Tfw fell for the Ikea Markus meme

>tfw fell for the Ikea Markus meme

After using it for a 4 hours vidya session, I feel like I slept on a fucking rock all night. My fucking back is kill.

Thanks shills, seriously, fucking kill yourselves, I wasted 150€ on this shit.

Gaming chair thread I guess.

How's the lumbar support?

have you made sure that you are not fat?

can u do this XD

Like this.

I'm a 70Kg fitfag manlet, my head reaches the headrest perfectly in the middle. It's the chair's overall shape, lumbar support and net back that's weird and horribly uncomfortable. It's like this shit was engineered to be artificially comfy if you try it for 30 minutes at the ikea store and then kill your back.

That looks really uncomfortable.

Well maybe it's your height that is the problem. I haven't noticed any discomfort with the chair.

Or just give it some time.

I've had it for a month already. I even tried removing the lumbar support (it's actually possible without breaking anything) but it made the chair even more painful to use.

I've had this one for years and never had any problems with it

Should've gone for the steelcase leap, 2nd hand.

that was your first mistake

Let me guess, you eat tallow fat?

Actual chair recommendations, Sup Forums?

>a 4 hours vidya session

sitting mostly still for 4 hours will trash your body regardless of what chair you're using OP

I sat on a fucking wooden kitchen chair for years while I was still a poorfag but my back was fine because I had to get up every hour to keep my ass from fucking deflating

Four hours is nothing you moron, see how you feel about it in a week.

Also, you are supposed to cover it with a comfy blanket you double-moron.

Thirdly, if after the week it is still uncomfortable, adjust the fucking settings you triple-moron.

>being this stupid
No surprises on this thread, according to studies taller men are more intelligent too.

I weigh double that and I'm pretty sure my cock is triple your length as well. I'm sitting on a ikea markus at this moment and I'm laughing my fat ass off.

At least you didn't get the cheap version with the hard plastic armrests. That shit is the fucking worst.

Some wooden chair with cushion and 4 legs with no wheels
I dont see any situation where the wheels help you unless you move the chair repeatedly like a doctor.

I've had it for a month already. Which settings should I adjust? This thing has like 4 tilt settings and only the first two are usable. The height is ok as I can rest my feet on the floor just flat. The back support and lumbar support especially are retardedly uncomfortable. This part feels like a 2x4 stuck in my back, it's hard and digs into my back.

I'd also like some.

I have the left one at home for now 5 years. The problem the leather part and the cushion always falls apart because I sit in the chairs like 6 hours a day or more... So I have to put something there now.

The right one I have at work it's some generic chair I've seen in like emmezeta, jysk, some local stores. The problem is that the bottom part is plywood and after a time it breaks leaving you with a almost useless backrest because it goes like all the way back and you can't adjust it. Markus chair probably also has the same problem after a while.

I tend to lean back into the chairs.

So far I have lower back problems but thats about it.

I am 173cm and 90kg I am a fat programmer guy that sits 16 hours a day and my only exercise is walking to work and back thats about 45 minutes of walking. I also eat shit food because we're a start up and there no decent healthy options nearby so we always order out and my city only has shit like pizza, sandwitches etc...

>how do i sit in a chair guys
fucking recline
sit back and let the chair support your body
stop leaning forward so much

I've had this chair for slightly over a year now. It took some time getting used to, but after some adjustments it feels completely fine for me.
I'm not sure if my posture has improved, but I don't have any sort of back pain.

The only problem is that the armrests fucking suck. They're so bad, I decided to unscrew the armrests and get rid of them.

I am 150kg fat fuck 6'9 and have one of these chairs, a buro Roma 3. They are about 400 dollars and they are large and very comfy. Police buy these chairs so that they can seat in them with the gun belt on. They are just right for me.

This is how that chair was designed to be used.

Adjust the back so it moves along your back. And get that blanket.

>boss buys some new hyper super hippie esoteric back chair
>gives me his comfy leather chair

Bill Murray?

It works for me though

>400 dollars
It looks like a chinese piece of shit you'd buy from Tesco

I'm a 6'2" lanket and I also must say these suck dick. Don't fall for the meme.

then just get a gaming chair if you cant deal with a dull looking chair

Markus is a pretty comfy chair to me.

>girth manlet
fly away, skeleton

This, we aren't really meant to sit for a long time. Get a chair that seems comfortable but still get up and stretch for a little bit every once in a while, no chair will make it entirely comfortable to sit for 4+ hours at a time. Reclining chair setups like pic related are supposed to be better for comfort I think, but you'll be fighting gravity to use the mouse and even then you have to shift or get up once in a while to stay comfortable. We aren't meant to stay still for that long.

I have about the same stats as you and I like it just fine

>mfw I've just been using a patio chair

Get a Lazyboi big-and-tall. Bonded and stitched leather, so fucking big you can play instruments in it, indestructible, wood anointing, doesn't look like a gay spaceship gaming chair or some fungshuei piece of dogshit.

Try being less fat maybe? I've been using a markus for nearly 6 years and its still thee beest for me. If it broke i would buy another one without instantly.

You have a dial on the bottom that controls how stiff or soft the support is you fucking brainlet. Make it as stiff as possible while still being able to comfortably swivel it without too much stress on your thighs or back

I’m a fat fuck and have used this chair for over 5 years. It’s fucking great. The screws for the armrests are starting to break off inside but it still holds true for me.

>all these faggots saying theirs is fine
Reminder that if your head isn't lightly touching the headrest, your posture is shit and it's not fine.

*fucks your wife*

>but after some adjustments
Please list these adjustments.

