AAA games

Can you believe that in 2013 we had GTA5, BF4 and Black Flag all in one year?

What happened to multiple good AAA games coming out every year??

what happened is you became a jaded fag, 2017 was a great year and 2018 has started pretty strong as well.

piss off underage

I guarantee that I'm older than you

I'm 18 ;)

>2017 was a great year
What the fuck are you talking about? 2017 was arguably one of the worst years in gaming. You are either underage or you just have shit for taste. Either way, fuck off faggot.

>muh vidya are shit

how was 2017 even remotely bad?

not even that guy, but how is that something to brag about?
You're barely a fully functioning human at this point. I'm german and there's pretty much nothing you can't do, when you're 18 (except rent a car for some fucking reason) and I believe to this day that this is a massive misjudgement.
When I was 18 I was nowhere near ready for life.

maybe you're projecting your own immaturity as an 18 year old and saying everyone is as bad as you

Just because you're an immature G*rman at some vocational school doesn't mean all 18 year olds are incompetent, Achmed.

>Do i fit in yet ?


What the fuck

>is nostalgic for fucking 2013
>calls others underage

Not him but a 18-year-old believing he is an adult is equally delusional as those 13-year-olds who scream "I'm only 13 but very mature mentally...!"

It's just embarrassing, they still behave like children. All of them.

Well it it's a quarter of my life ago.
>t. bitter old waste of potential

decentish but ruined by online
absolute shit
>Black Flag
2018 already had one of the best games in this decade

Skyrim came out 7 years ago

Which game?

No, the state of "gaming" in terms of good game releases is laughable for anyone that has been around long enough to actually know what they are talking about. If you are 15 now you grew up on shit so you have no frame of reference.

Also, Oblivion was utter shit, why is it the OP-pic in a thread lamenting the death of good games? Bethesda post-Morrowind are one of the best examples of the decline in game quality over time.

>ruined by online
sans hackers and things being kinda expensive, GTA Online is by far the best GTA

You sure showed us how mature you are.

Fucking child.


Jesus Christ has it really been almost 5 years to the point where a new generation of kiddies are now on Sup Forums thinking it's great? I remember when this post use to be used on Sup Forums all the fucking way back in 2010.

In truth BC2 wasn't a bad game by itself, just not the grand Battlefields of the past like BF1942, BFV, BF2, or BF2142.

Name three great games from 2017.

>game will die very soon
It's funny because it's still played today, at least on european servers


Kingdom come deliverance

Horizon Zero Dawn
Persona 5
Super Mario Odyssey
Assassins Creed Origins
Final Fantasy 15
Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Battle Brothers
Divinity Original Sin 2

Horrible fucking taste.
Neck yourself.

They won't. This thread is full of chumps blabbing about how great gaming is but they can't name all the great games that came out in 2017 because there were very, very few. I'll name one

all shit :^)

Horrible fucking taste.
Neck yourself.

>plebest of taste: the post


Nier Automata
Total Warhammer 2
Persona 5

Wow that was easy

Dragon Ball FighterZ
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Monster Hunter World

Have 3 great games from 2018 as a bonus

should've guessed that OP was a barely-of-age (likely underage anyway) fag based on the fact he posted oblivion alone, instead of morrowind. 2017 was a great year, now kindly grow up or fuck off.

>Black flag was good
Stop this retarded drivel already, the boating was repetitive shit with long loading/cutscene screens tearing up the action, huge chunks of the map were literally copy-pasted and almost every new addition was complete garbage. The story was shit, the missions were worse and the abstergo sections were completely retarded.

uh excuse me
Sup Forums hates all games newbie. Maybe go back to 9gag lol

Most of those came out in 2016. I'll only count Breath of the wild, the rest that came out in 2017 where average to shit.
Divinity is good but not great. Fuck the rest.

Persona 5 is 2016 you dip. I'll give you Nier but not total DLC 2.


>shits on others' opinions without listing any games of their own
how to spot a fag 101

>reddit spacing

Fuck you're right, time passes so fast nowadays

Nioh instead then

>Jumpscares: the game
>Ubishit that tried to copy TW3's magic.

BF4 is the best modern battlefield by far (after all the fixes done by DICE LA)

Anyone who says otherwise probably needs to git gud.

What a crap image. I'm 29 and was at pure nostalgia age (~14) when BF1942 was released, and yes, 1942 was a really fun game that I have fond memories of. But guess what? So was BC2. BC2 had really well designed map, the building destruction is still impressive to this day, it was difficult to see and fight the enemy which made it great for experienced FPS-players (all the dust and shit added a layer of difficulty that was needed).

BF1942 was great and innovative. BC2 was just as good, it limited the scope but perfected the gameplay, there hasn't been another Battlefield game that topped BC2 since that game.

Battlefield ranking (PC only, only the ones I played, expansions counted as part of base game)

BF1942 == BC2 (1942 gets points for innovation) > BF Vietnam (minus points for wonky balance) > BF2 == BF African WW1-edition (BF2 is ok gameplay-wise, but the setting is utterly uninteresting for me, BF1 is just such a historicaly inaccurate and anachronistic mess that I couldn't get into it)

>the boating was repetitive shit with long loading/cutscene screens tearing up the action
Played it on console?

Because hardly any of the games released were good? It's not a hard concept faggot.

I am noticing a trend most of the games are Japanese. So far I am only counting Cuphead for western ones. When you look at a list of western games it's mostly wasted potential.

name 10 games you consider good

American studios in particular have really went downhill the past few years, not going to disagree with that.

Europe still makes good stuff and so does Japan, though. I think much of this "vidya is dying" meme comes from people really invested in American studios.

