What is the future for this series and how did it go so wrong?
What is the future for this series and how did it go so wrong?
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Some people claim it's the SJW stuff, but I think it's shitty business practices, laughably incompetent b-team devs being allowed to molest the franchise, *and* bland SJW stuff.
>pandering to leftists ever
They'll keep it dormant for 5 or so years so people will forget, and try again with a much more traditional release
>What is the future for this series
Being dead.
>how did it go so wrong?
Bioware went full retard with ME2 and 3.
>What is the future for this series
On ice
>and how did it go so wrong?
>how did it go so wrong?
Instead of fixing the gameplay of the first one with some tweaks they replaced it with Gears of War in space and hollywoodized the story for the sequel. The series died at the very moment this decision was made.
Fucking themselves in the ass by making an impossible enemy from the beginning. Any sequel was doomed
>mass effect
There's no chance in hell that it's gonna stay dead for good, or even for that long.
My sentiments as well. For what it's worth, ME is an "iconic" franchise. One or two shitty entries cannot and will not kill it. Sooner or later, people will forget the crap, and overly romanticize the good like they always do.
>What is the future for this series
a mouldering effigy to hubris
>how did it go so wrong?
the easy answer is EA, but it's a bit more complicated than that.
EA caused many of their best and brightest to jump ship, it's true, and it's certainly the cause of cancerous casualisation and DLC practises, but the problems with the writing and horrendous glitches are purely on Bioware's head.
Bioware was simply to arrogant to repair the damage EA caused. They didn't hire on competent new writers, or bother addressing community concerns, or take on any quality control staff that were actually willing to speak up about issues.
If they'd done any of those three, Mass Effect would still have ended badly, but it would be a Prequel tier bad that fanboys would still rally behind, not TLJ style of utter alienation.
If we’re lucky an HD remaster of the original trilogy. If that is well received then we get a full fledged game 5-10 years later, perhaps even a reboot so they don’t fuck themselves out of the Milky Way.
EA thought they had a juggernaut that could compete with Call of Duty. they didn't realize that RPG fans don't want to play FPS.
I'm willing to bet ugly characters is 80% of the reason why it flopped.
And the open world fetch quests 20% of the reason.
>not TLJ style of utter alienation.
What's this a reference to?
>HD remaster of the original trilogy.
Didnt they already did this?
Im guessing that it means Star Wars TLJ was either really hated or really loved by fans. There was no real in between.
Why not? Hopefully Bioware gets killed the fuck off after Anthem and Dragon Age 4 flop. Then who will develop it? DICE or Respawn? Or EA will buy some western AAA RPG studio who are in need of a publisher like... oh there are none.
Shit, I thought TLJ = The Longest Journey (and its sequels).
What future?
Casey the cuck hudson is back in Bioware so not good things really. He was behind the red green and blue shitstorm
Does anyone have that deleted tweet from Patrick Weekes, that confirmed him and Mac rewrote the ending at the last second without consulting the other writers?
They had a great story but didn't know how to wrap it up properly. That's why the got the mess at the end of ME3.
Then they tried to start over with ME:A but they had to use the Frostbyte engine which apparently is really hard to use for anything other than shooters. Plus they restarted about a year out (I think?) from release because they couldn't agree on the direction. so ME:A is really only about a year-and-half's work.
Now they have anthem to pull them out or Bioware is going the way of Maxis, Visceral and Westwood.
>What is the future for this series
It has no Future
>how did it go so wrong?
Less and less dialogue options
Removal of Renegade options because they are too "mean or too racist or it hurts my feelings"
Idiotic pandering,i mean why the fuck should i care what was your "dead" name? just do your fucking job and shut up.
All around boring quest etc
If they just had ended it in a way that allowed for more games... Just a standard ending where you won. Insted they imploded the entire setting.
Honestly, it went wrong with Mass Effect 2.
There is no future for this series just like there is no future for Bioware in general either.
Good riddance, all their games were fanfic tier bad.
