When did it happen to you, Sup Forums?

When did it happen to you, Sup Forums?

In 2006 for anime, in 2013 for music, in 2014 for politics, still holding up with games and movies and technology

Modern Call of Duty nostalgia threads on Sup Forums.

When trying to get SCP:SL thread opened for more than 50 replies until some babby began to mass report them for no reason at all

I was never with it.

When MOBAs and battle royale games became popular.

still hasn't happened
probably never will

Those threads and the Halo ones turn my stomach. Seeing the two demonized series of Sup Forums being slobbered over by nostalging 19 year olds with 500+ posts feels too surreal.

>2013 for music
Funny thing is I really was into music in my late 20s, not before

When Twitch got popular