Explain this shit Sup Forums

explain this shit Sup Forums



It's your own fault for not dedicating every waking hour on getting the best exclusive one shot kill gear in the game, I bet you have a job LOSER.

He must've had high ADP. Level yours up at a bonfire.

should've used the rocket launcher

Buy more shark cards goyim.

Maybe try swapping shoulders with your camera some time.

He had more armour. You did one headshot and 1 or 2 bodyshots, while he did about the same.

Or just realize that GTA Online is a glorified chat room where everything you do is pointless and stop caring about a 13 year old having better gear because mommy paid for it.

how the fuck is this real, hahahaha, just enable passive mode, like, press M+Up+Enter nibba

>Passive mode
>During a game

DS2 is shit

Shockwaves. ADP is just shockwave resistance

Depends, if it's PC, then he's probably cheating.

holy fuck why does GTA have i-frames

Turn DoF off now

Not even, when I would play with my third world friend his lag was so bad he wouldn't take damage from players and NPCs in the area would break and teleport, I would be taking damage from nothing because they were never where my game showed them

>full auto
>missing most of the shots
>not aiming for the head
>doesn't roll
Gee I wonder. GTA is so fun to blast retards like you in free aim lobbies. And I play first person like a man.

xbone s

You're an idiot haha

OP landed a headshot. To the best of my knowledge, having played that Adversary Mode, namely Hardest Target, on PS4, the headgear shouldn't provide any headshot resistance at all.

No RPGS in Hardest Target.

I would genuinely like this feature in GTA Online.

>He had more armour. You did one headshot and 1 or 2 bodyshots, while he did about the same.

Good spot. The armour bar is so dark it's easy to miss while the game is in motion.

No Passive Mode during Adversary Modes Jobs.

Disregard that I suck cocks, just read:

>console don't have cheaters

Console versions of Online only have modded accounts and glitch exploiters, no hacks. You only see the trainers on PC because that's the only platform where Rockstar has no effective countermeasure to injecting code.

Stop playing the Deathmatch modes with a controller. Even with aim assist you will get wrecked by anyone using a mouse and keyboard.
Also start aiming for the head. Get used to it and stick to it. That's how he floored you in 2 shots while you emptied a clip of body shots into him.

As a rule of thumb, shooting m+kb, racing controller.

Regardless of headgear you need 2 headshots with that rifle. If you notice the 1 headshot the OP made, the other guy had armor one (probably the pick up one in Hardest Target) which comes with the helmet. He made one headshot and then hit a ton of bodyshots because he's playing with a shitty aim assist controller.

Also, learn to roll after shooting. Re-aim for the head while you roll.

I don't think you can use MKB on XboneS.

At first I thought "Why doesn't he just crouch and fire through the space under the container" and then I remembered

I nailed him in the face...twice

>no hacks
Go back and play any old call of duty right now on console and see how many legitimate players there are.

You mean Seventh Gen. This is Eighth Gen GTA Online we're discussing.

>Playing the PvP modes in GTA

What did you expect? It was obvious like, a week, after deadgen release that they were all shite.

bet you think apple computers can't get viruses too huh buddy.


This game has worst grind than WoT... I had a buddy at work who pratically just played this full time at home. Played no other games, never went out, just did his shift and played GTAV. Of course his character had all its stats maxed out and his gear was ridicuslously op.
Anyway the worst about this game is just the amount of loadings all the fucking time. I don't understand why people play this, it's complete boredom and when you aren't watching a loading screen you are waiting for lobbies to fill up... it's trash... Wtf was I thinking spending my hard earned money on that stuff.

You can't run SHIT on non cracked console retard, so stop pretending to be retarded.

What the fuck Sup Forums
How the FUCK do you defend against this?

>custom firmware doesnt exist

You fucking suck, that's what.

You don't, which is why it's not in the game unless you cheat.

>console players try to aim


>not cheating in GTA Online
Nigga that's the only way to enjoy the game.

that's the joke

looks like you didn't get him m8
too bad

all of then are

>Only on Piss4