Nigga im 1.95 cm and my head goes a little over the headrest and i never had back pains even though i spend at least 12 hours a day on this chair.



The problem is op is short and probably has too short arms to reach the table so he protends forward too much.
Im 1.95 too and 90kg. Normal people doesnt have those problems.

I use an Aeron chair.

Highly recommend the purchase, even if it's pricey - this shit is designed for 8+ hours of sitting.

I unironically enjoy using my IKEA Markus

>have been using some random leather chair I found in the trash for the last 20 years
>perfectly fine

People complain too much

I want a secretary that I can force to use a kneeling chair. I'd secretly get a delight out of knowing she's kneeling to me and anyone else that approaches her.

I don't even have a job.

Back problems are something you get down the road, like skin cancer.

I've been using my Markus for 8 years or so

It looks completely worn out, but it's still comfy as fuck

Is this officially /ourchair/?

I could have told you that by looking at it you stupid fuck

Just google the Aeron Chair by Herman Miller.
Ive had one for nearly a decade and my back and ass are in great condition. It's the tippest of tip top tier ass candy.

had one like this for years...pretty sweet

> sierra nevada pale ale
Jesus christ people actually drink that skunk piss?

186cm, 66kg, moderately fit, what chair should i buy?


It is fucking trash. The bottom of it is made of cheap plywood and cracks really easily if you like to lean back. I had one and it lasted for like 5 months. I now have the same as OP and it's lasted for 3 years no problem, though it is less comfortable.

Whatever chair you buy, MAKE SURE the bottom is made of metal. If not, it's planned obsolescence

These niggs know what's up.
With the aeron, you get what you paid for.

The one on the right is a Markus ripoff from Amazon, my cheapass boss bought some of them in our company and they're absolutely pathetic (also I was the unlucky faggot who had to assemble all 10 of them, fuck my life).

Bought this chair too. It feels horrible and I am getting back pain. I am 6'4 and 110 kg and fit. Surf box etc. Fuck this chair.

>I wasted 150€ on this shit.

Wait what? I thought the reason people bought that chair was because it was cheap? If it's as expensive as actual good chairs, why the fuck aren't you buying an actual good chair from a real chair company?

Much like a mattress, if you're going to spend a significant portion of your life attached to a piece of furniture, why the fuck would you cheap out on it? Save up and get something with actual build quality that costs more than a trip to McDonald's.

Like what

>186cm, 66kg, moderately fit,
>I am 6'4 and 110 kg and fit
You're not. You're twinks.

All I did really was adjust the back of the chair, the height and remove the armrest.
Also had to fix some weird issue of the back of the chair moving slightly forward after being adjusted. Forgot how I fixed that issue, but thank fuck it's no longer an issue.

I think that's all I did really.

>Forgot how I fixed that issue, but thank fuck it's no longer an issue.

Please try to remember, I also have this and it's annoying as fuck.

Not him but I have this chair, you have the big dial on the bottom of your chair, if you rotate it clockwise it stops the aggressive feedback but i wouldnt recommend making too soft as that would make your back hurt after a while

I just remember rotating this part of the chair and somehow fixed it. This user is correct:

that chair is fucking shit

I recently bought pic related, only because I have a small desk and needed something that would fit in it. Pretty comfy and I don't mind the lack of arm rests but I wish I could have gotten something taller with a headrest. I'm worried that in a couple of months I'm going to look like the GOLEM GET YE GONE guy.


>move out to shitty apartment
>landlord shows me my room
>this fucking chair is in there
>"yeah no, it's ergonomically engineered, it straightens your back, it's really comfortable"
>try it for a week, sitting on it everyday after work
>can't rest on it
>can't fap on it
>look like a retard
>get literally zero comfort out of it

I swear to god this thing is engineered to make a fool out of anyone that fells for the ergonomic meme, your body is supposed to rest on a chair, and this one doesn't let you do that.

Nigger, don't listen to shills and don't be cheap least when it comes to health and quality of life articles.

As for your conundrum...two pillows, a blanket or some garden furniture pads and you're golden.

I used to have a chair at work without arm rests, eventually my upper back started killing me because of how much I had to hold my arms up to type properly.

>swedish chair
>has a big black dick that you rub as a core function


>Whatever chair you buy, MAKE SURE the bottom is made of metal

not saying that that particular chair isn't shit, but high quality real wood fucking owns for making furniture.

>fapping while sitting

>your body is supposed to rest on a chair,

I'd get a second hand Aeron but the hard plastic lip on the front of the seat is pretty uncomfortable on the thighs

I had this for 6 years

About the Markus chair... do I get fabric or leather?

Office chairs sure are expensive

>all of these aeron shills

Those chairs are impossible to find in Europe. What is an european alternative to Steelcase? I'm willing to spend up to 300-400€ for the chair.

Also, how's the Ikea Volmar? It's the most expensive Ikea chair and has a lot of adjustments.


Leather. The rubber armrests are death.

Do you want visible cumstains?

It's the only choice.

Once you've tried a mesh chair, you'll never go back. Never gets sweaty, never gets cold in the mornings, and I've never seen even a single sign of wear on this thing, it's built like a tank.

Even if I did manage to rip the seat-pan, I could buy another second-hand for much cheaper than another chair.

I swear none of you retards no a good chair for a computer.
Just get something like this OP from your cheapo store near you.

>how's the Ikea-
Shit, like everything Ikea makes.

Whatever, bro

>not using one of these

Just buy a DXRacer

Ikea Fredde is personally a good desk.

My back hurts just looking at it.

Fabric. The leather one is impossible to keep clean.

My experience with leather chairs is that they inevitably start peeling which is annoying as fuck.