I don't play any competitive games

>I don't play any competitive games

god i want them to step on my balls

>I exclusively play competitive games

>I play online games
>I spend thousands of hours doing the same thing over and over again

competitive games is an oxymoron

T.soyboys who can't compete

If you can't even win in vidya you can forget about irl

You have to pay for online on PS4 . So I said fuck competitive games

On god if you brought a PS4 knowingly aware of paid online you just wasted money like a dumb fuck. Should have stayed on PC because you get the same shit anyways.

What does "competitive game" even mean? Are you sure you're not falling for dumb marketing tricks? Any game with a high skill ceiling and little to no RNG can be played competitively. It doesn't have to be a "competitive game".

I had to play Bloodborne. Also, i like to own games instead of 1s ands 0s like on PC
It evens out

>Likes to get pissed off in a video game because muh competition
>Doesn't want to be comfy playing a casual game
>Didn't post the .gif version
Here's your free (you), dumb anime poster

wtf is with their flat, soulless eyes?

When you buy games what do you think you are paying for? The disc, or what's on the disc? Because you can buy empty discs pretty cheap, and everything that is on the disc you get when buying a game digitally (depending on where you buy it from).

Good job playing stupid. You know what i meant and still you decided to play stupid. I can sell my games you can't, for example

Ok so it's not about "owning games instead of 1s and 0s" but is just about having those 1s and 0s on a medium that in some cases is more convenient due to it's portability and the official nature of it that allows you to sell it without it being piracy. That's completely different from what you were saying.

>he plays competitive
>not playing casual simply to dab on terrible players


I dont play multiplayer games period. there hasnt been a good mp game in years.

>playing bloodborne offline
>never experiencing co-op or invasions
>literally missing content because you played offline
Whats the point? You have 3 dark souls games on steam and even Nioh. There is no point of you half assing your desire on PS4 by staying offline.

Also fuck off with your garbage excuse about owning games. Unless you're poor that reselling them is an option the piss off. You can just pirate games on PC if you never want to be screwed over.

People who are bad at competitive games only get pissed off, are you bad?

I play competitive games to troll people
i would constantly jump off the roof in l4d no mercy hospital roof
always split off from the group in evolve
pick the exact wrong champion every time in whatever moba, and follow around carries and steal their last hits
I'll do anything to ruin your fun, because thats my fun, and your tears are fucking delicious as is the salt flowing through your mics

It refers to any game where you're competing against other players for a victory; as opposed to cooperative games where you play with other players towards a mutual goal. PVE as opposed to PVP.

I mostly play co-op games nowadays, alone or with friends. Last few games I played online:

>Monster Hunter World
>GTA Online (with friends doing money-making missions, not the competitive modes)
>The Division

The only competitive game I've played in a while was World of Tanks, and that's team-based. I don't really play one-on-one games online like fighting games or strategy games.

Trolling in MOBAs is way more fun than actually taking them seriously. I don't get why so many people take them seriously anyway. They're kinda shit honestly

I agree with this completely yet 100% Orange Juice is the weird exception for me. I just like unlocking stuff and dressing up I guess. Worst part is that it is even RNG the game.

So is 100% Orange Juice a competitive game? I don't think that's the kind of game OP was referring to

ow the edge

How is it edgy? I simply said I have fun trolling people. There's honestly something wrong with you if you think that's edgy

I play competitive games but I don't play memesports.

Haha look at this fucker. PC losers sureget triggered easily

Bloodborne is not on pc
I didn't say I wanted to play BB online
Buying physical is infinitely > digital
Pirating doesnt let you play online either

Cmon greasy PC nerds I thought you were better than this

I constantly join competetive matches to sabotage any chances of these tryhards winning.

That's the boardgame one, right? If so then yes, since you're competing against other players. All such games are competitive, it's just up to you how seriously you take it.

I've started trying to learn fighting games again but I'm probably going to stick to single-player, unless I can find someone else I know who wants to play them with me.

Why doesn't pirating let you play online? I don't know much about what the Dark Souls community has done but plenty of games have fan made things that let you play online your own way not through their servers or anything. Given how popular the Souls series is I'd be surprised if that's not the case.

I can win, I just don't find much enjoyment in it.
Hate losing more though, this just leads to an unhealthy behaviour when playing competetive games, so I tend to avoid them.