ME3 secured that the franchise had no future; not only because the endings suck but they wrap up the turd nicely by making either everybody live happily ever after with circuit boards on their skin, controlling the reapers or destroying the reapers and also the refusal ending.
Andromeda just drove the point home for those too dense to get it back when me3 shat itself into a ditch and died.
He said that Rey has everything she needs. He probably knows she stole the books. The tree is meaningless.
This really is what killed the series. Drew Karpyshyn had a really great vision and the other guy just fucked it up.
Andromeda isn't a bad game but animators and writers were definitely cutting corners.
>Then they tried to start over with ME:A but they had to use the Frostbyte engine which apparently is really hard to use for anything other than shooters.
If only they had worked on a Frostbite RPG game 3 years prior.
I also remember them praising the engine back then.
It's as if... as if... they were full of shit.
perhaps there will be reason to continue it. i will stay far, far away.
It's full of great ideas actually. The exploration is basically ME1 but better (as opposed to non-existent in the other titles) and the story was humble and non-hyped enough that it could have worked. It's better than 2 and 3 and would be legitimately good if the animations and politics hadn't rendered it stillborn.
Completely different team though. They basically gave amateur and newbie devs free reign
No they've said they aren't interested in remasters but EA seems to have gone back on that given the burnout one soon.
I didn't expect so down to earth and true answer from Sup Forums, well done.
as in citadel politics or bioware politics?
Exploration was great.
Combat and gameplay itself was the best in the series just wish it had same weapon variety like ME3.
I would not say it's the best, but I can understand why people shat on it.
I have 81h in SP
In the fucking garbage where it belongs. Mass Effect was complete generic dogshit.
Nah, what killed it was Andromeda. Up until that, it was one of Bioware's flagship titles
Eladeen best planet. I loved the Jakku vibes with the massive downed starship
I like desert places alone.
I spend a lot of hours in Mad Max just enjoying the scenery.
Eladeen was great with FPS mod.
bioware politics and the general controversy surrounding them
>tfw augmenting weapons and armor to become Mr. Freeze
>What is the future for this series
It has no future
>and how did it go so wrong?
They've been bought by ea
what controversy?
Doesn’t excuse the movie for being utter dogshit
>tfw making Full Auto N7 Valykrie with Bio Converter for extra ammo
First day on Sup Forums eh?
I don't know what that other user was specifically referring to, but for some reason, the Andromeda marketing team banked on some fauxtrage for publicity. This shit comes to mind:
>a walking human experiment, literally the most powerful biotic human
>has the most useless and underwhelming skill tree of all companions in the entire trilogy
bravo bioware
Make me
>What is the future for this series
There is none and only the delusional biowarefag believes that they'll bring it back in the nearby future, Bioware is busy making Anthem and EA is focused on making Star Wars games, there's no place for Mass Effect anymore.
>how did it go so wrong?
Dead, and good riddance
They fucked it all up
>EA is focused on making Star Wars games
They're doing a great job!
>What is the future for this series
Hopefully there's no future, they killed it and burried it. There's no saving now
>how did it go so wrong?
There are 4 entries, 2 of which are irredeemable garbage. Half the series.
And both arent just bad, they are a whole new level of bad, both 3 and Andromeda were so bad they got on the news because of how bad they fucked up.
Series is dead.
is there enough gameplay to get immersed without being distracted by them? i really want to explore planets again.
Never said they were making good star shit games :^)
Samara was better and an absolute MILF
I can see them revisiting it a few years down the road, probably with a new team. EA sure as shit won't give up the IP ever.
We'd see another entry or some DLC if they hadn't royally fucked up Andromeda. It really is a shame.
>irredeemable garbage
Are you talking about 3? Because your hyperbole is undeserved. It had the best gameplay of the original trilogy, and was only half-way retarded
What's the connection between Fallout and Mass Effect? I don't get this picture.
EA rushed the third game before they could figure out a non asspull ending.
