How do we fix the series?

How do we fix the series?

Stop doing this.

Release the complete version of Vesperia on steam.

this gye gets it ty bro

You can't, it already reached it peak.


Retcon Symphonia 2 and make a proper sequel

God damn I fucking love Vesperia.

Look back to the first few games (particularly Phantasia and Eternia) for inspiration on how to tell a simple, engaging story without egregious padding or self-absorbed antics.

According to half the fan base people just want more fucking Symphonia ports.

Skits were a mistake

This is a good way of summarizing why the games starting with with Xillia feel so soulless.

I also miss when enemies would stagger when you hit them

Go back to the actual Graces combat system

Vesperia 2

Ditch arte trees. It's clear the devs have no clue how to iterate on them (if they even can be).
Let Sakuraba go.
Hire people who can make overworld and dungeon areas that aren't agonizingly boring. Xillia onwards level design is so bad that it makes me miss the shit puzzles in Symphonia because it was at least something to engage with that's not drab rectangular corridors.
I'd say they need a more time to make a game that'll revitalize the series, but they took longer than usual once and the result was Zestiria.

They'll botch it with the new generic artstyle.

Translate Rebirth and Destiny DC and put them on modern hardware

Make ToS2 and have it not suck this time.

berseria was bretty good

it's literally open world

Go back to the artes on B + Direction instead of the stupid branching arte system.

Make the maps less about open fields and more about exploring a dungeon.

Let Go Shiina do a soundtrack for a not shitty tales game. (Seriously, the man is godlike but Legendia and Zestria being awful killed his career.)

This but unironically.

Berseria was shit. Better than Zestiria but still shit.

Agreed. To the point of
Hitstun when you're performing a combo is pretty nice. Zestiria and Berseria had none at all and every random mook could break you out of a combo, which is straight-up restarted.

Go back to the classic Linear Motion system and Artes Button+Directional inputs, you can even keep the open world that way because at least the combat would be functional now.

They've been there since Phantasia

>exact same thread on 5ch
namco pls
Do a collab with Arc System Works.

I wasn't being ironic i promise

>working with studio that made GG Xrd

>Do a collab with Arc System Works.
Only if Ishiwatari designs the characters, makes the music, battle systems and voices the MC.

Fuck Absolute Zero by the way. They held onto ToD DC for far too long

Is it fucking done yet?

They just dropped the project a few days ago. There's a stupid blog post about it on their website


New art style
More Go Shiina
Give the artes tree thing a rest
Keep whoever wrote the characters in Berseria
Better gear mechanics
Keep dual audio options
QC the the translations better
Maintain at least Berseria levels of in-game costumes
Refine the camera
Revamp the weakness system
Overhaul dungeon and world map concepts

Adding to that can we either bring back the relationship thing from Symphonia or give the MC a flat out happy end? Luther, Sorry, and Velvet back to back with the bittersweet end is getting old

Oh, they just dropped everything, okay. They were faggots anyway

>Ludger, Sorrey and Velvet.

From their post it looks an awful lot like they’re trying to cover up the fact that they received a formal request to stop what they’re doing immediately. That’s why they had to take down their existing patches.

They weren’t ever going to release anything else anyway. The team had 10 years working on Destiny DC and most users would’ve been happy with a translation of artes and skills, which had presumably been finished for years. There is a constant influx of people interested in these types of projects and unless the owner of the project is a whiny bitch, work is constantly being done. It doesn’t take 10 years to release something like this. They were lazy assholes that thought they were better than everyone else, so to be honest, I say good riddance. Hopefully a different group takes their place, one that doesn’t suck.

People oversold their enjoyment of Berseria so much that Bamco is going to get the wrong impression and keep making the combat/world design worse and worse like has been happening instead of improving it.

>Dropped it so that maybe bamco will consider releasing it worldwide someday
That will never happen, its up there with games like CCC in games that will never be officially translated because lmao no profit.

Yeah it’s not like the game was actually good, it was just a better turd

The equipment system was also a fucking mess

I'm playing Berseria now. I just Killed Aifred. How much longer do I have?

My thoughts right now are that the combat is god awful and feel tediously long. However, I find the playable cast very fun and play off each other really well, something I havnt really seen in a Tales since Judith and Yuri skits. Eizen and Rokurou are extremely cool. The cast is really the only thing keeping me playing. I dropped Zesteria completely when they told me to fetch orbs. Everything else I dislike has been mentioned already in the thread, dungeons, equipment, arte system, and the art style.

Tempest remake is the hero we need.

Not much longer now.

The cast is decent, but you’re right, the rest of the game is a chore.

Berseria's cast is without a doubt one of the best in the series, everything else is horribly mediocre.

Yeah, 2019 for the Switch.

Symphonia is shit

I more or less agree, but Symphonia has the best dungeon design in the series, and I wish more of the games were able to be inspired by it. It has some pain in the ass dungeons too (Meltokio Sewer, Ymir Forest, Latheon Gorge), but I’d rather have that than straight hallways.

I don't understand how it's been 10+ years and I still can't play Rebirth or Destiny DC in english.

