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So hilarious to see these newfags struggling with Tri baby tier difficulty.
Feelsgood having played 4U and conquered high difficulty monsters like Apex Zinogre or 140 Brachydios

Eat shit faggot

Assuming melee? When it's angry, that's when you use your Vitality and Thunderproof mantles. And of course, keep practicing.

Apply arrows to the head until it dies.

>tfw friends are past HR50 but still triple cart most quests because they refuse to learn the goddamn monsters solo

Bowgun. Shoot the face/mane.


>Frenzied brachy

You know a guy is bullshit when he attacks so fast he skips frames in his animations

Drop a charged hammer attack to the face and bail. Rinse repeat

I beat him by hit and run tactis with the great sword

Use any ranged weapon. Easy.

There are a variety of weapons and you aren't locked into choosing one for a reason, some of them are more useful than others depending on the scenario and your playstyle/skills so change weapons every once in a while when a monster gets too hard with your usual gear.

Ranged weapons. Otherwise you need to be super patient with melee. The only thing bullshit about this fight is coral highlands and his attack blend together so you get one shot by something you couldn't even see coming.

I beat the tempered version solo on my first try yesterday.

Just ensure to have a 30 thunder resistance and dont get greedy with you hits. Hack slowly at it while watching careful the ground to avoid its area attacks

Its not really that hard, its just annoying if you get stunned by some random ligthining and then trampled to death

Yeah, good thing World sold so well that we'll never go back to those days. Can always play 4U when we are feeling hardcore tho' right?

What weapon nigger?

When he starts his slow trotting while facing you, you want to be moving and ready to dodge after at the very least his first lightning strike. Ideally get some distance and learn the timings of each one so that you can roll regardless of whether they're going to hit you

Avoiding his triple lightning lengths is mostly about not rolling at all. You keep an eye out, and when you see you're on one of them, you move either forward or backwards so you're ideally exactly between two of them

If he hits you with his quick headbutt that knocks you to the ground, roll out immediately. Lightning strike consistently follows that move

If you have a slow but powerful attack (Wyrmstake Cannon, Dragonpiercer) Don't use it unless he's stunned, under any circumstances. -Maybe- it'll work once but especially in the case of tempered Kirin you can go from full to zero in a manner of seconds. This is especially where bow users tend to slip up

If you're melee, get a bit of damage in and get reasonable distance. Get less distance each time as you get used to the range of the AoEs and the general rotation of attacks. You don't need to get record times unless you're trying to stream or something

So hilarious to see these newfags brag anonymously.
Feelsgood having real friends who know who I am to brag to.

Eat shit faggot.

I don't understand how people struggle against it. It's still a damn Kirin, but only hits harder. I killed it under 10 minutes with a HH.

Take a Hammer and bash it's head in.

if you are blademaster.

Thunder mantle, mega barrel bombs, bring mats to make items and that's it. Use elder seal weapons

I'm like 56, I refused to do MP until I had solo everything. Are they not confident?

Just tell them that it's easier solo, which it is btw.

>Decide to help some people for 100 matches achievement
>Literally see this
It was either glitched or he hacked him self to that rank

iirc there's some variation of a save editor running around for PS4.

you summon rajang



Got any info on that? I'm nearly HR 200 and I'm sick of these RNG decos

Hit and run.

Or SoS if you're a Switch Axe or Great Sword user.

>iirc there's some variation of a save editor running around for PS4.
That shit only works for old cracked firmwares ('newest' one is 4.05 currently) and you can't go online with that.

I thought save wizard actually worked on MHW and a shitload of newer games which the older firmware can't play


>Tfw my friends got seriously upset with me because I wanted to solo everything before helping and playing in multiplayer
>Meanwhile they can't solo anything and prefer face tank stuff while having a """healer""" who keep healing them with wide range and barely attack at all

why are you friends with these people

Because outside of that they are cool people

Every thread thier is the people actually wanting to have a discussion. The people shilling about how theirs not enough content after theynplayed the game for a 100 hours. And then the hipsters like you that need to prove they played monster hunter before this one and how much harder it was and how all casuals need to know how fucking hip you are that you played these older games. You are worse the the fucking numales hipster garbage.