>Buying physical is infinitely
Nope because when you buy physical you still have to install the same amount you would have had to download digitally. Selling games are for literal broke guys

>Pirating doesnt let you play online either
I beg to differ, tons of mods that let you play online.

gran turismo sport is a hell of a lot cheaper than flying me and my 458 out to germany every weekend

This is a perfectly fine way to have fun. It is, in fact, the BEST way to have fun in shit games like ASSFAGGOTS and csgo.
This is also why I stopped playing those games entirely, the entire system incentivizes skilled trolling a lot more better than skilled playing below the very highest levels.
Ironically, LoL is what made me like Starcraft, it's the exact opposite of it.

>unhealthy behaviour when playing competetive games,
Thats on you.

I love how people suddenly think they're good at games because they can win in competitive games. News flash: they all have matchmaking to match you up with players of similar skill to literally ensure that you can win. If you want to prove you're good at games why don't you play singleplayer games that are actually balanced so that it's very difficult for the player to win?

I never said it wasn't. Being competitive is good for you when you enjoy winning, I don't so I get no satisfaction from winning and only anger from losing.

>I love how people suddenly think they're good at games because they can win in competitive games.
You what? I haven't seen anyone say they are good because they can win, I've only seen people say they are good because they have X MMR or are in Y league.
If you see someone bragging about winning in fucking bronze you call him a faggot just like everyone else does.

>they all have matchmaking to match you up with players of similar skill to literally ensure that you can win.

Thats why there is a ranking system. If your rank is shit you'll play shitters

this is why i play fighting games.
so i don't have to deal with autistc teammates like the ones itt. and the casuals either stay and git gud or leave all by themselves.

not much trolling either since the ability to do it (and getting away with it) in itself is a sign of strength.

Tried csgo for 6 or 7 months , got extremely mad a few times because shit teammates and garbo shooting not registering (could see bullets passing through without killing them)
I wasn't that bad but wasn't the best either was juggling between master silver and that rank out of silver, don't remember the name
Since that meme isn't my cup of tea, i left it rot to play a more comfier game

>play only 1v1 competitive games and singleplayer games
>can't be trolled
Feels good my man.

>shoto spammers that know what they're doing

I would but with a reaction time of ~250 ms I'm doomed for failure no matter what.

Silver is a shit rank my dude.
That said, I gave up on CSGO after I figured out just how booooooooooooooooooooring aiming practice is. I play RTS and EVE Online so I'm not stranger to autistically repeating the same thing, but aim practice is just awful tedium with 0 variety and minimimal thought.
And on top of that, your ingame results are imperfect anyway no matter how hard you train, even at the pro level.
It's the most unrewarding thing ever.

all games can be competitive and 99% of games have people who play serious friendo

just remember esports games are for casuals and new fags

Competitive eventually grows dull. I played smash and went to tournaments for a few years, got tired of it cause it was always the same.

>he plays a lot of competitive games
>but his rank is average in all of them

>I please old men for money

Stop playing party games them and play an actual fighter like Tekken where every character is different and has like 100 moves


i didnt even want that mmr

all games can be competitive and 99% of games have people who play serious friendo

just remember esports games are for casuals and new fags

fuck, now I feel like reinstalling CS:GO or Dota 2 just to throw games

>I spend all my free time doing the same thing over and over and over again to be able to say I'm better than other people in a fucking multiplayer video game

>he spends time trying to win at videogames instead of benching 300+ pounds and having sexual intercourse

>all games can be competitive
Not if they're singleplayer. Nobody cares about your DMC combos on braindead AI.

>same thing
I don't get this meme. You literally play different people all the time and gotta switch up. Singleplayer games are more known for abusing shit like this.

>Singleplayer games are more known for abusing shit like this.
Then you're playing the wrong singleplayer games my friend, simple as that. Multiplayer games have repetition in their core game design.

All circlejerked games like DMC, NG, Thief, SC, Souls and Deus Ex etc. Can all be abused as fuck. Atleast with online competitive games your opponent can switch up on you midway and gotta try something else.

not sure what game you are talking about but most games have world records recorded even in single player, you should respect them unless you have a better time even in games that involve rng

friendly reminder esports is not competitive it it for casual newfags only

you're wrong. no two chess games are the same.
but if you're playing the average AI, especially in singleplayer games, you barely have to think about anything at all.

Name one good competitive game

I already have a job.
When i play vidya i want to have fun, not deal with angry children, gamur grills and neckbeards.

>against computer AI

Does Assetto Corsa count?