Gaming as a whole started to decline in quality since 2005 and it's only getting worse.

Is GTA 5 really that old?

redditor: the post

I unironically blame the big bang theory.

Niggah I don't even have a reddit account. RE7 pissed me off because I was a fan of the original PS1 games, they have a few jumpscares but relied more on atmosphere and tension.

For normalizing entry level shit?

Resident Evil 4.
Secret of Mana (Super Nintendo)
Soul Calibur 2
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
Diablo 2
Unreal Tournament 2k4
Counter-Strike 1.6
Prey (2017)
Warcraft 3

What the fuck is wrong with you? Bf4 and Ass Creed are fucking garbage, and GTA v was a major disappointment. AAA gaming has been shit for over a decade. I can't fathom being as retarded as you. Don't forget how horrible BioShock infinite was in 2013 either

No, it is just a natural evolution of the industry. Compare to big-budget Hollywood releases and you'll see the same effect and same cause.

Early movies proved a concept and innovated the medium, they were technically limited and thus couldn't reach their full potential (early 1900's to 1950's or so) --> Movies start to become less technically limited, they grow as an art-form, they attract interest and budgets increase, some timeless gems are produced (1960's, 1970's) -> Peak level of experimentation/innovation plus budget is reached, budgets aren't so large as to completely stifle risk-taking, great movies are churned out regularly, new franchises are born regularly, good times are had by all (1980's-1990's) --> the movie industry is such a money maker that budgets are completely out of control, studios can not afford to take any chances, they make their movies appeal to as large an audience as possible and they limit creativity, leading to very nice looking but empty, hollow experiences, no new franchises, just rehashes of old ones (~2000's -> now)

The gaming industry followed the same timeline but condensed from the 1970's to now, with the peak at around 1995-2005, give or take two years.

>2 of those games were from 2017
>"2017 was a bad year"

It was a bad year dipshit.
>Because hardly any of the games released were good? It's not a hard concept faggot.
Notice the word hardly? I didn't say no good games came out. Reading comprehension is hard.

It's really been that long since a mainline BF? Fuck.

>BF4 was garbage
Git gud

Bf1 is better

...BF1 wasn't mainline?


I am so fucking ashamed to be Swedish. How did they think this was in any way acceptable?


Meh. Multiplayer, which is half the game, got boring as shit. 80% of the online modes get ignored. So it's just running around the map doing random shit.


No. Just no. That game was unplayably broken for MONTHS after release. Yes they did eventually fix it but I will never forget the six months of dropped matches and sub 15fps drops due to shit networking serverside (also due to fucking levelution which got dropped for the expansion maps).

Who cares how shit it was? It's polished and tight as fuck today.

Reals before feels user

It's unacceptable to depict those black americans who fought in the french millitary?

They were about 0.02% of all combat casualties of I recall correctly. Either 0.2 or 0.02. They absolutely do not deserve such a spot-light. It would be like if there was a European samurai unit in Shogun 2 because historically there was at least one westerner who aquired samurai status.

They're in the prologue and that's it. 4/5 of the actual campaigns focus on whites.

>GTA5 released in 2013
>Still full price
What the actual fuck

Supply and demand baby

I played it. There's Africans all over the fucking place in that game. Play a multiplayer match: Africans literally everywhere.

4/5 is a massive misrepresentation of the war though. MASSIVE. They are there only for political reasons, and it sticks out like a sore thumb on fire.

They are even on the fucking box of the game. It is a mockery.

>BF4 and Black Flag
What the fuck. Kill yourself.

in 2017 we had Nier Automata, Persona 5, BOTW and Oddysey come out in the same year, all good games

its just that the place o the world theyre developed in was different

>I haf duh aksepted opinyun so yu big dum dum!

fuck you for posting this, now I want to reistall BF1942

>buying the same game over and over again

>Everything is relative maaaan, there's no objective standards maaaan

Did you reply to the wrong person?
git gud

Africans only make up 4 of the 81 character models in the multiplayer. Non-african non-whites only make up another 2.

5 instead of 4.

What game?

>no black russians or turks
DICE is afraid.

Which is an extreme misrepresentation when you look at how many blacks fought in the war in a combat role.

Or maybe it's because there were no blacks in the Russian or Ottoman armies anywhere in the world, just like there weren't any in the Austrian or Italian armies or in the British Royal Marines.

Does it have to precisely match the ethnographic makeup of WW1 armies? Can't they just make one class out of seven black?

Flamethrower dudes remind me of The Rocketeer.

No they can't. Not for political points in one of the most important conflicts fought in Europe, not when it grossly misrepresents history to a bunch of impressionable kids. It is fucking vile.

>No they can't sell a shooty video game. Not for profit in one of the most important conflicts fought in Europe, not when it grossly misrepresents history to a bunch of impressionable kids. It is fucking vile.

>2017 was a great year

definitely not for AAA games and 2018 has been trash as well so far.

fucking weebs i swear

Hey retards, this thread is about AAA games.

Your retarded niche weeb games that dont sell or AA indie shit doesn't count as AAA.

Representing war as an action game is a whole different thing than subtly sneaking in historically anachronistic things with the PURPOSE of subverting the historical literacy of young people.

>name three great games from 2017
>name three great AAA games from 2017

Thread subject I agree with, AAA games are generally trash now.

Only the German blacks are inaccurate when it comes to presence.

No, there was only ever a miniscule amount of black troops. I'm sure there was one or two Japanese americans in the war, where are they in the game? They aren't there because it would be silly, and it is silly for the blacks as well. There were VERY few blacks in combat roles.