Say what you want but combat in this game is pretty fuckin shit

Say what you want but combat in this game is pretty fuckin shit.
Enemies can counter you whenever they want from any position and you cant protect yourself in any way if they follow that up with a combo.
The whole rpg thing is great tho, everything else is a fuckin joke compared to this. First time I like a game more for it's story and characters than actual gameplay.


Git gud

this looks awful

That is just not true. The combat (and a whole bunch of other mechanics in the game) has a lot of flaws, but there is also a fuckton of great about it, and what you are saying is patently false. You can break combos by using perfect counters, and enemies can be pretty easily forced into positions where they can't counter you, based on your speed, the position of your/their weapon, your ability to feint, the actual types of weapons, etc...

Someone is abusing the system, most likely has a riddiculously low stats for that particular weapon.
Seriously, shit like this won't happen to you in this game unless you absolutely, insanely suck.


*blocks your longsword with his fists*
*grabs your blade*
psh, nothin personnel knight
*sumo throws you*

Yeah, staircases are just kinda fucked in this game. The one in Pinkstein and the one leading up to the Inn just outside of Rataye in particular need fixing.

Im fighting the wayfarer knight guy and whenever he blocks one of my hits he follows up with 2-3 ones that have no perfect counter to them and normal block just doesn't do anything. Explain that please.
My sword skills is 14 as is my warfare.

This reeks of the Morrowind *miss*-meme. Someone makes a character that has zero proficiency in a weapon, depletes all their stamina and then makes a webm of them missing when attacking a mudcrab, cue young stupid Sup Forums-tards thinking that you missed often in Morrowind.

This is probably the same thing.


Complaining about graphics in an rpg? Seriously? How fucking shallow are you?



>wanting flowers to be 3D modeled
>wanting your GPU to explode

oh cool, so they focused on the facial scans and other important shit instead of flowers in a field.
i was on the fence about this game but you've sold me with your webm and image, thanks user


Ok can we now get to the point and not the flowers?
Why can't I block certain enemy hits?

Even Skyrim got this right for christ's sake.

Yeah, it does. For some reason, this game is driving Sup Forums even more mad than most other games, the absolute lengths people will go not only to refuse to admit that something has genuinely went well (even if far, far from perfectly), but to actively try to drag it down to the mud is somewhat surreal.

Also, notice that in the video, the guy is exclusively using stab attacks for some reason, likely because if he did take a swing, he'd actually hit properly because swings are stronger and - regardless of your stats - you can't block them with your hands without taking damage.

I would really have to see more details on the case, but it sounds suspiciously like bullshit, given the basic rulesets of the game. The wayfarer is clearly using a master-strike (riposte), but those CAN be perfect-blocked (the window for it depends both on his and yours speed). Also basic blocks always work as long as you have at least some stamina. They just don't work 100% effectively.

Why are faggots on Sup Forums so angry about the game being fun?

If you actually feel like getting better, know that you can dodge or perfect block combos. Opening up an enemy depends on your stats. Try feinting as well.


Your point?


this game a beta

Skyrim also had roughly 1/100 the actual foliage density that KC:D has. Ever wondered why the forests generally look so god-damn amazing in KC:D? Of course you had not because you did not play the actual game.

Your timing is off, or you are fighting someone completely out of your league.



Skyrim budget: 80 million USD

Kingdom Come budget: 5 million USD

if you cant defeat the guy with your stuff and level
you are bad at the game

Actually, in this case it has very little to do with money.

excuses are like rear end holes.
everyone uses them.

Sup Forums is chock-full of leftist redditors these days, and this game goes against the leftist agenda because it tries to be historically accurate. Therefore it must be SHUNNED

Seriously. I gimp myself because otherwise the combat is too easy. If you're having such a hard time clinch spam him and head smack him.

Most of skyrim's budget was for marketing though.
Just saiyan.

why do people keep posting these same webms of same glitches over and over and over again?
Can't refresh your library of vids or what?

I've faced none of the bugs posted here thus far in my 48 hours of gameplay.

Ok nogger niggers look at my stats.
I know how to feint perfect block riposte and all that shit, but wayfarer dude keeps pulling the unblockable hits on me.
There isn't even the green perfect block icon showing up, so there's a problem somewhere else.
Either wayfaring knight has 30 in all stats and double my speed or the games broken and needs patches.

