You cannot debate this

You cannot debate this.

Other urls found in this thread:

>MGS 2
Nope, it's 4 by a mile.

There are worse FE and SMT games than TMS.

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl are plain unplayable, you're telling me those games where a random encounter takes 5 minutes because the HP bar is bugged are better than Ruby?


The fuck are you trying to pull

>Pokémon before the physical/special split

Notice there are no pokemon games on there

>Bioshock Infinite instead of Bioshock 2
>DMC instead of Devil May Cry 2
>Final Fantasy VIII instead of XIII
>Metroid Other M instead of Federation Force
>Sonic the Hedgehog instead of Sonic Heroes
>Metal Gear Solid 2 instead of Metal Gear Survive
Ooohhhohohohoho yes I fucking can

>Worse than PO or PW

Surely Adromedererda was worse than ME3, 3 spat in your face at the end while Adredometer spat on your face at the start and every moment you were playing it.

mgs2 is the best mang

Dark Souls 3 is actually the worst - it's the most linear and least open to build options.
It's basically either "spam R1 with straight sword or spam R1 with pyromancy".
It completely removed the idea of a defense orientated build from the series what with "muh elemental damage all the time" and "muh npc shield bashs all the time".

Also, user, Metal Gear Solid 3 is the worst in the series. It didn't do anything good outside of possibly giving you the EZ gun for a hilarious playthrough

Bioshock infinite was ok. The first one was far worse.

Mgs 2 is better than 1
Mass effect andromeda
Sonic boom is worse 06
Bioshock 2 is worse than infinite
Dragon age 2 is way worse than inquistion

>dark souls 2 being on this list
>not dark souls 3 instead

I dont know man, you should get some glasses.

I´m okay with your opinion to be honest. The only thing i would call worse then gen 3 pokemon would be the newest games.

>tactics advance
>not the best
get the fuck out of here you shitter

>It's basically either "spam R1 with straight
That playstyle existed since the Crescent Falchion found in the Shrine of Storms in Demon's Souls.

user, they removed 90% of playstyles early game and made most of them invalidated by the FP system.

Most enemies do elemental damage or status effects and do too much damage to your stamnia when guarding so shields are a no-go, unless you get Havel's at like the last sixth of the game.
The fact the game is either "one hit stun lock" or "infinite poise" enemies, means it's R1 spam and just more R1 spam

I liked starfox adventures when i was a kid it was fun.

>final fantasy 8

Not even close. There hasn't even been a playable final fantasy since 10. Even before that 2 is way worse than 8.

>Zelda 2

>Star Wars Battlefront III

that's a low blow OP. Still it should be bEAttlefront 1

>You cannot debate this

Then what's the fucking point of posting it, faggot?

What about atelier, which one is the worst game?

>Zelda 2
>Pokemon Ruby
Come on now

zesteria is superior to berseria though

>this image again
And I'll repeat what I said last time: It's actually not bad but you put #FE on there twice which doesn't even make sense considering it's a spinoff of two different franchises.

>Dragon Quarter when 6 exists


>Battlefront III

>bioshock 2 worse than infinite

I too prefer pretentious storytelling over good gameplay. is this bait?

>Tales of Zestiria
You obviously didn't play Hearts then. It also has a 9/10 on Steam so many people seem to like it (beats me why, it really is an awful game, just not the worst of the series).
I can understand the hate for the cast but the music and aesthetics are still fine. X-II on the other hand has really no redeeming qualities, the same goes for XIII I-III
>Pokemon Ruby
Black and white were even more awful.
>KH Days
Re:Coded is worse in both gameplay and story.

Probably one of the more recent ones.

Really? Infinite worse than Bioshock 2? WTH man WTH.

Why is OP insistent on posting an old version

DmC is not even the worst DMC

>FFVIII when III exists
>R+C full frontal assault when the mobile game and all 4 one exist
>358/2 days when coded exists
>Assassin's creed III when unity exists
>Mass effect 3 when andromeda exists
>tales of zestria when tales of symphonia 2 exists
>MGS2 when portable ops, acid, and 4 exist
>dragon age inquisition when dragon age 2 exists

come on man.

