"piracy totally doesn't affect game sales, I swear!"

>"piracy totally doesn't affect game sales, I swear!"

Other urls found in this thread:


>"piracy totally affects game sales, I swear!"

it does, piracy boosts sales multiple studies have shown

What is it with Sup Forums and pirates? No other board gives a fuck if you pirate or don't. Is it because of the easy (You)s?

>be baker
>your bread isn't selling
>guy comes in and buys one piece of bread
>he pirates it and makes multiple copies
>he goes downtown and shares his bread with everyone for free
>people want more
>ask where they got the bread from
>they go to your bakery and buy a lot of your bread

>muh piracy hurts sales

Fuck off.


You can't possibly believe this

it technically doesnt

>People continue taking bread for free from the guy who can make infinite copies and gives it to everyone

>it's a food metaphor

Imagine being so fat you look at video games and see food.


>The report found that illegal downloads and streams can actually boost legal sales of games, according to the report.

I am fat fuck.png

literally doesnt.

>game has 0 exposure because it's full price and can't be pirated
>game gets pirated
>people play the game, word of mouth spreads to casuals and people who are too busy or too stupid to pirate
>game gets sales

I bet you're the kind of retard who thinks a few thousand people hacking their 3DS or Wii U has any effect on the millions of people who still buy games.
Piracy is a niche hobby that the mainstream doesn't bother with.

Game devs shill here, especially indie ones

I hope it affects their sales. This industry needs
to crash and burn.

yeah fuck research lmoa

It does, it helps them. Imagine millions of people who never buy video games anyway but talk about the games they pirate, or make videos or post screenshots of them. Free advertisement.

Why do you assume i'll buy the game if i don't pirate it?

i always buy games that i pirate if they're good enough to warrant buying


>good enough to warrant buying
how often does that happen nowadays?

Piracy increases a games sales. I pirate a game I normally wouldn't buy because I'm a 30 year old NEET who has never had a job, find out its great, then devote 20 hours a day to telling other people to buy it because it's so good. I have generated tens of thousands of game sales in this manner thanks to piracy. Hell, devs should pay me for my efforts instead of wasting time with anti-piracy software.

last one was celeste for me

Well it can. I would play games on emulator then actually buy copies if I liked them enough. And I recently pirated Rabi-Ribi only to buy the actual game for the Vita.

The loaves and fishes parables are getting out of hand, Jesus.

from all the shilling threads on Sup Forums?

>go to supermarket
>buy an apple
>save the seeds and plant them
>grow more apples and give them out to your friends for free
ban seed planting!!!! ruining the apple industry!!!!
no one should be able to distribute apples that are grown from my stock because i should control all the means of distribution and therefore command all the sales!!!

Except for most games more people pirate them than actually pay for them. Why would pirates ever pay for a game if they can download it for free?

The only cases in which piracy might help are to boost awareness for really small niche games, but if people don't know of a game at all and aren't buying it, then it's very likely they aren't really pirating it either. Additionally, positive word of mouth comes from reviewers, youtubers, and friends recommending it, not from pirates playing it (they typically are poor NEET virgins who live alone or with their parents and have no friends to talk to or recommend the game to)

Not really.

That's actually illegal you do not own the rights to grow those GMO apples

>"wow, that game is really that great? I'll make sure to pirate it too!"

While it obviously shouldn't be, that is illegal.

you just randomly decided to buy it? i'm always curious given the art style

>food analogy

Piracy lets people try more games as they aren't limited by their wallet much like how people buy more if the refund policy is more secure even if they don't use it. If it's convenient then most people will go on to buy the game or future games and if the game was good then they will recommend it and if more people recommend and talk about the game then more people will hear about it and choose to buy or pirate it.
Of course if your game is bad and it's inconvenient to buy it then much like refunds you might see that people don't want to buy your game and the effect on your ability to make a return on the game might be significant because people won't go on to become customers and they won't go on to recommend it to friends and acquaintances.

Also have this just for fun.

Every piece of research on the subject suggests piracy doesn't harm sales, but it does make me wonder whether anti-piracy posters on Sup Forums are just trolls, deluded or people from the games industry

why does Sup Forums "discuss" piracy every single day of the week, bros

Prove that it affects sales in the way that you claim it does instead of shitposting?

I mean i dont care either way, but i think that's a pretty good idea to start with

Would video games have gone in a different direction if piracy wasn't feasible? Let's say Bittorrent is never invented.

Would publishers have gone ahead with DRM and lootbox bullshit regardless?

Different user but I bought it as well just because of one of the early Rabiribi threads. If it weren't for Sup Forums having a couple random threads on games I wouldn't know about or have even half of my favorites. I wouldn't know about Stalker, Metro, Rabiribi, Touhou, Pyre, Xcom, Nioh, Acceleration of Suguri, 100% OJ, and whatever else I'm missing. I also wouldn't know just how shitty some games are, say ME:Andromeda, not that I would look to even pirate it anyways with how garbage Bioware is.

I don't care either way I just want free games

>anti-piracy posters on Sup Forums are just trolls, deluded or people from the games industry
All of them.

