>takes away your video games
Takes away your video games
>I hear you.
>The prohibition
>Entire bunch of addicts did everything to get their addiction
>Expect they won't do the same if they take away people's vidya
trump what are you doing in my country. how'd you get passed the wall we built?
>american ban video games
>no more shit games
I hate weebs more than MAGA-pedes
>Trump kills the american game industry
>no more trash AAA games with bloated ass marketing budgets
I wouldn't have voted for him, but I hope he can pull it off
Try resetera then, idiot. Sup Forums is weeb nation, fuck off.
>takes away video games
>takes away net neutrality
>probably loves lootboxes because it's le free market
and yet people here will still defend him
Nah, people here talk about real games too.
>america bans video games
>shitposting on Sup Forums goes down 65%
I didn't think about that. Can you imagine the faces of all the fucking retarded trannies and faggots who make indie walking simulators and are almost always American? It'd be something like this. They might have to actually work for once.
>>takes away net neutrality
nothing wrong with this
>not 56%
>>takes away your AMERICAN video games
fixed that for you user, and since american games nowadays are all boring, unimaginative repeats or sjw crap it really isn´t that big of a loss
Alcohol addicts were strong labourers who could fight back against tyranny.
Video game addicts are scrawny soyboy cucks who don't lift and don't do any manual labour. What are you going to do when Trump takes your video games? Rally up on Sup Forums? Cry to mommy?
>the rest of the world would only get ubishit, eurojank and weeb shit from there on out
I honestly wouldn't mind.
>>takes away net neutrality
yeah I know man, it´s terrible how we no can´t use sites like Sup Forums anymore and are forced to pay packets for each website separately
how come they were allowed to do this. didn´t they see all how much upvotes or posts had on reddit?
Since it only affects Western games, he can go on and nothing of value will be lost
Anita already took out all the fun from games for me in here quest for "social justice" so I don´t mind at this point anymore
I'll be happy if this happens, no more retarded black tranny kill white peepo videogames. America has already gone through it's golden age of videogames, put that shit to rest.
>nu-Sup Forums will now actually shill for jewish companies
how far we have fallen
>weeb shit
>80% of localizations are made in the US
20% of the weebshit we normally get is not a good thing.
Trump just says shit. Literally nothing that comes out of his mouth has any thoughts behind it. He's like a parrot that just repeats the last thing he heard. Trump will never act on this idea of banning of restricting violent games because he will forget about the entire issue in a view days if he hasn't already. He's so braindead he literally said movies need an age rating system in America.
God, this thread is fucking cringey. Your rights are being taken away and your only response is "LOL IT'S FINE! WE CAN STICK IT TO THE SJW'S!"
>he tells people to deal with it themselves and check the ESRB ratings
>this is somehow taking away our vidya
Are you perhaps retarded OP?
*american games
Don't you know that everything is okay as long as Reddit gets upset? Praise kek!
Not my rights mate, I don't live in clapistan
No better time than now to learn japanese you nigger. You can literally learn it in a year with all the tools and video lessons that are available to you, eapecially if you're a NEET.
>takes away your video games
Fuck the NRA and their bullshit. Take their shitty guns instead. I am not giving up my vidya.
I'm not American so I don't care.
>he tells people to deal with it themselves and check the ESRB ratings
He doesn't know a ratings system exists. He also proposed that they make a ratings system for movies. That's how out of touch this clown is.
>ResetEra fags are even samefagging now
Post source for where Drumpfff is talking about banning videogames or fuck off back to your cancerous site for subhumans.
Americans are asleep retard
Okay? Nobody asked you.
I thank Trump everyday for revealing how much of an utter retard liberals are and the amount of liberal stupidity on the whole of Sup Forums. FFS he isn't going to censor anything and yet the fucking el leftisto stupidos here still fall for his bait 100% of the time.
Funny you say this because only a nigger likes weebshit this much and has this much free time.
It's alright, EU games aren't too bad
Or he doesn't give a fuck.
>Your rights are being taken away
No we are not
I don't play video games anymore. I don't know anyone who still does. If you genuinely care this much about your little toys then you need to work on your priorities.
u mom gay
>liking anything weeb that isn't a fighting game or DBZ related
Get the fuck out of here that weak asf shitpost.
>I don't mind getting fucked in the ass because at least I got to laugh at the opposite side!!
Fucking americans are so retarded
Or he's illiterate. If he's looked at a single game cover, not even played it, he'd see the ratings. He doesn't know shit what he's talking about. Big orange brainless baboon.
>not amerimutt
>can read moon
I wouldn't care if Trump ban vidya in America but the salt will be godly
>don't fuck me over here, fuck me there!
Nice false supposition, so you can look right, but he specifically linked video games to mass shootings because "they shape young people's minds". Obviously the OP is exaggerating, and you know that.