>Dragon Age: Inquisition
>Worse than DA2
No chance in hell.

Hipster idiot.

I don't even like MGS 2. But MGS 4 is just obviously worse by a magnitude of a million.

Sonic Heroes is way better than Sonic the Hedgehog.

Tactics advance is way worse than Tactics. How old are you user?

>But MGS 4 is just obviously worse by a magnitude of a million.

only because it tried to fix the messes of MGS2's plot

Star Fox Adventures is like top 3 star fox games. Way better than that piece of shit DS game and Zero

>not MGSV


Was ME3 actually worse than Andromeda? if that's the case I may give ME:A a shot!

Also I thought Dragon Age Inquisition was supposedly a lot better than DAII... Haven't played since DA:O so wouldn't know

There is absolutely no way Mass Effect 3 is worse than Mass Effect Andromeda.
As bad as ME3 was, it was bad at the end and strictly from a writing perspective.
Mass Effect Andromeda is bad through out the game and from multiple perspectives, be it animations, writing, design or gameplay.

>have an open ending that was never meant to give clear anwsers
>hurr durr it's a mess and 4 was needed to solve it

Fags like you are the reason why 4 was shit

Xenosaga II had the best combat in the series

I agree about DaS2 being the weakest of its series.
And i haven't played any ME apart from 3 but I thought Andromeda was the shittiest game since that godzilla "game"?

I dunno about the rest tho.

Why the fuck is Chrono Cross there when the only competition is Chrono Trigger and MAYBE that one VN that doesn't really count?

>Fags like you are the reason why 4 was shit

the cliffhanger ending and dumb Patriot AI shit which both needed clarification is why MGS4 is shit.

Becuase it was answering questions that MGS2 refused to answer.

>Xenosaga II had the best combat in the series
the combat was interesting but fuck spending several turns just to gain enough boost to actually do any combos

>Pokemon Ruby
Not a terrific game, but much better than Red/Blue in just about every way.

Getting boost is easy, all you have to do is attack on the boost bonus. It gives you triple boost gain so even a single stock gets you 1.5 boost.

>Really? Infinite worse than Bioshock 2? WTH man WTH.

Bioshock 2 has better gameplay and a better story

>>tactics advance
>>not the best
>get the fuck out of here you shitter

Law System made FFTA unfun and unplayable

>Battlefront III
>An unreleased game is the worst in the series

poopoo soldier marry meryl EVA snake big mama the sobstory unit here shadow moses snake no suicide big boss not dead zero behind it all in a wheelchair thankyou NO REFUNDS

>worst FE
>not Fates Revelation

Maybe its because I grew up with 7, 8 and Parasite Eve but there's no fucking way 8 is worse than that turd called 10.

I haven't played Hearts, but Hearts R was pretty good for the most part. Good combat and good overworld is already a plus for me. Worst Tales has got to be Symphonia 2.

>star fox adventures
>worse than star fox assault
every time



>Snake Eater is the worst in the series
I'm not falling for this.

Came here to post this. 4 was utter garbage and 2 blew all our minds at the time with TECHNOLOGY. Don't try and deny it.

>Also, user, Metal Gear Solid 3 is the worst in the series

of all the bait, this is the worst

the worst controls of the entire series and a bad story to boot

>worst controls of the series
gaiden, survivor, survivor 2, ORC, umbrella chronicles, and the various mobile games would like to have a word with you

All 4 one is way worse than full frontal assault.

>Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Fuck off, FFTA2 is definitely worse.

>Bioshock Infinite instead of Bioshock 2
Bioshock 2 is the best one.

>BoF: DQ

Yeah, already debunked senpai.

I feel like every person who says this didn't get to the part where anti-laws are introduced or didn't know you can check what laws will apply before entering a level.

