How are you enjoying those allied races?

How are you enjoying those allied races?

You are playing wow right?

I just got exalted with the army of the light today
I haven't bought the expansion yet

>Watch Video of Alliance and Horde capitol in BFA

I feel bad for Alliance goddamn

The only thing that can move me from Troll is if Zandalari get monks (which doesn't seem likely) or Darkspear get an option to stand upright like Orcs.

I don't need allied races when I have fem gobbos

I was going to but then blizzard patched dungeon power leveling so now I'm gonna just let my sub lapse

In the troll capital there are Zandalari Prelates which are pretty much troll paladins. So there is that.

I am playing it yes.
Finding erp with good people in between levelling is hard.

I'm more excited about Orcs gaining the option to stand up straight

>zandalari are short as fuck
not even gonna bother

>Void Elf Shadow Priest

My body is ready for Old God shenanagins on Kultiras. I could give a shit about Nightfallen and the LF Draenai, both of which I have but will never roll probably.

>Void Elf Shadow Priest

This is me, I have never enjoyed spriest until I made mine into a velf. Too good.

What the hell is up with Dustwallow marsh? Did they forget to level scale it and removed all the quests?

I literally just played through it last week and everything was fine

made a male void elf rogue

fucking great fun desu

Do you know where to start the questline as alliance? Just got to theramore, and i am not seeing any quests at all.

>new races are just reskins of ones already in the game
>advertised as the main feature of new expansion

Why aren't people more upset over this?

Quantity over quality with this batch
Not like you pay attention to the animations often anyway

What are your guys favorite zone(s)? Loved the whole Silverpine story followed by the complete nonsense of Hilsbrad.

This only pleases roleplay crowd and those who treat MMO as dress-up simulators. This is the big casual audience who aren't into raiding anything Normal or higher.

so about 90% of players.

Also, why would anyone complain when people have been asking for blood elves for alliance for ages. And everyone wanted playable Nightborne as soon as they saw them.

Alliance capital isn't finished yet.

Do shadow priests HAVE to use shadow form? Would play a priest if not for that.

Yes, it's 10% more damage and I believe is needed to cast void eruption

Wish they could turn off the stupid shadow effect then. I hate when I can't see my character properly. Entire reason I will never play a druid. Every character looks the same in shadow form.

Thre are glyphs that reduce the visual effect

I'm playing guild wars 2

Didnt they go full pay2win lootboxes a while ago.

Bah, i can't decide between a void elf or a Draenei hunter.
Which one look better in slut armor?

I am still a bit short on the rep grind, but looking forward to unlocking allied races in a couple of weeks. I'll make a lightforged dranei priest and voidelf mage.

as soon as they confirm slutvanas death or dethrone

Wait, are the allied races released already?

Been waiting for the expansion to resub, will the allied races be released before that?

They have been out for like a month now.

I leveled an hm druid to 33 and then gave up.

I'm leveling my first horde character so that I can unlock zandalari.

highmountain tauren and nightborne for horde
lightrforged dranei and void elves for alliance
zandalari and dark iron dwarves should be available during BFA

>Subraces are subraces

tell me im prety /wowg/

>Why aren't people more upset over this?
Because we've been asking for subraces for over a decade?

Any working morph mods out right now? tmorph still seems dead.

Is that actually with armor in every slot? Or cheating?

Why would I be playing a 13 year old MMO with 2008 cell phone graphics and the gameplay of

>Copy build from Icy Veins

cool thanks boys

might resub next week, i've got some days off anyway. Don't really give a fuck about any of the four but zandalari and upright orcs sound nice might as well get ready for it

because no one has made a good MMO since WoW was released in 2004

why put so much time into a game just to play some shit wow clone instead of the real thing

nah, just have fun in BGs and arena.

what are the pros and cons of spatial rift? trying to decide between velf and lightforged and that racial seems really underwhelming

>was gonna make a Zandalari Shaman
>Now there's the chance they may be able to become paladins
>But there's also the chance they introduce standing-up undeads and I always wanted to make a not hunchback Rogue

What do I do

>every female void elf

>void elf shadow priest
you know there is such a thing as too much of a theme

>we’ve been asking for sub races for over a decade
Lmao like 5 people on the forums and then once blizzard announces them “everybody asked for them”. Hipsters. Nobody gave a shit and now they’re the main gimmick of this shit expansion of this dying game

yeah, it's called a slutmog

cant every race in the game be monks?

pretty impressive that wow was released in 2004 with graphics from 4 years in the future desu

It's a more controllable version of blink. If you're precise enough you can activate it at the right moment to get behind a pillar etc. You hit it once to send the shadow forward and a second time to blink to wherever it is when you hit it. LF racial hits like a truck though.

