Memorable maps

>memorable maps
>memorable guns
>no shitty exos
>great killstreaks
>GOAT titlecards and emblems
>private servers
>cfg lobbies
>no in-game currency
>no loot crates
>no buyable skins
>most fluid and skill-based sniping
>most lulz potential with one man army, javelin glitch, commando pro, noobtubes, last man standing, martyrdom, easy infectables, derank lobbies, elevator glitches, etc
>thriving user-ran online community
>virtually no CoMpEtiTiVe EsPoRtS scene or culture
>golden age of machinimas
>boots on ground
>great DLC packs
>memorable campaign
>those spec ops missions
So remind me why Sup Forums hates this game again?
You guys just hate fun, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

shitty gameplay undermines all of that.

>no dedicated servers
>one of the most overhyped games ever

What's worse, esports culture or quickscope culture?

>>memorable maps
Rust, Terminal, Highrise. That's literally it
>>memorable guns
I can't remember any of them
>>no shitty exos
>>great killstreaks
>>GOAT titlecards and emblems
100% agree
>>private servers
>>cfg lobbies
>>no in-game currency
>>no loot crates
>>no buyable skins
>>most fluid and skill-based sniping
fuck sniping
>>most lulz potential with one man army, javelin glitch, commando pro, noobtubes, last man standing, martyrdom, easy infectables, derank lobbies, elevator glitches, etc
fuck the 'lulz'
>>thriving user-ran online community
ahahaha no
>>virtually no CoMpEtiTiVe EsPoRtS scene or culture
>>golden age of machinimas
fuck machinama
>>boots on ground
fuck this
>>great DLC packs
fuck DLC
>>memorable campaign
not at all
>>those spec ops missions
what about them

wasn't that good

This. They killed all of my interest in the series before I even got a chance to play it.

>tfw there will never be a good mw2 remaster
>tfw there will never be a good blops remaster
>tfw there will never be a good mw3 remaster

sounds like you were just terrible

>not taking ACR + MP9 with Scavenger to get a nuke

Yeah, MW2 was AMAZING. The multiplayer was insanely fun and the campaign improved on all the problems of MW1.

It"s been downhill ever since.

>TFW No Russian is to this day the only portrayal of terrorism in a video game

Obviously esports, at least your average epic cod montage wasn't handled by a bunch of geriatrics in suits that have no interest in the content of what they're peddling and tailor games towards the 0.1% of jobless aspie twitch streamers rather than the majority of the community
esports was a mistake

COD4 was better in every conceivable way. Sequels usually get shit on extra hard for not living up to their predecessors.


Are we allowed to be nostalgic for MW2 yet? That shit was nearly 10 years ago.

>fuck the lulz
You truly are a hardened gamer, good luck out there soldier.

Esports. Quickscope fags can easily be disregarded and usually suck if they miss. Esports makes any game no fun allowed because everyone gets so wound up over the prospect of making money.

>Rust, Terminal, Highrise. That's literally it
Thanks for letting me know when to stop reading

Nope. Was good. Loved CoD as a kid, played like all games in the franchise up to MW3. Tried playing CoD WW2 recently and the gameplay was terrible, just like in every other CoD game. It's all exactly the same shitty fucking gameplay that gives you no freedom. Fuck CoD.

Amazing Soundtrack to add on top of an amazing campaign.

>tfw being called a hacker everyday
>even still in 2018

>not using a stinger as secondary

Modern Warfare 1:
>Americans are portrayed as incompetent
>SAS are the real heroes of the story
>Russia isn't bad, just the upending faction in Russia

Modern Warfare 2:
>American general is one of the primary antagonists
>Responsibility of "saving the world" still left to British SAS agents

Modern Warfare 3:

>Boring grey coloration like every other cod game
>Forgettable campaign
>No spec ops or zombies
>Only a few memorable & fun maps
>No killstreak variation
>No player customization
the only thing that game has going for it is its gunplay TBQH, think about it. That's the only reason you think it's better

>Quickscope fags can easily be disregarded and usually suck if they miss
Unless they have someone on your team who will kill you and the rest of the team so they can setup for some epik shots

>FAL+holo and silencer

>there hasn't been an fps that's released that's been half as fun as MW2 was
God, I wish I could travel back in time to experience it all again.

Bait, but I'll bite

>>memorable maps
>>memorable guns
>>no shitty exos
>>great killstreaks
>>GOAT titlecards and emblems
The way you worded this makes me want to disregard the rest of your post, but I'll keep going
>>private servers
Yet no dedicated ones
>>cfg lobbies
>>no in-game currency
>>no loot crates
>>no buyable skins
>>most fluid and skill-based sniping
>>most lulz potential with one man army, javelin glitch, commando pro, noobtubes, last man standing, martyrdom, easy infectables, derank lobbies, elevator glitches, etc
Again, the way you worded this makes me want to punch you in the face many times over
>>thriving user-ran online community
You mean like most multiplayer shooters when they come out?
>>virtually no CoMpEtiTiVe EsPoRtS scene or culture
MLG was a thing
>>golden age of machinimas
You must've been 12 to enjoy those I was 12 when it came out too but I never enjoyed machinima
>>boots on ground
We're getting back to this now
>>great DLC packs
1 map of each was reused from CoD4, yet the DLC packs were $5 more than the one DLC CoD4 had
>>memorable campaign
I'll give you this
>>those spec ops missions
Yeah these were fun if you had someone to play with

And in the end that’s still just one match. And you still have the freedom to ise whatever you want and play how you want without getting banned

it's almost like MW3 had to be picked up by another team not even halfway through development since the original devs left and sued Activision


No, the consensus here is that it is a kiddy game and you aren't allowed to be nostalgic for it.

