What if

>What if
Instead of the shitty Skyrim that we got we would have the same game but with a game of thrones coat of paint on top.

I'd legit rather Skyrim over anything squeezed out of the fat cunt's hairy asshole.
>But Todd don't forget to include muh tax policy

Considering just how shit Bethesda writing is, this is a good thing.

Martin can't write either though

So it would have been a game full of snowy fortresses, strange forests, dragons and zombies?

It's incredible to think about what could have been...

>b-but Martin

Im reminded how much I want a good thrones game after seeing the kingdom come stuff.

You could make a cool thrones game playing as Gendry as he works his way from blacksmith to hammer wielding god King

>implying you read his books
>implying you read
not even defending martin but literally everyone who hates him has never read his books. they just get triggered by his bookfag goons calling them plebs for watching the show.

fuck off underage memer


Good on Bethesda. Stop using licenses to make video games. Write your own shit.
On the other hand, it would be nice if they stopped making open world garbage and actually focused their maps down to the amount of content worth a shit they put in them. The Elder Scrolls games are boring as fuck.

He's a massive (literally) self-important and smug cunt himself in real life and what I've read of his work is complete dreck.

Bethesda is the new ea

>look mom I posted the thing

i wish for a good open world got game


Blade your wrists senpai, nobody has or will ever care for you

What's your tax policy?

>I posted it again!

Insane amounts of assdamage

so, what's todd tax policy?

>what I've read
which again...is nothing

>we want to make our own world but he also want to retain our own world to be as generic as possible

What is the fucking point?

fuck off underage memer

TES is legitimately the vastly superior setting over ASOIAF, at least it tries to do a few interesting things and try to be original
ASOIAF is just fantasy war of the roses, that manages to be less interesting than the IRL event.

Who on Earth could possibly think this would have been good?

The books go downhill after the eponymous first title.


How come there is no decent ASOIAF game yet?

I’ve read one of his books. It’s not bad, it’s just grey and and lame.
Grab one lord of the rings book, read that to completion, then read one of martins books. There’s no romantic nostalgia in martins work, nothing feels like he loved it, or put his soul into it. There’s this one passage i read and was put off completely for the remainder of the book, it was about women who was e dreamt happy to dedicate in a meadow, and it was oddly descriptive.

* about a women who was extremely happy about deficating in the meadow.

Martin certainly has some issues with his writing. I wouldn't call him terrible though, there's certainly much worse authors out there, and the expansion of the story as he introduces more characters has been an issue too, but Jaime's character development has been fantastic, as is anything with Euron, Victarion, or Stannis. Jon and Dany are certainly the weakest parts and are also sadly the ones people like the most.

because there's nothing about the setting that makes for an interesting game
If you want medieval court intrigue, real life is significantly more interesting and nuanced so you might as well base it on a historical period.
If you want fantasy warfare, it doesn't have near enough variation in terms of troops and tactics.
If you want a fantasy rpg again there's not enough potential variation.
And the characters are not complex enough for a character focused game.

damn even telltale one is shit

Completely wrong. Every chapter is a work of passion.

I'm not interested in Game of Degeneracy. Someone tried telling me that it's just dragons and sex, but every time I see someone watching it, there's no dragon. But there are plenty of weird ass sex scenes, usually gay or something though

I'm so glad they didn't. I really don't care for that setting.

I disagree, and it’s evident from the lack of romatising.

every derive product from got suck ass the video game and the telltell game are so bad that almost no knows they are garbage tier game

The CK2 mod is the only good one we'll ever get because it knows where GRRM's priorities are: fucking and raping. You couldn't do that in a full game.

>Tfw bought and read every books churned out by that fat piece of shit because my friends would let me read their books all the time and knew they wanted to read this shit and I wanted to give them something back
>the constant repetition of descriptions
>entire chapters are just completely useless
>tons of time describing shit that just isn't important
>taking a full paragraph to describe something it would take a proper author half a sentence to say

The only good thing about SoIaF is the overall world the story is set in, it was really interesting at first until full blown fantasy elements began taking precedence over the realism GRRM pretends he strives for.

how in godsname is the SoIaF world interesting?
There's nothing unique about it and nothing another setting or even real life doesn't do better

>i dont like this so they shouldn't make it

I'm glad they didn't but also annoyed that no one will do. I'm kinda on the ropes about it, Bethesda wouldn't do the game justice and the game would age like shit, but they still would of made it open world and let you role play unlike other GoT games.

