This isnt even a final fantasy game

this isnt even a final fantasy game
this should be named something completely else, or some spinoff series like tactics

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you're right its way better


>this isnt even a final fantasy game
but it clearly says its the 12th final fantasy game.

unironically this

Is there a way to position party members and have them stay there? I can avoid traps just fine but my party members following walk right into them. Also' I'll immobilize a higher level enemy to try and get some free damage from afar in and then they just rush right towards him and get smacked.

On a side note, the world is the same as some tactics games: Ivalice

During battle not really, otherwise you can just remove party members when you need to dodge traps.
Also no way to not make AI approach enemies to attack

They'll avoid most traps if you walk far enough away from them, but they'll inevitably trigger some of them. The only thing you can do is use Float.

Oh wait, I forgot.
You can immobilize party members too

with ranged weapons/spells they should stay as far away as possible

That fucking cutscene lag fixed on the PC? How did they even manage to fuck up so badly?

So far got no lag in cutscenes on PC, I'm right after beating Mateus

>cutscene lag fixed on PC?
Yeah that sounds like a (you) problem. Fix your machine.

If only there was a series designed to vaguely resemble Final Fantasy, set in the universe of Ivalice, and valued strategy of jRPG gameplay.

What's a good third party member for monk/black mage and time mage/white mage?
Honestly monk himself is so good he can both tank and shit out black magic non-stop.

With that setup, Knight/bushi

Why is the Ivalice universe the best universe in the FF series?

Just rescued Ashe, does this game open up more? Seems pretty linear so far.

FF12 is arguably the best game in the series despite being unfinished

What's good about it?

>still has the largest amount of secrets and optional content than any other FF game.


That's not to mention how well some of those secrets and rare monsters are hidden.
In terms of game world it's quite possibly one of the best semi-open worlds out there.

Fuck off furfag.

Thought so, thanks.

>That's not to mention how well some of those secrets and rare monsters are hidden.
Yeah, some items and monster spawn requirements are borderline autistic and random at times.
And I'm not even talking about Zodiac Spear from the vanilla game.

>5 hours into Zodiac Age
>have bought almost every single gambit in the entire game
Jesus fuck i needed this so much in the original version where you can't get some of them until almost the endgame.

Yes, it’s one of the most open games in the series.

>played 2007
>hated it
>love it one of top Final Fantasy ever played

I know I'm not the only one

>played original game on ps2 10 years ago
>basically first jrpg ever
>just skimmed through without leveling/grinding/lp farming
>got to the ship where I rescue Ashe and Penelo
>was so under leveled and built licenses so shitty, it took me nearly 10 tries to beat the boss guy
>even then it was pure luck
>picked the game up just now
>get to this part, build Fran with white mage, Ashe with Bushi and Penelo with BM
>Fran throwing buffs left and right, Pen shitting thunders and Ashe swinging the motherfucking katana
>kick the fucker's ass without much trouble, in one go
Oh boy I'm ready for this shit
Anyway, how does bushi+breaker work for a dps/tank build?

>tfw finishing the bestiary

I have legit no clue how you're supposed to find some of the rare game without a guide. Jesus Christ.

Do they make them super cheap in TZA or something?

you always have a linear goal, but you can explore and do side stuff constantly. it's pretty open ended as far as exploration go

I did Nothing Wrong.

About as good as Bushi/knight, you just get breaks instead of white magics. Bushi/Shikari is where it's at if you're going to fight Yiazmat near the end.

That's IZJS

I pirated this (cpy) but it won't even start for me.

I put the crack and run the .exe but nothing happens. I searched around but didn't find anything.

Any ideas?

It's also easy to be locked out some optional dungeon parts like the Braheim passage and Henne and whatnot, in modern game design it's apparently unacceptable to talk to every NPC there is (multiple times in different parts of the story) and explore every map during different weather conditions or explore behind every house.

Between 50 and 300 each.
Vaan stealing from enemies with 100% HP has generated assloads of loot, surprisingly.

I agree with you completely. These titles set in Ivalice are too good to be considered Final Fantasy games.

Ivalice lore is very interesting to me and the political tones each game has makes them even better.

He did plenty things wrong given how much the whole setting has been plunged into the shit after FF12.
A great friend with genuinely noble intentions though.

Use float to avoid triggering traps in areas where there are a lot. The mote will toss it on the whole party and are decently common.

Shoulda rocked Ashe as a White Mage/Bushi. You don't gotta heal all the time you so might as well do some crazy damage.

Also giving History's reins to humes was good, but who would have guessed they would genocide all the non-humes?

I think Vayne's personality was a pretty good hint that maybe leaving the history in hands of space jews was for the better.

I had the shittiest job setup.

Ashe - Breaker
Balthier - Machinist
Fran - Red Mage

And I 100%ed the game without issue, the most I had issue with was enraged Disma since shadow absorb is for fags and I'm too cool for shadow absorb and Zodiark(had to pull out Basch with Excalibur/Haste/Berserk/Bravery/whatnot and 3 shot him)

tl;dr don't worry about your party

Power corrupts, they say.
Also fuck the Occuria.
What claim does Gerun have in history's reins... Seated in throne immortal, rent from Time?

Confession time...losing to Yiazmat back in middle school after hours of battle is the only time I've cried because of a video game.

I gave myself infinite LP and GIL, I find it stupid AS FUCK, having to grind LP to equip gear and having to grind GIL to buy gambits.