Yeah, I love CoD4 as well.

i started playing MW2 again recently on PC, because no shooters i've played have been able to scratch the itch that cod left. this game is fun but it has so many fucking problems.
most of the maps are actually fucking terrible, and i have no idea how IW could put their name on a game with these spawns.
my friend told me yesterday he heard a rumor about MW2 getting remastered. if that's true, i can only hope they'd try to fix some of these problems.

quickscope and it's not even close

>lmao muh knife ninja
>lmao muh sniper duels
>muh killstreaks
I vividly remember how people made fun of future-Sup Forums by claiming that they will worship mw2.
Here we are.

>the only thing that game has going for it is its gunplay
That seems kind of important for a game where you spend all your time shooting.

>agrees with half of the points
>doesn't know what half of the others even are
wow you really proved him wrong there you big fucking faggot

>the only thing that game has going for it is its gunplay TBQH,
>the only thing the game had going for it was the most important part of the game tbdesu

Sup Forums says everything and anything, there are people here that will argue EVERY POINT from EVERY ANGLE.
if you throw a ton of shit at the wall some of it is bound to stick

You forgot one thing great riot shields


jesus christ this this is a default gun but its the best

Yeah but there is barely any franchise that was as universally disliked as CoD on Sup Forums.

MW2 is actually good on competitive ruleset, since the cancerous shit like killstreaks and noobtubing are banned.

going from maps like Derail to the hotel corridors of MW3 was hell

that's M4A1 though.
FAL and Scar-H

That's because CoD is the franchise that it's popular to hate. You really think old Sup Forums was anyone special? They were a bunch of image macro posting retards like everyone else on the internet was back then, of course they hated CoD

That was because it was popular then. I'm not saying that Sup Forums is contrarian, but because CoD was consistently getting 9s and 10s in reviews back then, people felt it was overrated, which led them to point out problems with the series, which in turn led to these problems being exaggerated. Now that hating CoD is the popular opinion, people are giving these games a second look and discovering that these games have genuine merits that make them so much better than their imitators.

In other words, CoD became so overrated that it is now underrated.

>SCAR-H silencer
>cold blooded

>private servers

the scar-h iron sights uwu

google it FNG


I'm biased towards this game because it allowed me to make my favorite close-quarters class. Akimo P-90s, with G-18s as backup, all with the rapid fire perk and steady aim. I felt like Max Payne and I usually did pretty well with it.

>original devs left and sued Activision
wait what? source?
I know IW who developed MW3 weren't the original devs but what happened?

>they removed the intro in MW remaster

Exactly how new are you?

it really is true that people are shit at vidya and can't tell good from bad leveldesign.

>citing killstreaks as something positive and even great
>thinking the maps aside from skidrow and highrise were any good
>caring more about quantity than quality
>actually preferring worse gunplay

absolute state of neo/v/

>Took 3 fucking patches to reduce the kill range of the 1887 from 500000 miles to *only* 1/2 the map
>Patch 1: Reduce range of single 1887
>2: Reduce range of akimbo 1887
>3: Reduce range of single/akimbo with FMJ

Even then it was still broken.

And don't forget running around the map as The Flash holding a care package grenade stabbing people in the face because you could literally close the distance and kill someone across the map and not die, even if every shot hit you.

Then there was that perk that took away your secondary but allowed you to switch to a different loadout with no penalty. All that did was let people camp in corners with infinite noobtubes. You couldn't even use the invulnerable riot shield since explosive damage would get under the shield if it wasn't a direct hit.

The game was broken as fuck and infinity ward never truly fixed the problems. All they did was bandaid everything and hoped for the best. Multiplayer was never playable without extreme camping.

skidrow was shit


Don't worry, soon we're going to have nostalgia for battle royale games and minecraft

>javelin glitch

well I never really cared about development drama back in then
and I came here since 2012

also game that spawned all those shitty CoD youtubers and make them famous like Tmartn

yeah I'm sure you know a whole lot about the science of level design, your claim "if you like this you're bad" will convince a lot of people

If the game was so broken, why didn't YOU ever abuse those things and have fun pissing off competitive aspies?
That's right, because you're bad. That's all it comes down to. You were a bad player and now you have sour memories of all the times you got buttblasted by sweaty teenagers

Exactly this. MW2 sucks because it's broken shit.

CoD4 is still the pinnacle of the series.

You're shit.

But I did, and I was really good running around like Mercury stabbing people. The better question is why should I have to rely on exploits and glitches to have fun?

>RPD extended mags + grip

>thing x is good
>what the fuck? how is thing x good? why should I have to use thing x? only y and z should be good
>game plays a certain way
>the game should play this other completely different way, I have deemed that one unsuitable for anyone
Broken record



played this for like 4000 hours had plenty of fun with hundreds of acquaintances and some close friends, overall a good time