The Great Debate
The Great Debate
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
both are shitgames for normalfags that don't belong here anyway
Take that fucking shit back right now nigger
>ones a broken half finished game about abusing i-frames and smashing the parry button for EXTREME damage while the camera shakes around like its being held by someone with Parkinsons
>the other is a complete package, thats complimented and improved by its fantastic DLC that gives homage to previous titles.
I don't know about you OP, but it seems like a no brainer
this but unironically
and skyrim is about abusing the smithing skill for EXTREME damage while the camera prevents you from seeing what's about to destroy you from behind.
>complete package
More like a complete package of shit amirite?
>one game is a game with perfect gameplay
>the others gameplay is so bad the community had to create gameplay fix mods to try make it acceptable, they failed.
Skyrim is dogshit
>perfect gameplay
perfect gameplay my ass
Skyrim's gameplay is abysmal and everything in its shitty world feels cut and pasted.
low quality bait
>Sup Forums used to love Demon's Souls
>dark souls becomes popular
>man this gameplay is shit!! fucking normie game!!
Who's arguing this? They're completely different games this us literally "you guys will fight over anything" the post
>A buggy game with shit graphics only popular because they made it super hard
>Possibly the best open world fantasy rpg of all time
Wow, tough choice op
Fuck off, soyboy.
>no one refuting that skyrim needed gameplay fix mods
Thanks for proving me right
There is no debate.
>apples and oranges
For me, who played 26 skyrim hours and currently 6 hours of dark souls(just started) here's my opinion, if you're a hardcore gamer and like a challenge that's not unfair but doesn't hold your hand it's 1000000000000 times the game skyrim is. If you just want a big open world thats more relaxing then stick with skyrim.
Dark Souls is the Marmite of gaming. Either you love it or you're a fucking normie with no taste.
it's funny to me when elder scrolls fans call literally any other game in the entire world "buggy".
I have 800 hours in skyrim and 500 in dark souls and you using the word "hardcore" absolutely triggered me, child. Congrats, you made someone mad on the internet.
Skyrim is fundamentally trash, modding it doesn't fix a thing.
>calling anyone a child
>get triggered by easy bait despite being a grown ass man
One of them is a clunky, ugly game for retards.
The other one is Skyrim.