More like
>"I don't play with 12 year old pampered kids that don't have anything better to do than playing the same game over and over again and shout memes over voice chat"


dont be mad all shooting games take 0 skill to aim and you only have to think about 4-5 strats maximum in all shooting games at the most vs hundereds of strats in solo games sorry your cod shooting game has less than 10% the mechanics and outcomes while taking 0 iq to play vs a solo game where you have to actually think

>playing games where algorithms always let you play against players about as bad as you so you can have a fake sense of achievement when the computer decides that it is your time to win
>not playing games with fixed and objective difficulties
You are not a scrub, are you?

in shooting games and esports games if you are relying on another person the game usually has a very low skill gap

>shooting games are the only competitive games
I was more in line with fighters.
>hundereds of strats in solo games
This never happens because the AI is too dumb to think of anything or switch up on the fly. You never have to think playing singleplayer games

Try play R6 siege ranked and say that again

>about as bad as you
SeeStupid fags like you need to kil yourselves

Back when I was playing vidya in the golden age, we didnt care about any competitive aspect of a game. It was meant to be a fun thing to spend some hours on either alone or with friends who came over. I hate how the industry today has such a heavy focus on multiplayer online "games as a service" experience. People playing these are literally live in the present. Now dont get me wrong, I've owned some online CoDs and put a good amount of hours into TF2, but if they aren't dead today they will be eventually, and you won't be able to have that same experience again. At least my singleplayer titles like Mario 64, PS2 GTA, MGS, or Chrono Trigger can be picked up any day and will be just as fun.
Now everything I said is my opinion, if you feel differently that's completely fine, but I don't think I'm too radical here.

Well, yeah, I'm not an assfaggot.

this is usually the contrary, most faggots into competitive do it because they can only win in vidya, and then start posting "I COULD BREAK YOUR NECK IRL" when they lose

>singleplayer games have more replay value than multiplayer
what bizzaro world are you living in

>will be just as fun.
Nope, you'll realise they aged like shit soon. I had a bad experience with FF7 when i try play it again.

I want to fuck Luvia

>Back when I was playing vidya in the golden age
if you're going to pretend don't make it so obvious

>im such a rl looser I need overwatch to validate my existence

Can't call anyone a loser when your browse the worst board on Sup Forums all day

shooting games have only defence and offence tell me im wrong aiming takes no skill on pc or controller tell me im wrong
if a game has 10 times more mechanics and 10 times more outcomes you have ATLEAST hundereds of outcomes that you have to plan for before you start or you will fail when people do 20min times vs 8min times this giant skill gap cant even compare to shooting games that have what skill gap? they have zero skill and zero thinking compared to a game with 10 times more mechanics and out comes 80% of the work can be done on paper because it takes so much skill and thinking compared to your shooting game. you cant even tell me if your game has strats other than defensive and offensive. litteraly 0 thinking and zero skill to play a shooting game you could only compare the hardest of shooting games to mediocre difficulty solo games

what are you trying to prove did you get offended that i said esports is for casuals and new fags go play mario cart, i dont care

This is me. When people ask what games I play, I say stuff like FPS but I don't play competitively. I mean that I don't do esports or nerd rage when I get killed. They tend to assume that means I'm not good at the games. Maybe I should stop saying that since normies don't understand esports anyway.

>play Warcraft III in internet cafe
>stomp everyone there
>go online for the first time
>knight+priest rush
>didn't stand a chance
>never play online again

Tfw play competitive game and become e-celeb thinking my life would get better, instead just as depressed.

I play competitive games, just not competitively anymore.

I hear you.
I'm not interested in playing ranked. I'm just not that serious about it, despite being mvp in most matches.

ya esports is for casuals and new fags just look at them trying to suck in all kinds of new games to make normie versions that everyone hates dont even get me started on the remakes, if anyone here cares about good games coming out in the future stop buying brand new games day 1 and start keeping physical copies so that you can sell your games back before they drop to dirt cheap price. friendly reminder olden is golden and esports is for casuals and new fags

>I'm a faggot with no talent outside of vidia so instead of developping a hobby I can invest my energy in I will just play some more vidia.
Into the trash, you aren't fun to play with or againt, in fact you break everyone's balls every time anybody does something new or original, we paly games to have fun not have a dick measuring competition, compete on a real dicipline if you want me to take you seriously.

shut up bitch lol

>someone doesn't want to use the same strat over and over in their games thus making them suboptimal?!

>my brain is too tiny to adapt and counter the same tactics
ok dude

Does ganking with the rest of the squad in Dark Souls count?
Once we went a little over an hour and ganked dozens of little reds and purples and blueberries in Irithyll.

>playing online games

I play fighting games specifically GG/KOF/DBFZ. Mostly GG more then anything. As well as shooters I feel are good. But playing "competitive" games just because you perceive them as such is pathetic. I play games I like that just happen to have a competitive scene.

>don't want to is the same as being incapable of
Why don't you go compete in actual real world things if being competitive is your personality type? It's like holding the record for watching the most paint dry