>every post I don't like is from the current boogeyman website
Try again, newfag.
Playing video games isn't a right moron.
They love weebshit.
Go to bed then, you're ruining your skin
This whole nightmare started because you were afraid Anita was going to take your video games away, and now you elected this fuckball president and he's going to take your video games away
mama mia that's a spicy meat-a-ball.
>just pay me $50/month for your video game internet package, user
When I was a kid I was against banning video games for those under 18, but now I support it 100%. It would make gaming better for me personally so fuck everyone else.
What manner of
>he isn't going to censor anything
do you not understand? FFS post like these just prove my point even further that the biggest cancer on this site is extreme liberal stupidity and anti-Sup Forums too.
fuck off italy
Learning a language is nothing but a benefit to you, eapecially if it's self taught.
>tfw can now import almost any game and understand most if it after two years of studying it after work for an hour and 2 on the weekends.
>americans vote themselves off the internet
>then vote to ban their own video games
>Nice false supposition
You're the fucking ResetEra-chimps claiming a "vidya game ban" is coming.
Post source or fuck off and die.
>Sup Forums faggotry
This is either a giant falseflag or Sup Forumsfags really are just fucking twelve years old
Is everyone in this thread severely brain-damaged? He's not going to take away video games in a million years. That would literally be the most unpopular thing he could among huge segments of the population. He still cares about being reelected you know.
>You're the fucking ResetEra-chimps claiming a "vidya game ban" is coming.
Huh, where did I do that?
I like how the same people who were crying for politicians to regulate games to stop lootboxes are the same people getting mad at Drumpf sticking his nose in vidya.
>Non arguments
As expected of leftist chimps
Yes user, regulating shitty practices that makes for worse video games and regulating violent video games by catering to retarded christian moms again is exactly the same thing.
>all meddling is the same thing!!
>media starts going on about violent vidya after a school shooting
>Trump says "maybe people should figure this out themselves through a rating system or some shit" and says the same about movies and music that romanticize violence
>Pedogaffers literally shit themselves trying to portray this as a ban on videogames
Too funny
>plays vidya
>calls others school shooters
>are the same people getting mad
oh nobodys getting mad at that, its a blessing to have no more american made trash manfriend
chad doesn't need photoshop
>is an obvious newfag
>back to insults i go
as expected of 2016 phoneposters
Is this supposed to shit on Roberta Williams? She doesn't deserve that.
They get all their information from Occupy Democrats clickbait images dude, none of them have ever actually listened to Trump talk about anything
I only play high IQ liberal vydia, no braindead weeb and american games for me
non western games will be start being shit loosing the american market though
At least post CP and not this gay ass shit.
Western games are utter shit anyway.
And I am lucky enough not to live in burgerland
How is regulating "shitty practices" to cater to 12 year olds any better? Grown adults don't need a fucking bureaucrat telling them how to entertain themselves.
>Yeah user, it's not like we're opening pandora's box and making politicians think we want video games regulated by crying for regulation!
An American dev made Dwarf Fortress which is >>>>>>than all japshit put together therefore banning them is a bad idea but Trump said nothing about censoring vidya so I conclude that both weebs and leftist are retarded as fuck.
Almost all the weebshit you consume is localized here though.
If I want to spend 5k on a CSGO knife I will.If you don't like capitalism move to North Korea.
No, if anything it's mocking "look how cool there's women in vidya now" faggots.
I'm a KQ fan at heart. (and fucking hate most Lucasarts "fans" even though I am one too)
Jensen was the better writer of the two though, too bad she can't stop shoving her disgusting fujoshi-tier homo fetishes into her storylines post-Sierra. (best writer of all of them were Josh Mandel)
no, japanese market is just fine
i think i can live without dorf fort, somehow
>mods delete the dying SCP thread before a fucking donald trump thread on Sup Forums
What the fuck is happening with these Jannies? Did they get bullied by anons too hard?
>p-please buy my lootboxes, i love them
Nigger I'm for any regulation that makes video games better. I'm against any that makes video games worse. I don't give a shit about your retarded slippery slope.
>He still post non-arguments
>No, if anything it's mocking "look how cool there's women in vidya now" faggots.
That makes zero sense in the context of that picture, then the second picture should've been some company showing off female devs or some shit, not Chad.
>mfw people still think Trump was the worst timeline.
I cannot even fathom how unimaginable shit things would be right now if Hillary were in office.
Hiroshimoot knows that Sup Forums spam across all boards brings in the hordes of newfags and ad revenue, so they stay up.
Like what?
Is it bad that I think that Bernie or even fucking JEB! would've been better than either of them? 2016 was a shitshow.
this, the new Sup Forums mobile posters are literally too retarded to install adblock