Can we have a single vidya thread about female vidya characters that appear in vidya on this vidya board about vidya...

Can we have a single vidya thread about female vidya characters that appear in vidya on this vidya board about vidya without it getting deleted?

Other urls found in this thread:

gib milk

Kys weeb

Nope, but threads about Honey Select and other porn games are okay.

Can we not post oversexualized video game characters that only exist to pander to straight white men? Video games should be inclusive to all.

nah, video games are male hobbies.

Factually wrong.

can we possibly realize that not everything has to cater to all tastes simultaneously and that there is room in the market for games which focus particular demographics


Fuck off waifufag

I hope you get banned for this one :)

Sorceress is okay, I guess.

Who touched you wrong, user-kun?

Mobile games don't count

I'm black and this oversexualized female character panders to my interests

Post more

I want to fuck Mai and Mai's Mother.



I love Fuuka!


Twins are for __BBC__.

One requires variety
Besides i can't bump my own thread


Have a cute Fuuka from some drawthreads back I request, Fuuka poster.


>Implying that straight asian men, straight black men, and straight hispanic men don't also like them

Fucking white-knight orbiters.

But I'm a black lesbian.

>westcucks jelly they can't join the thread because they've got nothing but butt ugly females in their games these years

And also lesbians of all races!

And speaking of DoA, that game has ton of female players. Probably the fighting game with the highest ratio of female players.

Post Amazon RIGHT NOW OP

I never understood what that pose was trying to convey.
But thanks! I'm glad there's people out there still willing to draw more cute Fuuka

Reinder that weebshit should be banned from this board

Linkle is so cute

Not when you make it this obvious

Back when they actually did tournaments, the majority of DOA players also seemed to be non-white.

Sorry I'm not a lolicon


If they supposedly "appeal" to straight white men why do Japanese people make it then? Also, are you that same faggot who posted that thread earlier about video game girls that "cis white males" like?


I'm a nigger faggot and I like pretty girls as well.

Good, reliable Magic Knight is my one and only.

>tfw this board would rather have fap fuel than actually good gameplay in their games

>tfw this faggot thinks good gameplay and attractive characters are mutually exclusive


>implying they aren't


I'm not huwhite but it panders to my interests.

Disenfranchizing lesbians and MTF Trans lesbians again I see

And that's why you're a literal fag.


>he says while playing garbage with gameplay on par with Knack and The Order 1886 for the sole purpose of masturbating to the characters

Shoot, I'd rather play Gone Home than consider Nier a good game. or Bayonetta. Or Xenoblade. Or anything with tits constantly shoved in my face. You know why? Because when you remove the tits, you see the crappy gameplay for all its worth.


>Shoot, I'd rather play Gone Home than consider Nier a good game
That's because you are a literal fag




Fuukafag, I don't suppose you have that one pic of Fuuka eating a burger on camera? It's drawn in an 80's anime Sailor Moon-esque artstyle

Sure, go ahead. Call me a fag. Don't forget to buy your season pass and DLC for your early access game. :)



tell me user, a few threads ago someone caught my attention with a Blazblue thread and now I’m interested in buying Central Fiction after checking it out. but in your personal opinion is the game actually solid, or is it another ‘meh’ game that people prefer waifuposting to?

Solid with waifus

It's a solid game, definitely worth checking out



Truly, the best of both worlds.

Whatever. Just post tits.


Central Fiction is fun but a bit of a mess


i luv kat!



Girls are great

What if I am a thicc chick?


I wish I was too, man




Is this game worth it for the girl?
Or worth it at all?

/r/ing ivy

>only exist to pander to straight white men
I'm quite sure black and asian guys can apreciate T&A as much as anybody else.


It's story is pretty good with decent gameplay. Metallia is great but eventually you'll start to like the Hundred Knight as much if not more then her as he really grows on you.

Not Fuuka poster but I found it. You should really check out the booru more often, user.
There's also another one on there thats quite similar.

>doesn't count because I say so

why are lolis simply the best thing in the universe?

because you are a pedophile


Hey now, I am a non-exclusive bisexual, stop lumping me together with degenerates, mutt.


thats a boy hes called fritzi

>itt: I am a 15 year old hormonal horny boy please make my penis feel funny

you have to be 18 to post here, kid

>Dreamworks face
Like clockwork.
What is it with SJW faggots and obsessing over Pixar movies?

i am 36 year old hormonal horny guy, please make my penis feel funny

>doesn't even know what itt means
Hello newfriend, someone on Facebook told you about the softcore board called Sup Forums?

Possibly the saddest post I've seen.