Kill yourself already faggot and make the world a little bit better.

Oh, and to add, the other racial void elves get is very strong too. 5% damage and healing proc that happens quite often.

only worgen, goblin, and lightforged cant be monks

i just wish it moved faster and you had more time to use it or something. at least let the teleport break stuns

Wait wut? What is this shit about fucking troll paladins? And here i thought cow paladins was bad enough.

Just because you didn't ask doesn't mean nobody did.

Stop being a faggot.

So it is the VE racial chest and ??? trousers?

Apparently there's some Zandalari NPCs who dress kinda like trolls and call themselves "warriors of the Loa Light" while wearing plate and 2H weapons, so there's some speculation that they will be introduced in a later patch

Nope. All this game consists of is hoping for better titanforges, or doing achievements that literally nobody but yourself will care about. Do the same raid three times in a row during the week, get shit from your weekly mythic+ box, rinse and repeat.

Dead game only for those with heavily rose-tinted glasses. Started in Cata, have played every expansion since, heroic raider every expac.

Zandalari Prelates, look it up mang. They'd be stupid not to include them, it'll help reduce the blood elf numbers which dominates the horde right now

some shitty low texture pants from vanilla wow. there's plenty of cloth and leather pants that look like underwear on females. there are some mail and plate ones too

Nothing will ever stop the blood elf dominance.

>look up the Mag'har orc options
>Garrosh lookalike, right down to the tattoos
>Blackrock lookalike as well
cant wait for the millions of Mag'har warriors duel wielding gorehowl with tusks and that Orgrimmar chestguard or just full Iron Horde/tier 17

Are you trying to downplay that the Zandalari have had a caste of Paladins canonically since forever? With actual holy spells and ceremony.

More that, for now, Blizzard has said Zandalari can't be paladins despite everything pointing the opposite.
People speculates Zandalari will be playable paladins and Dark iron dwarfs playable shamans

no one?

>Dark iron dwarfs playable shamans
We already have dwarf shamans though, so that sounds kind of boring.

WTF was up with the sudden ending? Where did this whole, capture Sargaras thing come from?

Fucking Blizzard is incapable of ending their stories.

Ouch! The grind is real. I quit for six months came back as an addict and hit exalted in weeks.

>there must always be a dark titan!

What about literally every single one of their leaders?

They die, float around in the the spirit realm, then choose a host (victim) to infest until they are killed again.

Those are the cloth slutpants from MoP

what kind of ending were you hoping for? They've said time and time again you'll never be strong enough to go toe to toe with Sargeras himself, even in his tomb all we fought was like what was left of his avatar

I guess Illidan can for some reason, we saw that power he had in the Mythic Gul'dan fight

I don't mind how it ended. I just wish they had been better at setting it up. Instead halfway through the raid cluodgaras apears and suddenly we are told about some plan to catch him, as if we had planned it this way all along.

but user cloudgeras is present throughout the raid if you look in the sky, they just don't explicitly mention that's him

i just said that.

shit game/ gimmicky cheap new races to entertain mongoloids that still play this empty game

Not going shadow rogue, void elf - patrician tier.

>You are playing wow right?
How? You do one mandatory quest and have to wait a week before you can do the next one and they get to call it C O N T E N T.
They did this all throughout Legion and will likely continue doing it through BFA.
Sorry sir, you need to wait ten days before your class ha- I mean WAR HALL research is complete!

Leveling from 58-80 can GET FUCKED.

but my dude that's like WotlK shit

some of the best areas

desu Ilike it, I adore the aesthetic. Was never big on the zulu shit

try checking out the "call to arms" board in a major city

except there have been countless posts about this since wotlk, stay mad

>blizzard went back on their promise to un-prune abilities
>only thing returning is group buffs

It's over, blizzard. i'm not ever going back

>LF racial hits like a truck
rly? how much we talkin about here?

I still want to play and be an RP fag but I can't really be fucked dropping money to grind ALL the way from absolute nothing.

The new races look nice though. Always a fan of more elf sluts.

lots of cc's added back too, read the patch notes

I'm ret and it hits about as hard as good TV does, not to mention hitting all targets within 5 yards for that amount

Dungeon powerlevelling was the worst thing about the game. The fact Blizzard allowed it to stay that broken for years is ridiculous

got my nightborne to 63 atm. I really enjoy the leveling changes but I definitely think heirloom experience should be boosted at least. also wish I could level to max just in azeroth. hope they add ogres and undead elves later

I wish the night Bourne males weren't so damn ugly

they look fine, if you use the 1 hairstyle that looks good on them

Already did. took every single quest avaiable. nothing.

what is this, WoD?

They are moving it away from Stormwind?