Got to justify getting that carpal tunnel syndrome. It isn't monster hunter unless you are damaging your wrist at the same time.

I solod all the game till i got to diablos and started playing with my friends and learned how much easier it was to learn the fight in multiplayer because my friends wanted to play now i fight everything in multi first then solo it :(

>I'll show them!
>I'll mention monsters they don't even have an opportunity to fight
>That'll show them how superior I AM! YEAH!

Solo the monster. Farm it with friends.
That is the way I play anyway.

Im just tired of Sup Forums i think im almost considering going to reddit to find actual discussion i dont get why people have to try so hard on an anonymous site.

>Rajang hates Kirin

I love him even more now. Best monster when?!

Zinogre is so pathetically easy though, I get hit more often by Tobi than him

>Lance use
>up in mon guts all fucking day getting my dick off
>solo mons drop and give up the taint left and right

>go on hunt with group
>only melee class
>two hbg/lbg/bow users and a IG every time
>240% enraged fuck constantly running across the tileset to sneeze at ranged
>zero flashpods and mounts
>hunting party never seems to break parts to make fight more managable
>get wombo combod and dragged back to the Handler's nose
>ranged users have double carted before I can even get back to the tile

This has overwhelmingly been my experience with this game.

Ranged users are the shitters in the game.
You would think being at a distance makes them safer. No. They constantly always fucking cart. You would think them being the further means they can flashpod. No. Fucking melees have to flash pod Teo. It is fucking insane.

How difficult are the two Bazelgeuse guys? I want to start doing that quest

Piss easy. Bring dung pods.

How do I cultivate dung pods???

Buy them off the ship.
Or start collecting them.

I miss being able to be a status god with the LBG.
But now the threshold build up is so fucking high that it's not worth it.

Status is too OP in this game already.

I'm having a hard time moving from a low damage fast hitting weapon (DB where I hit 15-50 each hit) to a high damage slow hitting weapon(GS where I hit 500)

I was doing the event where you kill 5 monsters on the desert and was doing in ~12min with DB, just tried with GS and took 10 minutes only to kill fucking kulu-ya-ku

its a shame, gunners used to be total bros in my experience but for whatever reason this game has made gunner attract only the biggest fucking retards possible

bow user are the worst for spamming that god awful ball shower move that does more harm to other hunters than it does the monster

Not if you compare it to MH4U where you could lock down a monster completely with a combo of para, sleep and stun.

>Big Bang Combo
>Bow showers you with garbage.

honestly the roster is a little lacking in real fast hitting weapons
you get DB and SnS and kinda half of CB then every else is medium to slow as fuck
thats why we need a punching weapon to fill he niche of a fast attacking blunt weapon

because your not used to the weapon you played ds for a long time got used to them then changed to pretty much a whole new fighting style


IG is pretty fast.
So is the hammer despite how it looks.

>play first hunt online in weeks
>people still suck and triple cart to xeno
So how much longer until online is bearable?

>So how much longer until online is bearable?


People at HR40++ still cart to Nerg divebomb.

GS main advice. Crit draw and quick sheathe, just take potshots at the head. Learn the types of lightning and learn where to stand to not get shocked.

Grind decos to get steadfast (no stun) and antipara (no paralysis), maybe put some armor/gem/charm for thunder resist. Use vitality mantle, thunderproof if you have it (I didn't). If you rock the bazel set, Guts will actually come in handy here.

Put a sleep weapon on your palico and go for dat sleep bombing to make it go quicker.

How is that even possible?

I want to be on that picture

Evade extender
Thunderproof mantle
git gud

>tfw you join peoples SOS and cart 3 times on purpose

I can only imagine how mad they are after 20 minutes of fighting

Whenever I tried fighting Vaal in groups, some bowgun/bow retard(s) would cart every. single. fucking. time. he did his big breath attack. Half the time I wouldn't even see them make the ATTEMPT to dodge or run or flashpod, despite the fact that it's one of the most telegraphed and easily avoided attacks in the game. Instead they just stood there staring at it from 50 meters away, continuously firing off their shitty fucking slicing rounds that never ever get a part break and do fuck all damage, because they're too fucking braindead to piece together that they can't be carried by them anymore after that patch.