It is the same thing. It doesn't matter how good you are at the combat, you need to level up the stat. The guy who made that webm is just retarded

Okay. But VtM Bloodlines was literally broken at release (as in you actually could not finish it due to bugs) and it is still one of the best games ever made.

RPGs with a large scope have some leeway regarding polish.


I can you retard.
The problem is he does shit I'm not allowed to block for some fucked up reason.
Worst he does is mess up my armor a little.

>historically accurate
>woman calls men "goatfuckers"

don't look at the prompt to block, look at when the enemy attacks at you, retard

Jesus, all HUD elements should be removed so retards like you can't find things to complain about.

lol I saw a streamer beat this guy with shitty gear, maybe u just suck.

something very fucky is happening right now

there is NO way that Sup Forums is this bad at games

Are you guys literally fucking retarded?

>I expect nothing but the absolute best quality cutting edge graphics from my mid-budget niche RPG games

it's not Sup Forums friend.

>cutting edge graphics
But that's was one of the selling points, fuck nugget.

So you are retarded, you could have just said so from the start.

>pay 60
>get a 10 EA beta
>gaming, 2018

Are you kids fuckin retarded or what is going on.
I beat him easy. And the problem is not that I follow hud elements, but that that thing never even shows up, meaning i CANNOT block him whatever the fuck I do.
WHY does he have strikes that I can't block? Explain that.

But the game looks good.
The graphics are not the problem, it's the performance, pop in and slow loading assets.

Show me the quote that said the game will have individually modelled 3D-flowers then, fuckface.

I haven't even played the game but from what I've seen the game easily rivals current AAA games in graphical capability (bugs not counted). I am genuinely impressed by the forest pictures and videos I've seen.

Seriously, you expect individually modelled 3D-flowers? What is wrong with you?

In what context you can't block?

Are you walking around him and he attacks you and you're unable to block, or is it that you attack him and he attacks you back and you cant block it?

You can dodge and perfect block. The shield doesn't show up for ripostes or master strokes unless you proc it. Kys btw you whiny bitch.

This. If the game was as buggy as they are claiming we'd see fresh webm's everyday like with me:a. The only problems I've had was the stairs in rattay. One time i went to the trader in rattay and the interior lighting was spazing out.

just use a shield. you seem bad at the game.

>being this mad
>didn't play game

*you attack him, he blocks you, attacks you back and you can't block

Name one instance where this was ever a thing. The selling points were historical accuracy and not kowtowing to PC shit.

if you cant block his hits you are just bad and should equip a shield

As have been the case with almost every good RPG released this far.

Every Black Isle/Troika-game was a buggy mess at release, and every game was at least really good and often they were among the best RPGs made.

quotes are like assholes, everyone can use them without having to think further or learn something

He holds his sword above him and I strike from down bellow, meaning he cant riposte it and only block it normaly. But instead he goes into all slow mo and does 2-3 simple slashes at me.

it's like you've never visited their forums, or steam's.

I'm annoyed at the contant blatant shit-flinging at this game, even when there's zero grounds for complaint (as in complaining about the graphics).

You CANT block those hits. That is the problem. Im good at parrying and can riposte every single hit they throw at me, but not if I strike them first from opposite direction.

All webms keep showing the same stairs every time.

I just finished the game I only encountered this and the too fat for doorways glitch once.
60+ hours for something that's not gamebreaking really doesn't bother me, shit like never happened for me.

Bought it on PS4 pro and love it. Great game.

Counts pause menu as play time though so when I leave it on rest mode it counts. I’ve played 49.1 hours and only just got to the priest apparently

If he slo mos then he dodged or riposted. You can dodge or perfect block back.

this is literally because the guy who is playing this is a retard
youre supposed to hold w when youre going in for a hit
this way the dude cant strafe back and dodge

You are an idiot.
This particular graphic issue HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BUDGET. It is caused by combination of who ever took the footage set the settings to lowest on purpose, and the fact that the game intentionally trades in foliage fidelity to foliage density, so that things look worse when you look at them in great detail, but they look considerably better when you take a look from a more reasonable distance and see the whole picture. It's basic hardware power economy: you can have the individual plants look great but the whole forest be much less densely populated with plants, or lower the fidelity of the plants but have much more of them on the screen while still maintaining decent performance.