And to all the contrarian faggots saying 2 was bad, shut the fuck up. Maybe it didn't advance the reaper plot but it was a fantastic standalone game.
The voice actor of Jack is also the voice actor of the female protaganist of Fallout 4.
>It had the best gameplay of the original trilogy,
Not even close, the gameplay is loose and unsatisfying as fuck.
>A button bound to 4 different conflicting functions
sheer retardation.
EA should take it away from Bioware. Give it to a different development group.
>If we’re lucky an HD remaster of the original trilogy
They'd probably fuck it up and somehow give it worse textures and lightning than the original.
>using a dev team with little to no experience making a full "AAA" game
>shoe-horned and lazy sjw content you want lgbtqa+&£ stuff that's fine but it doesn't need to be in your face
>terrible voice cast
There was too much focus on map exploration. Yah it was fun in me1 but that was for 1 small square not a massive map. Basically the team that made the game did not understand what made mass effect good. It wasn't even because of they shitty animations..the game was just boring.
the "sjw" stuff barely accounts for how terrible Andromeda was.
>Not even close, the gameplay is loose and unsatisfying as fuck.
What are you talking about? It's 2's combat, just with greater maneuverability and a more useful melee option.
>A button bound to 4 different conflicting functions
Don't remember that one. Is it the melee button?
Not like there's any good developer left under EA's wing
Their decision to include progressive content resulted in a number of angry responses from both sides. There were, of course, those who just didn't want the SJW pandering at all, while actual SJWs criticized BW for simply mishandling the pandering. There were critical articles on the blandness of the gay romances, for example, and some outcries about transphobia.
None of this was major, mind you. I don't even think it contributed much to the game's mainstream failure. This was more due to it just looking like garbage in early footage and it subsequently becoming a meme (not undeservedly so).
Well that's a shame, because half the reason people play Mass Effect is for the characters and story.
ME3 was fine, ending excluded. The Tuchanka part was absolute kino. i also enjoyed the multiplayer
>anyone saying 2 or 3 killed it
Those games had issues we're all familiar with, but they didn't kill the series. Mass Effect was given what very few franchises get: a chance at a fresh start.
EA did something uncharacteristically generous after the ME3 controversy, and gave the Andromeda team a fuckton of time and resources to make something totally new. Five goddamn years, Sup Forums. By all rights that game should've been a masterpiece.
>no option to marry the best doc
The whole series is pretty bad. It should have been one long game, not a trilogy
Cant wait for Anthem to fail
I want Bioware to be put out of its misery by EA already, every game they have made for years is pure cancer
>no option to hook her up with my boy Garrus
I really wish there had been a way to get him laid without having to do it myself as Femshep. Games need more wingman routes for the PC's bros.
Hopefully the rumours of Microsoft buying bioware will give mass effect some more freedom
Andromeda has the best gameplay in the series and the best exploration. Since the story is also ok I'd say that's enough to make up for running into the occasional tranny, etc.
The ending of 3 is what killed the series
Apparently animators who worked on ME: Andromeda are not able to find jobs in animation now with it on their resumes, kek.
>What is the future for this series
It will be dead for while or dead for goods. Shame because it's the only space who ain't a fucking space sim or 4x.
>how did it go so wrong?
EA, video games industry as a whole and retards who buy lootbox.
But he has Tali
Can i say that my biggest gripe with it is how ugly the characters are? Like, Ryder and the crew are all fairly unattractive and those animations aren't doing them any favors. It soured the whole experience for me.
Previous games weren't the prettiest either, but when they came out the graphical standards were at least lower.
I just can't believe, can't wrap my head around the fact that they handed off their most precious title to their fuckboy Montreal studio.
You're right, Gears of War: Shepherd was the best gameplay in the entire series.
More diversity, only homosexual romances allowed and complete absence of white characters except that they are villains.
Series hasn't been good for over 8 years now. Why continue it?
Not gonna lie, its fucking hilarious watching Bioware crash and burn