It got to a point where I just kick anyone who joins with a ranged weapon. Too many incompetent morons trying to use them as crutches because they're too shit and afraid of dealing with a monster up close.

So I finally figured out how MH4U armor skills work, and I got attack up (M) and it's insane. I went from killing Nerscylla in 25 minutes to taking down two in 18.


If you're replying to his bait then you clearly have no relationships IRL.

When do you get to hunt the bagel
I want his switch axe

When you reach HR

I beat the two Bagelchoose now, I guess next is the Kirin HR49 quest right? Anything after that?

Nope. Just farming tempered Elder Dragons for the Gem Grind.

I am HR. Killed uragaan and bluelos is it the same number of stars? Do I just need to murder him on an expedition then he'll appear?

He has a optional quest I think

Bagel showed up on my very first HR hunt, you should be seeing him left and right

>still can't play 4U on anything but a dogshit handheld

I don't want to cut my eyes anymore on the 3DS.

*blocks your path*

It does but there's no optional to hunt it. Should I just farm it anyways? Wanted the after quest rewards so it wouldn't take as long

wow this is like a blademaster's dream, give me gold crown kirin every hunt so It's not a trip fest

you definitely should get an optional hunt for him soon, but you can also respond to SoS flares and prefer your target. Multiplayer can be hit or miss but it's usually alright with non-tempered monsters. Also check your investigations. I think you can farm them by picking up his tracks whenever you see them, so if he shows up on a hunt, pop on your ghillie mantle and collect his scales.


It's almost like a game going mainstream and being created towards normies will attract more shitty players.

Is this the Vita version?

>Watching streamer doing tempered Kirin
>He has to change his loadout so that he has 43 Lightning resistance
>I've been doing it since unlocking the fight with 3 resistance and a lightning mantle

How are people so bad at this?

I've never had trouble with kirin in any version of monhun
what did they do to him this time that I keep seeing kirin threads every other day?

reddit as fuck

>and a lightning mantle

Its only weakspot is it's head. This wouldn't be so bad but when it becomes enraged, you bounce off of any part you hit except the head. It also tends to move around a lot too so hitting said weak point can be very annoying.

>do something utterly stupid that should get my retarded ass carted
>don't get carted because the hitboxes are pretty good in this game
Neat, thanks Capcom.

You're probably doing this with randoms or with friends aren't ya? Kirin is infinitely easier solo than with other people. All his attacks are very predictable since the only target is yourself and your palico. You don't even need the lightning mantle as all his attacks are easy as fuck to dodge if your paying attention.

> tempered kirin investigation
> try bow and HBG
> triple cart
> switch to hammer
> 4 minutes hunt
I can’t aim for shit with ranged weapons

Kirin is just "be patient", the fight. You go through the whole game busting out combos on big monsters while they slowly move to their next attack, you can't play like that with Kirin.
Basically, he shoots lightning, you hit him once in the horn and immediately roll away, that is all you ever do unless he falls down.

Really fucking easy, bummer since after that your respect for bazel drops to 0

I want to switch to hunting horn. To many hunts without the music of the soul. I just built a somewhat high level bone horn, but I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a more interesting HH tree. Also, what are some basic combos I should stick too? Currently I just do triangle + circle over and over

> tfw you finally grow out of earplugs 5 for more damage
I know earplugs are clutch for shitters, specially since you can roll and tackle roars with GS, still having earplugs helped me greatly to learn the weapon, it’s moves and monsters opening, once I started to consistently tackle every roar and move I replaced earplugs for WE and crit boost and holy shit, game got easier

Fucking ignore that guy, do not dung them. They will literally kill each other if you let them, get them both into a fairly large area and just dodge for a while, they will fuck each other up.

The only thing that's semi-difficult about the Kirin is the area where you're gonna fight him. If he decides to be a jackass and chooses to fight you at the area before the top of Coral Highlands (the one with multiple grappling hook-ables or whatever), you just have to be patient and attentive to your surroundings.

Pretty easy, actually. It looks intimidating since it will be one of your first encounters with tempered monster and you have to fight 2 of them but keep in mind that
1) Both have lower HP since there are two of them
2) They spend half the battle bombing each other

If you bring a ranged weapon it's trivial really

How the fuck would you even kill that with something like Dual Blades? Can you even reach the horn?