Good. I hate the GoT universe, it's bland and boring as all fuck.

What was the Stormcloak's tax policy?


His writing style is really clumsy and the way he wrote the first book was really weird, I think George had a hard on for underage boys crying. It's almost like every 2 pages there's a reference to someone crying at the most simple slight.

It's the setting and the world building that saves F&I from being utter garbage.

Seems like it was the right choice financially. Skyim has made fuck tons of money for Bethesda. If they made a GoT game they would have to pay royalties to Martin and others.

Are you sure you aren't talking about Lord of the Rings? Because everything you said here is 10 times worse in Tolkien's work.

I might have worded that wrongly, my expectations as I begun reading were that the world would be fairly grounded, the first book goes to great lengths at times to set up this abundant history that spans generations of backstabbing, intricate plots, fairly realistic depictions of conflicts and society. As I kept reading and had to deal with an increasing number of chapters beginning with "Daenerys", and constant "dramatic" deaths, all of this written in an awful style, I realized I was reading fantasy-bait for kids who death and muh grim darkness equate to realism, . This left a bittersweet taste because I was actually excited about reading into the world.

>no based Mormon fantasy game with a heavy magic focus

>implying Martin is wrong here

honestly if you want some top tier intrigue and backstabbing history is filled with tons of periods rife with those things

Americans like shallow action shit.
Though sometimes they like to pretend to like deep shit like the new Blade runner.
2:40 hours of literally nothing.
Cunt directors should of at least watched Tarkovskys Stalker before even trying to make something "deep". All he did was mix a pointless story with ambient new-retro wave.

Because they railroad you into a predetermined story rather than let you make your own way through the setting.

There's tons of time periods in ASOIAF where you could do all sorts of shit, but no one wants to do that, because they know it wouldn't sell as much as setting it in show-time.

I read the LotR followed by Children of Hurin all back to back in the span of around 5 days. It was very rare for me to notice repetition, and the descriptions were a fifty fifty split between straight to the point and concise when it was needed, and overly elaborate on some parts. There were parts that could have been done away with, but not to the extent of GRRM's writing, even if we completely disregard every bit of dialogue that repeats itself constantly, we'll still be stuck with people dancing with swords; swords singing; and people running as fast as arrows, every few pages.

I know user, part of the reason why I bothered with SoIaF was because people made comparisons with the history of the British Isles all the time, and that spiked my interest in the books. An


Bethesda made the right choice.

I don't watch the show, only read the books a few years ago

The first three are great, four goes downhill and five is a slog

Post got cut off
*And for what is worth, a lot of historic references are there, the story just isn't up to par with real history. Since we're talking about Bethesda in this thread as well, I think it's fitting to say that even Bethesda made better work of historic and religious references in their own TES games.

>even telltale
>implying telltale is a household name for good games

3>5>1>2>4, Dance was great.

I'm also basically the only person who likes that they added Aegon.

>I think it's fitting to say that even Bethesda made better work of historic and religious references in their own TES games.
One of the best parts of the various TES games, skyrim included, is that they manage to present a lot of interesting backstory to their setting. Almost nothing exists or happens in a vacuum in those games, even if the context isn't always immediately obvious.

Martin is going to die before his series is finished. Digits don't lie.

Anyway, a game where I can bang Visenya would be bought on day 1.

Well no shit, Skyrim is so heavily inspired by the North in season 1 of Game of Thrones I'm surprised people dont remark on it more.


Dude is 69, looks like 90. No way he's gonna finish it.

Haven't seen the show, read the first book. Liked it but calling him a mediocre writer would be an undeserved compliment. It would have been better in every single way if Orson Scott Card had written it instead.

