Luigi's Balloon World

What's the best method for popping the out of bounds balloons?

>tfw first balloon I had still hasn't been popped
>can't even recall where I hid it

The best method is to fucking skip them and go for something else.

I wish they had a "test" option for your own hidden balloons so you could try them yourself, would be particularly useful for local play to challenge people irl.

Post screenshots.

Ruined Kingdom is so easy, you can get some really high combos without even trying.
Also snow kingdom is a shit, everyone just uses the air blower to put balloons on the mountains.

What happens if you get a 15 streak?

Gold and rankings

You unlock Luigi.

Actually what happens if you enter your own code?

Luigi being playable should be a rule in every Mario platformer

An error

"Balloon not found"

Post codes


Sand Kingdom: 000 MB0 46P

>tfw listening to Escape (Japanese) while playing

>not listening to the 8-bit version

rather easy

How do you get into that little crevice in the pyramid?

I just got that one too

Well how do you do it niggee


No it's not you retard

That's how I did it. There's a ton of those balloons it seems.

How the fuck do you get the glider to that point. He isn't high enough

If you shake the controller he doesn't lose altitude

theres a slingshot in the sand under the pyramid

What the FUCK

Where is that one balloon in the Mushroom Kingdom that's ~25 meters behind you at the start?
I always see that one as the final one of the list.

Yeah sand kingdom has lots of balloons that are made super easy once you know this trick.

>hide balloon by just running/jumping directly and precisely
>never popped

the absolute STATE of odyssey players

Bet you feel like a big man for beating a bunch of 10 year olds lol

Kek, this was my reaction when I found out last week


post code


thumbnail looks like Neptune with animal ears

Can't you just use the slingshot?

Mushroom: 007 1L5 B5J
Cap: 007 BCV 14D
Cascade: 002 921 PB0
Sand: 006 B6G RV8
Wooded: 007 GC7 C7D
Lake: 007 V1X 07P
Lost: 002 NPH MKB
Metro: 006 29V VKC
Seaside: 005 GW6 4T1
Snow: 007 J7J JMD
Luncheon: 004 6MJ 69M
Bowser: 007 9DV HLT
Moon: 007 W4N K23
>Anons give you helpful movement tips
>Find our how to place that balloon in Cap Kingdom quickly
I am now that asshole.
Still looking for feedback.