2018 is the year I stop being a fucking casual and play some of the greatest games ever made

>2018 is the year I stop being a fucking casual and play some of the greatest games ever made

Redpill me on your all time favourites Sup Forums

Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone.

Azure Dreams

League of Legends is objectively the only hardcore video game, because not only it requires great skill, game knowledge and dedication, but also a very high IQ to play.

Stalker SoC and CoP
Demon Souls
Dark Souls
Caves of Qud
Dark Messiah
Baldur's Gate 2 SoA
Diablo 2
Fallout 2
Fallout NV
River City Ransom on the GBA
River City Ransom on the NES
Xcom by Firaxis

But the best shit is playing Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder. Any pen and paper game, really.

Oh, I just thought you wanted favorites.

None of those are particularly hard. But they're all really good.

Super fucking metroid.

You've gotta play F.E.A.R (the sequels kinda suck) and Metro (redux fucking sucks, find the original)

The Walking Dead Season 1, The Walking Dead Season 2. Wolfenstein the new order , Undertale , All of the Call of duty campaigns from cod 4 to Black ops 2. Masterpieces imo

Persona 3-5
Silent Hill 1-3

world of warcraft, no need to thank me all i can say is enjoy


Is it just a case of getting good?
I always get lost and have no idea what the fuck I’m doing so I drop it.
What the fuck user?


> a case of getting good
Probably. The feeling of being "lost" is kind of integral to metroid. The way the games are designed encourages investigating every single piece of terrain that looks even remotely suspect or out of place. Don't forget that some early-game areas have sections that are blocked off by late-game upgrades I.e power bombs.

kotor 2

Max Payne 1
Devil May Cry series
Ninja Gaiden, pretty much the whole series starting from the NES days.
Bayonetta 1/W101
Killer 7, though pretty fond of Grasshopper in general.
Deus Ex, just the first
System Shock 1/2, throw in Ultima Underworld and Arx Fatalis too.
Wizardry 6 through 8
Fallout 1/2/NV
Jagged Alliance.
Ys up to whenever Falcom gave the fuck up. Xanadu I'm alright with too.
Souls/King's Field. Apart from KF4, fucking slow. Shadow Tower/Eternal Ring too.
Vagrant Story.

I don't expect you to play all of those.

Although if you just want hardest, 100%ing Bionic Commando Rearmed was a pain in the fucking gonads.

>Steals your channel.

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
Metal Gear Solid 1
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Shadow of the Colossus
Silent Hill 2
Drakengard 3
NieR: Automata
Beyond Good and Evil
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
BioShock 1
TES III: Morrowind
Riven: The Sequel to Myst
Myst III: Exile
Dark Souls 1
Metro 2033
Touhou Project
Mirror's Edge
Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea

max payne

Ico, SOTC and TLG
Classic Resident Evil
Deadly Premonition


The only reason I'm subscribed to that channel. He is such a fucking weeb. It's glorious.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

Aoe2 or Broodwar are the purest experiences of mechanical skill and critical thinking. Being good at either game means you can be good at any game.

Va11 Hall-A
Mirror's Edge

1. Dark Souls 1
2. Deus Ex
3. Thief: The Dark Project
4. Fallout 1
5. Silent Hill 2
6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
7. System Shock 1
8. X-COM: UFO Defense
9. Doom
10. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
11. Devil May Cry 1
12. StarCraft: Brood Wars
13. EVE Online
14. Super Mario 64
15. Kingdom Hearts 1
16. Rogue
17. Driver 1
18. Valkyrie Profile 2
19. Dwarf Fortress
20. Super Street Fighter 2: Turbo

those are objectively the 20 best games ever made.