I hate him because I read two of his books and had to stop halfway through the third. His style, prose, and pacing is fucking abysmal
*Cue Danny shitting pasta*

That nigger just can't help himself but preach his retarded mormon views
>lmao everyone must have babbies gay guys must ignore their gay to make babbies have a battle-hardened general turn into a moron because babbies
fuck you

>no game where I can play as Maegor the Cool

Splitting 4 and 5 on a per-character basis was just the dumbest thing to do. Completely messed up the pacing. Didn't help that most of those books was just slow character development without things really shaking up the status quo anymore.
That all being said, I still enjoyed the chapter-long story of that one prince(?) from Dorne whose story amounted to nothing more than getting eaten by a dragon. That was funny enough to me in hindsight that I forgive Martin for how utterly pointless that was.

>get FromSoft to make it
>dark souls with a GoT paint job

I just want a story where Ned's sister fights Rheagar in that faggot tournament and they fall in love.

id be pretty cool to get a story about sauron and melkor wrecking shit. and the witch king fucking up the numereans

Good, GoT is overrated garbage

so skyrim's better than the alternative?

worse. it would have been skyrim with a game of thrones paint on top plus modding being deliberately made difficult/not allowed for the same copyright reasons total war: warhammer isn't moddable

>Dark Souls but every boss is some humanoid with a longsword
Doesn't sound all that fun.

Someone was going to make a Mistborn game. IT had gotten cancelled. I could imagine it would play sort of like dishonored.

so Dark Souls 2?

>I just want a story where Ned's sister fights Rheagar in that faggot tournament and they fall in love.

I'd rather have a game where Lyanna fights at Harrenhall and dies.

Human or not every boss in dark souls is literally roll to their side and swing. What about dark souls with a LOTR paint job?

/lit/ here you are so dreadfully wrong.

Wait I don't remember her dying there, who killed her?

also, that cuck Robert should have died at the trident. Rhaegar would have killed his father, on a long enough timeline.

It was me, Barry.

>Targaryen/Rhaegar fanboys

Seriously though, you're fucking retarded.

>/lit/ here

thank fug for todd having actual good taste
the sheer cancer would have been unbelievable

>Martin delays WoW again to work on more filler lore

>Sup Forums

they came out the same year you retard. It's just a coincidence betheslel made a grey washed out mess of a game the same year GoT came out

At least Sup Forums knows it's a joke

Everyone loved Rhaegar. Tell me why you think I'm retarded before being a fanboy of his. I'll admit your right, if you make sense.

Your idea of a joke is painfully glib

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelt fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

What's your tax policy?

Because you seriously think what Rhaegar and Lyanna did wasn't wrong. You romanticize what happened between them, while pinning all blame on Robert (how, I have no idea, but fanboys are gonna fanboy) for what followed, when it's quite literally Rhaegar's fault. Even if I was willing to look past the whole horseshit of Lyanna going along for the ride, she still went for a married man, which made her a hypocrite due to her criticizing Robert for sleeping with women before their marriage.

>you shouldn't have birthed Jesus because it wasn't politically expedient!

not that Jesus faggot but I hated The Notebook because it pulled similar strings. I admit Rhaegar and Lyanna were in the wrong. I do like your passion for asioaf.

Do you think Sauron shows up at the last battle, at the end of time?

>implying Jon is the Jesus-equivalent figure

Holy shit, you're just grasping at straws here.

Though I am by no means a religious man, according to Christian faith and the Bible, Jesus is the son of God, the force that created all life and existence as we know it.

Jon, on the other hand, is the son of some stupid teenage girl who believed in retarded songs and stories she heard from the south, and a narcissistic sociopath who didn't give a shit about the consequences so long as some vaguely phrased prophecy could be fulfilled.

Yes, why wouldn't he? Diminished perhaps, not as he was at his peak, but he would come to serve Morgoth again at Dagor Dagorath.

Sauron wasn't at his peak after that wolf pushed his shit in on Skull Island. I really wish we got to see him, instead of that eye, for the majority of those movies.

What's your prediction on what life is like after the game of thrones is won? I mean based on who you think will be ruling.

>who you think will be ruling

The Others.