NOT an issue of budget, issue of core design as well as of dishonesty of the person taking the footage.

Those are called perfect parries
You can't block them. It's when the opponent times his block the moment you start attacking.
Go to train with Captain Bernard and talk with him about "special attacks", he teaches you how to do perfect parries. That makes combat a lot easier. After perfect parry, you can get 1 or 2 free attacks in when they're dazed.

>attacks from the same angle over and over and over and over again

did you even do the turtorial?

except you're wrong.
that is how it really looks. ultra settings.

He didn't dodge only blocked me. But it clearly says in game manuals that if you strike form the opposite direction that the enemy is aiming at he cant riposte that. Is this a bug or are the manuals full of shit?

Works on my machine :)

Is this the modern day equivalent of that morrowind webm?

He did a perfect parry which can't be blocked or dodged.

All these fags are xbone players.
They have the oldest build avaliable right now.

Textual error in a manual no one knows about vs the entire game is broken hmmm? They clearly took the whole directional blocking thing except for feints out of the game anyway.

The same happened with all Fallout games. All TES games. All Witcher games. All Gothic games. Also Arcanum, VTM:B, Arx Fatalis, Adventures of Sir Kicks-a-lot in the Land of Conveniently Placed Spikes.
It's almost as if it was not a recent issue, and if there were some underlying patters of large, usually open world RPG's with a lot of free-form gameplay.

No, that is what it looks when you stick your head into the ground with vegetation detail on low, actually. But sure, keep desperately convincing yourself that the game does not look actually gorgeous.

He did a normal block but then followed up with normal slashes which I can't block.
It clearly says that you need to align your aim with the opponents to perfect parry, which they don't do.

>medieval town wakes up at 9 oclock

What the fuck did they mean by this. Peasants were awake at sunset

It is you who is retarded. The video showcases a complaint. The complaint is that flowers are textures on a flat polygon-plane (flat rectangle).

The only way to rectify this would be to individually model 3d-flowers, which is absolutely a budget issue, both the manpower involved in designing the flowers and the manpower involved in getting it to run smoothly.

>But it clearly says in game manuals that if you strike form the opposite direction that the enemy is aiming at he cant riposte that.
Actually, that just seems wrong. Direction of strike has very little bearing on success of a block both for the player and the enemy.

>No, that is what it looks when you stick your head into the ground with vegetation detail on low, actually. But sure, keep desperately convincing yourself that the game does not look actually gorgeous.
No, that is ultra. this game uses sprites.

those can be parried, not blocked, but you most likely panic when he starts swinging at you and try to spam the button
he's doing a combo and you need to block pitch perfectly

Even after leveling up, the combat in KCD is legit bad. It and lock picking are the worst aspects of the game.

That manual is outdated then. There is no more directional defense. Feints are still usable on the AI.

I have npc's wake up at 6-7 o'clock
shops open at 8-9

I'm talking about riposte/parry, you can't do those if you dont align.

That is not sprites. That is textured flat polygons. Sprites would have followed the camera like in Doom.

Where the fuck are you reading this they took it out of the game already dipshit.

No, it's not a budget issue. Can you not actually read? What the fuck is going on with this board, did we have another fucking retard epidemic going on?

Don't use words you clearly don't even understand. The game does not use sprites you cretin. Do you actually even know what a sprite is? Fun fact: sprites remain always stationary in relation to the player's field of view. These are textures on a very simple model, you fucking idiot.

just learn how to parry bro

Name a game with good sword combat.

>I'm talking about riposte/parry, you can't do those if you dont align.
No, what the fuck?
Is that from an actual manual that came with the copy of the game? Where are you getting this shit?

>Don't use words you clearly don't even understand. The game does not use sprites you cretin. Do you actually even know what a sprite is? Fun fact: sprites remain always stationary in relation to the player's field of view. These are textures on a very simple model, you fucking idiot.
it's sprites used like any game from ps2. since 2002.

KC:D, Mount and Blade, Adventures of Sir Kicksalot.

I'm kinda lost for words here. How are you people being this dumb and still alive?

How in the flying fuck can you say that graphical quality is not related to the games budget? More money = more people to sit around working to make every single tree-branch picture perfect.

I completely get your point, but it is wrong, and you fail to grasp my point.