Make an entirely new setting. The last several games all felt really samey. They should go with a stronger sci-fi feel, maybe have alien races and stuff.

Play phantasia if you want sci fi alien stories

The overall aesthetic doesn't seem that different though. I mean like completely alien and not like earth in any way, with aliens that aren't just humans but called aliens.

Time to go FF graphics, face it the games look like shit and they already half ass the dungeons and world design as it already is.

Star Ocean 1 reminds me of sci-fi Tales

Berseria was such a flop they haven't made their yearly Tales game or at this point announced any

>They should go with a stronger sci-fi feel, maybe have alien races and stuff.
So, Hearts?
One of your party members is a mecha, you literally go on another planet for the final battle and you deal with an alien race and their fuckups on your planet.

I love Skits. That's one thing I don't want gone and I can't believe they fucked it up in Zesitira.

Most the older tales of always revolve around alien (dhaos/swoardian/inferian/celestian/moon child/etc2) and they will Always have sci fi element from alien or lost technology (Mana Canon/Radisol/inferian tech/etc) and so does the plot.

Holy fuck this. I actually still somewhat enjoy Tales games and still been playing them all but this shit they started since Xilla needs to fucking go.

Go back to TP instead of disgusting Souls.

You know, Hearts R is the best one to come out in the last few years. Better than the Xillias, better than Zestiria, better than Berseria. Despite the fact that Kor is dumber than Lloyd and his design is one of the worst in the series, the game is pretty good.

I want mission based Tales of game where dungeons don't exist and gameplay loop revolves around just beating increasingly difficult bosses and then upgrading your characters by either crafting new equipment or getting new artes/skills. Story can go fuck itself.

Basically God Eater styled hub world where you set your party and then go wreck havoc. Gameplay is honestly the only thing I enjoy in this series.

I feel like the casts should be cut down by at least 1 or 2 characters. And the reduced number used to make the character that are there more interesting personality, visual, and gameplay wise. The casts are usually just full humans anyway so it's not like you're missing out much in that regard.

I actually like this. I hate puzzles and multiple paths. I just want to beat the next boss. Is that too much to ask?

That sounds lile garbage and I hope it never happens.

I think we've had enough deviation in battle system for a good number of games, it's time to go back to the classic formula that Symphonia, Abyss, and Vesperia had and expand on it.

Make the battle incredible and the story won't even matter. Also make the character models less realistically proportioned and more stylized. Get rid of the boring corridors with a million items that Xillia introduced to the series.

Go Shiina composing all the music would make it legendary. Possibly get another character artist who isn't Fujishima or Inomata to keep things fresh too.

How can both of you dumb fucks have such awful opinions?

How about just end the franchise? It had enough games and it'll never reach it's peak again? It's getting more irrelevant game by game sales and bamco doesn't even need this shit anymore.

Why would it be garbage? It skips all the non-important parts of the current games. That's improvement in my eyes.
In every game I have to play the games on NG+ so I can unlock harder difficulties, get bigger move list at the start of the game and start skipping cutscenes to actually enjoy the game.

>Most the older tales of always revolve around alien
Pretty much most of the games have alien tech or scifi stuff.
Phantasia has Dhaos and Derris Kharran, Symphonia being a prequel has to deal with the same thing with a slight twist.
Eternia has Inferia and Celestia, there's also the major plot point of Meredy speaking a completely different language and coming to Inferia on a spaceship no less.
Graces is again, full of aliums starting with Sophie.
Hearts has Soma being tools coming from the Mineran civilization, the Zeroms are the prototypical alien invaders and then you have Kunzite being a robot, Sandorion being a spaceship whale and even an artificial moon.

If you want Sci-Fi, Destiny and Destiny 2 have that in spades despite not having any true alien civilization, Legendia also had some kind of weird futuristic/Art Deco environments, Abyss was all about replicants, Xillia and Xillia 2 have sci fi stuff out of the ass and all the aforementioned games have their share of sci-fi.
The only pure high fantasy games in the series are basically Rebirth and Innocence, without counting the later Zesty and Berseria.
Hearts R is the last good Tales game to me.
Pretty much on par with Vesperia when it comes to combat, not even Xillia 2 has it that good.
>his design is one of the worst in the series
Shing has one of the better MC design in the series, what are you talking about?
He's super functional and sleek, too bad he's a terrible character.

Remove Baba.
Start making actual dungeons instead of whatever copypasted garbage they've been doing for years now.
Start making actually good combat systems instead of a piss easy mashfest.
Stop pandering to demographics and make actually good characters instead.
Fire Sakuraba.

I agree. Playing ToHR was a breath of fresh air after all the games after ToX. It just has that Tales charm that the newer games lack.

Baba doesn't even work at Bandai anymore. He left.

They really need this extra time to modernize their dev tools/engine. I'm going to vomit if I have to see another game that looks like Xillia.

Hearts was my fave. I liked the story and cast a lot, and the gameplay was tight and to the point. The fact that it was portable was a plus as well.

The series has just got fixed. Waiting for the next game to confirm.
Fire Sakuraba