I just downloaded this, it's fun

I just downloaded this, it's fun.


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Competitive gaming.


>RoN and RoL music

They're much more difficult to make (with regards to balancing etc.) but attract a smaller audience than nearly every other genre of games.
It's always been a niche genre and the growth of the industry has lead larger game companies to chase the larger demographics to make more money instead of spending large amounts of time and money on projects that give only a very slim profit, if any at all.
this is why Blizzard hasn't released an RTS since SC2 in 2010 because for the cost of producing it they got far less of a return than they did for WoW or even Hearthstone a few years later.

tl;dr Big devs make more lucrative games now and small devs don't have the money to polish an RTS up to mainstream competitiveness

>queuing up units costs you extra
this is just as bad as the 12 unit control group meme

It's not queueing, it's just making a lot of the same unit, to encourage army diversity.

>being so terrible at designing a game that a diverse army doesnt come naturally but must be forced

It's to discourage trash spam.

Average Sup Forums "RTS fan" is a casual AI compstomper.
How can they understand such basic game design when all they do is box+move

Pirated or can you buy it somewhere?

I pirated it. I wanted to buy it and play with my friend but it isn't being sold anywhere.

Are most people who play RTS white and asian?

Have ago at this game -They Are Billions

I've actually been looking for a download of this that doesn't involve daemon loaders or whatever for a while, can you link me OP?

I got the 4 cd one from the pirate bay with the .cue and .bin files

god-tier OST

>MS bought the rights to Rise of Legends and Nations
>only re-released Nations digitally

Legends actually needs some sort of remastered because the game always ran like shit on PC.

Because of people and their shit taste made great games like your pic related bomb.

I thought they always had the RoN rights

They got the rights a few years ago when the remnants of Big Huge games got auctioned off

They published the game back in the days but did not own the intellectual rights

I've been looking everywhere for this. where did you find it?