>Would publishers have gone ahead with DRM and lootbox bullshit regardless?
DRM probably not, but lootbox, of course.

Because on Sup Forums everyone is a shill and want to SELL his goods,but if they pirate their merchandise he will not get paid, thus he HAS TO be an anti-pirate shill to, but for that he will not be paid, and don't be deluded EVERYONE is a shill here, they just don't buy the rival business products so they are pirate that

Well, I enjoyed the game when I played it on my PC. The thing is that I barely play PC games as much these days, so when the Vita release was announced, I decided to buy it so I'll have it on portable.

No wonder companies like Rockstar and Ubisoft keep giving the middle finger to PC users.

This is a whole lot of projecting friend.

>play on a console that I can't pirate on
>end up only buying the games I'm at least 90% sure I will enjoy because I don't have much money to waste

>play on PC or console that I can pirate on
>can actually try games before buying them without wasting money
>end up playing and eventually buying many games that I otherwise wouldn't even have tried

Not him, but I pirated it and had so much fun over several hours I bought it. At full price, even. It's important to support things you enjoy so more things you enjoy can be made.

Just the same people opening threads over and over again hoping to persuade moralfags and other retards

The thing is... that's illegal, actually.
You don't have the rights to plant those seeds.

Yes, piracy hurts AAA studios, but it could be beneficial for small games.
This said, I've never bought a game that I pirated before.

That's surprisingly naive for you to believe that 90% of people who pirate do this.

Most people don’t even know you can pirate games or are way too scared to do it. You think I’m joking but I just moved to the UK from the USA and tried to help my flat mates get free textbooks because they’re a scam and they were all almost in tears and about to tell on me

People actually think you can get in trouble

The people who pirate media without question help give more exposure to it, which helps boost profits way more among the normies

Steam exists user. There are more people who use steam that end up buying truckloads of games they never finish or even play than there are people who pirate games and end up buying them.

Hishoko a shit.

how many fuckin times do i have to tell you that i couldnt give less fucks about the game or its developers
i hope it all fuckin crashes

Actually it’s even worse, the general populous doesn’t even realize pirating is still a thing in almost all countries outside of the USA and even in it

We are all “”””oldfags”””” and not normal computer users

I don't believe that, and I wouldn't suggest that they should. It's my opinion which directs my actions, that's all. I'm sure the social networking features of every platform which I take no part in do considerably more to drive sales than piracy does.

Delete this.

I wonder if people who complain about piracy on Sup Forums know that complaining about it won't make a lick of difference. I'm still pirating because I can.

You can't even do that in many cases, since infertile hybrids are commonly sold. That and with hybrids you wouldn't get the same fruit you bought, since the heterosis effect disappears after the F1-generation.

>be game dev
>release asset pack
>see it appear on CGtrader
>100,000$ worth of downloads

I deserved this

A. Shit.
Megumi and Nene are best girls.

I agree with Megumi at least.

this is the real reason the jews killed jesus

>make shit game
>completely lie about its quality in ads
>charge $60 for it

There's nothing wrong with piracy.

>pirates basically solve the supply problem of digital goods
>for free
>community-based, so cost-free as well
>this is a bad thing somehow
Explain to me how. Give me one fucking argument why community-hosted digital distribution that costs NOTHING is bad.

Because you aren't paying 30$ for my flawless pixelshit indie game and I have to blame somebody

doesn't count fuck off

If i'm not going to buy it, i'm simply not going to buy it no matter what, you aren't losing me as a customer since i wasn't going to buy it anyways.


>i wouldn't have bought it anyway tee hee

First of all, you cannot "un-invent" piracy, it's a consequence of human nature.
So is greed, so while DRM wouldn't exist, lootboxes and other anti-consumer practices would definitely do.

>EVERYONE is a shill here
I assure you I'm not a shill. Now if you excuse me I'll go play the new Metal Gear Survive™ that is all the rage in twitch™ channels across the globe!

Lets deviate a tiny bit.
Can Let's Plays hurt sales?

Piracy affects games sales depending on the online features.

Single player? less sales
Multiplayer online? more sales

Food analogy aside, that doesn't work for games because why the fuck would you buy the same game more than once.

Dunno, Sup Forums tends to say it boosts sales because "Muh popular game iz bad, streamerbait ;_;"

I pirate and I don't give a fuck if you pirate, I just hate fucking faggots who try to make excuses for it.
>I only pirate because of DRM
>I pirate because I hate the publisher
>I pirate to try it out but I'll definitely buy it if I like it
>Piracy actually boosts sales so by pirating I'm doing them a favor
Just stop being a fucking faggot and stop making fucking faggot excuses. You pirate for the same reason rest of us do, because you'd have to be a complete retard to spend money on something when you can literally get it for free

>I just hate fucking faggots who try to make excuses for it.

>that one dumbshit that can't comprehend that people may have different reasons to do things they do
try leaving your basement once in a while faggotron


here are my excuses
>smaller size repacked
>no client, drm etc.
>doesnt have to update each time I open steam

Fuck off toddlet