Why is the switch considered a beta console?

Why is the switch considered a beta console?

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because it's betta than the other consoles

this bitch is so annoying, very stuck-up and arrogant
has a fear of showing her full face too when we've seen up to her nose, it's pretty obvious what she looks like

because the average v user is a manlet insecure faggot.

I really want to buy the switch but I still have games to play on my ps3 and PC and wii U but still..

is this a man?

fpbp OP quiet literally BTFO

Made from soy-based plastics

because everything that v hivemind doesn't like must be beta and cuck
Faggots and kids want to see another tortanic. So if something they wanted to fail succeed, it causes them to be very angry

I can smell the soy from here, say hi to your wife's daughter from me ;)

Because it pretty much launched in an unfinished state.

DAAAAAAAMN I've never seen such savagery

Case in point. user did not like my opinion, so he proceeded to call me cuck. Fucking morons that can only spout whatever is trendy on v.


You're still a cuck no matter what kinda of mental gymnastics you try to pull off.

yeah pretty much , they cant even explain it

i wanted to get it but it still only has 2 decent games , everything else is a port , so i guess that's pretty beta?:p

there's 5 actual exclusives on the system (a few extra if you count eshop/indie titles), but you rmileage may vary on how much they appeal to you.

what 5?

user, please stop. I know you wanted to be funny because
>haha cuck :) XD
but right now you are just looking dumber and dumber. Just concede, it is v. No one cares if you end up looking like hivemind retard once or twice.

odyssey, kingdom battle, arms, splat 2, and xc2

because the only reason you'd have to own one is if you're either too poor or were too impatient for the gpd win 2, the current gen handheld for people who actually LIKE videogames.

...those are quite clearly feminine hands.

>No Games

not him but you are sounding more and more cucked by the post m8

why are you even replying to them, idiot

Y'know OP, if you're gonna be a faggot you could at least crop the black border on that Youtube thumbnail.

>using anime reaction images with Every post
>trying to convince people he's not a pathetic loser


Who's the model? it that Ashe Maree?

I was bored


I wanna shove my cock in that mouth

because it's not conforming to the same typical requirements set by the other consoles.
The switch is fresh air and innovative, making it desirable and fun

do you have any semblance of understanding of how HRT works?
you start when you're 15 and you're physically indistinguishable, skeletally and all.

What can I play on it? Indie PC games? Splatoon alone is a better game than whatever GPD can offer

Yes I do. I made that post under the assumption that it's not someone transitioning.

Which is apparently gonna get me fucked someday.

most pc games
here's mario galaxy 2 locked at 60fps on it since you're a nintendo shill

that controller looks fucking awful

the buttons and switches of the device are being handled by the Japanese switching company ALPS (the company that makes dualshock 4s [at least the analog sticks of them] and older style Thinkpad keyboards)
as for the layout, eh? people say it's comfortable enough and it doesn't look like something I'd mind

because everyone who bought it is funding the actual release of the switch when they do the hardware refresh

>be at work
>fire alarm goes off
>actual fire in the staff kitchen
>all evacuates
>chilling at a designated meet up until fire brigade get there
>some guy on my coding team pulls out a Switch and starts playing MK8D
>gives me a JoyCon and offers me to play
>play MK8D until safe to go back indoors

Man, I need a Switch. That moment was super comfy

I still giggle about the poor retards who bought an original 3ds
they can't even play the system sellers for the fucking thing, or, if we're gonna include hacking, run emulators properly and get massive framerate boosts by upclocking to the n3ds' boosted CPU frequencies on games with this function not specifically enabled by the developers (rayman 2, for example, goes from a shaky 15 - 30fps to solid fucking locked in 60)

Why would I want to play Mario galaxy? I'm asking you about new games, why the fuck would I want to play emulators? Switch gave me Splatoon, Mario, Zelda and Xenoblade 2, can GPD run some good adventure games? Can it run A Hat in Time at locked 60 fps? Any good new jRPG? And still, why would I pay more for something that has less interesting titles, and at that some of them require jumping through hoops to make them work correctly? Why spend more money on something that requires more micromanaging of checking different graphic options just to maybe get good results, when a console just runs the game without all that shit?