>>BoF: DQ

what can be worse than this abortion?

A mobile game we never got?

I got the Anti Laws cards but I could never use them

Why not?
Just trade for the most useful ones and use different party members if necessary to avoid breaking laws, you can also add more laws to fuck your oponent.

>Bioshock Infinite instead of Bioshock 2
Yeah what of it.
Infinite was complete shit from the getgo. Bioshock 2 just had a lackluster story baring the DLC.
>Sonic the Hedgehog instead of Sonic Heroes
I think you meant Sonic boom. Heroes was just a slightly worse SA2 minus the chao garden.

I don't get what people don't like about Partners in time. I've heard the NTSC version is harder but is that really it?

>Why not?

I tried using them but the game would not let me.

>still has DA:I instead of DA2
>still has #FE twice when there are worse FE and SMT games.

you mean to tell me DA2 is better than DAO? I understand origins is filled with sjw shit but cmon

>Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
nigger what
I know it's been kind of slow and simplified but what exactly was bad about it, the writing was even mature to some extend.

That's weird. The system is good when it works though.

Downpour was worse than Homecoming

>FFVIII worst FF
I am not even a fan of FFVIII but I can assure you that FFII is by far the worst.

I wish Lunar series never got raped the way it did. A proper continuation is all I wanted

>>still has DA:I instead of DA2

DA:I was way worse

>but what exactly was bad about it

the ranking is DAO >> DA2 >>>>> DAI

Probably Sophie or Firis

Do you mean Inquisition? And yeah, Inquisition is hot garbage. DA2 was at least more focused. DAI just plops you in an open world with too much shit to do. The writing is also god awful.

Did you have a stroke buddy?

>Did you have a stroke buddy?

it's just a MGS2 fan satly at what MGS4 did to the series (fix Raiden and explain all the unexplained shit from MGS2)

MGS 3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 4
Pokemon gen 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 7
M&L BiS > SSS > PiT > Dream Team > Paper Jam
Zelda II is actually pretty good, given the time period it was released in

Adventures was a shit show, but Command was on a whole 'nother level of bad.

>Inquisition worse than da2
I never played inquisition but surely this can't be true?

DmC Definitive edition is a better game than DMC2, easily. It fixes about half the problems the original release had, making it into a solid 7/10. If that game wasn't attached to an existing IP the only wrong thing about it would be excessive edginess.

>DmC Definitive edition is a better game

that is all I need to see to see that you are baiting

>Partners in Time is worse than Dream Team
>Pokemon Ruby is worse than literally anything from Gen 6, 7, or 8
>Adventures of Link is worse than the original LoZ
>BN4 is worse than the mazy shit show that was BN1
>FFVIII is worse than FF2

other than that yes you have a solid "worst games in the franchise" list OP.

Peace Walker was the worst one. It already featured the sort of gameplay (fultoning and mission preparing) that ruined MGSV.

Gen 8 aint out yet, and Gen 5 was the peak of the series.

>Original LoZ
Fuck off OoT shitters. The original was one of the 3 best games in the series, along with BotW and ALttP.

How was a game with 3 years worth of work put into it worse than a game that had early PS2 models, 4 maps reused ad nasium, ruined a perfectly good character, had no thought put into the combat and was worked on in 10 months?
DA2 was utter fucking gobshite,

In what way, the controls are tight as fuck, the shooting is ultra fluid and the whole stamina sistem works perfectly.
When was RE about the fucking story. Everyone praises 4 and it is by far the worst story in the (mainline) series

>Persona Revelations
You have a good point. But I'll still disagree.

>>Gen 8 aint out yet, and Gen 5 was the peak of the series.
yeah im retarded and i put gen 8 there even though it doesn't exist
gen 5 is the peak i agree, never denied that

>i have to be an OoT shitter to not like the original LoZ
Yeah, no. I don't even like OoT, it's a clunky and ugly piece of shit but the original LoZ is arguably just as bad as it.