at level 15 I was taking down level 30 enemies and at level 22 I was able to kill level 45s no problem.

this game looks like it's actually decent

Not rally. I'm taking on SBC Flugel while 15 levels behind