I hate that they changed this game. I want to play the original FFXII, not your weird class-limited FFXII mod. Fuck sqeenix

FF12 is the best JRPG of all time.

There are some mods. Not sure if any change the licences though.

Then emulate it fag

>..losing to Yiazmat

Tank and Spank the fight? It's just time consuming, a bunch of enemies are more powerful
Fuck getting ganked by a bunch of ghosts/spirits/skeletons outta nowhere in high level dungeon was far more dangerous.

>mfw exploring the Great Crystal blindly without looking it up in the official guide(which I still have)
Shit was so cash.

I got reckless and impatient and I wasn't using any gambits. I just wanted the fight to be over.

Can you permanently miss stuff in this game?
Should I use a guide or not?

Because you actually gave it a shot without being a stupid teenager

>Can you permanently miss stuff in this game?
Not in TZA, in vanilla you could miss the Zodiac Spear because it was linked to FOUR FUCKING CHESTS (which, by the way, AREN'T SPECIAL AT ALL)

Why is the Seitengrat still in it's spot?
Why didn't they patch it out?
It's so fucking easy to fukken exploit it.

>the names in the Great Crystal are pseudo-Sanskrit or scientific names spelled as if they were Sanskrit
The amount of thought and care put into this game is staggering.

Dude, the Occuria are literally an interpretation of the fucking Archons of Gnosticism.

Yeah the game is really a work of art and care that got unforntunately butchered by corporat faggots. People can say what they want but matsuno and his team are fucking geniuses

This game was so fun to explore.

because there's absolutely no way to
- know of it without reading a guide
- obtain it without RNG manipulation

>Behemoth King

Does anyone know how to make it so my camera doesn't automatically point down to my feet on the pc version?

>"Strongest of the scions created by the gods, they feared his growth, and so kept him a child. So indomitable is his strength that all things are by him twisted and pressed into oblivion. He alone fashions the laws governing all things, and administers punishment in place of the gods. So is he Keeper of Precepts, and his authority is absolute."


Seriously though Ivalice lore is fantastic

>those wings he gets in his final attack

If the game has Final Fantasy in the title, it is a Final Fantasy game.

Yeah I was a angsty teenager but now I buy boobs games too

Bushi is way too reliant on the physical boosting skills to pair it with a job that doesn't have them.

Being garbage doesn't mean it's not FF. This dogshit is FF, and so are XIII and XV. The trinity of modern shitstains on the franchise's name.

>.t i've only played 7 and 10 and they're the best ones

But 10 is shit

IX = XII > VII > VI > IV > V > VIII

>Also giving History's reins to humes was good, but who would have guessed they would genocide all the non-humes?
I don't think that was the Humes actively genociding them. Some major shit happened involving Ultima that caused the Cataclysm, some speculate that it was the Great Crystal in Giruvegan or the Sun Cryst going boom like what happened with that stone that sunk the Leviathan.
The Occuria were in the right to subdue the Espers, if you read their descriptions you'll see that literally all of them wanted to ruin the entire world.

Literally every single Esper description has "after betrayal by the Gods, they want revenge"

You got Zodiark's description up in the thread, he literally didn't do anything wrong.

Espers did nothing wrong.

Actually that's Ultima, and Ultima alone.
All the others (not Zodiark) followed her because they were betrayed by the Occuria.
Fuck the Occuria (and Ultima)

Even that wasn't permanently missable, since you can manipulate RNG in the Henne Mines to guarantee a Zodiac Spear drop from a chest. That's how I got mine in my original FFXII playthrough.

It's still missable then since if you don't know what you're doing you'll fuck that up too. If you need a guide or at least to do some moderate research to guarantee getting something, then it's missable by definition.

Is there a mod or version of the game that lets you toss Vaan to a hungry creature and leave him? Never touched the game because of his existence.

You can not use Vaan in your party or use him, make him dead and change party members.



unironically unironically this

He's still around in cutscenes and the story.

>oh noes I have to see him for 5 minutes or so in cutscenes!
>game ruined! Uninstall!

Neck yourself.

Don't mind me, just the most powerful weapon in the game that happens to be invisible and only has a 1% chance of appearing in an invisible chest that has a 1% chance of spawning in an area that doesn't normally have chests. Oh, and it's available after the first dungeon in the game.

Vanilla Zodiac Spear, eat your heart out.

That's five minutes too many

it's not like it's easy to get or anything, btw it gets outdamaged end game by lots of stuff

None of the games have been Final Fantasy since they started fucking around with 12. Everything has just been a mess. They lost their way. It's obvious the dev teams don't have passion for what they're making anymore.

I know, right, Final Fantasy must never be anything but ATB turn-taking like the pinnacle of all FF number 7.

who the fuck even picks that shit up? it's the same as using the max gil and lp shit imo

Didn't the Justice and Death Espers try to genocide everyone too? One of them even kidnapped a Goddess.

you sqeenix shills always have to strawman your way into the conversation because you never have any fucking defense. it doesn't matter how the combat plays as long as the whole game isn't a disjointed mess. you should just kys

I really like that system and legitimately miss it in modern RPGs

Did I mention that anyone can use it without a license and it has 0 CT?

I'm not saying it's the best around, but the ridiculousness of its acquisition and how easily it breaks the game (and how much it fucks with completionists) is extremely annoying.

I was opposed to using those cheats on my first playthrough, but then I realized that using them just saves me an hour or two of Dustia chaining and Diamond Armlet farming for LP and gil. After that, money and LP are never an issues, so why not just press a button and save yourself the headache?
