Star Citizen will now be instanced/sectioned rather than seamless


absolutely hilarious

just use dc/os lol

derek smart was right

Perfect. The only consolation is that Chris Roberts will be killed as he attempts to flee the country, and all will be right in the world.


They are just a small indie company with barely any funding

expected. Nobody with a programming background ever believed the scope of their game could work in a real seamless openworld.

>mfw I didn't bought Scam Citizen

>first pass

3.0.1 is currently instanced with each server having its own economy, mission tracker etc. Each server has an identical gameworld with the stanton system (think like how WoW works, multiple versions of the same gameworld). They are planning to change this to having all those backend services shared across each server so the economy is affected across all servers. Then they will make multiple servers sharing one spatial area, to get the first iteration of the tech to seamlessly switch servers when in quantum travel (similar to how E:D works). Thats what this dev is describing. So you will still be seamlessly travelling from planet to space to moon etc. but in the background the servers are transferring your data over from one to another to manage the load.

Then, once that tech is working, they will make it so that each server handles space dynamically, spinning up new servers to handle areas with more players and dynamically subdividing space into more and more servers as the playercount in an area increases. That's the difficult bit. Sure it's optimistic to expect all that to work but their long-term networking plan hasn't really changed, this dev is just describing what they will be implementing at first to get the initial server-meshing tech working.

>The year is 2077
>Star Citizen finally comes out
>Board starship
>Travel to nearest galaxy
>Go to museum of ancient technology
>Find a desktop computer
>Install Star Citizen and play
>Wtf it's instanced?

Pretty sure it has nothing to do with the game being seamless, it's just that the game will be split between multiple servers, like Netflix.

>Implying it will happen to begin with.

>yfw you didn't back Star Citizen

This means nothing because Star Citizen will never actually come out.


>implying this game will ever come out

>yeah we're chopping things up now but we'll still put resources into letting you manually spend hundreds of years going to another system at sublight speeds

Why do they keep saying things like this? Is that really what their audience wants their limited resources to be focused on?



Pissed, not cool with it. Probably won't play it now.

So like Eve then?

>he backed it



Never backed it, I just was interested in a good space game, because the entire genre is full of shit, and this didn't look AS shitty.

Chris Roberts really perfected the long con. Holy fucking shit it's fucking amazing how he pulled this off. Now he fucking have made an excuse that they run out of money before "accomplishing" what they want to do but as a consolation, you have a "game". Fucking amazing.

>backing it

Look up the history of Freelancer.


What history? All I know he feature-crept that too.


Anyways, it will be single server, eventually. Though not in the way their fans ever intended it to be. *wink*

>once that tech is working

>they will make it so that each server handles space dynamically, spinning up new servers to handle areas with more players and dynamically subdividing space into more and more servers as the playercount in an area increases

Feels good never backing projects

>Probably won't play it now.
I don't think anyone will

>space games suck
>More News at 11

No shit

>future pre-alpha releases
how embarrassing



>Says that in this version it will be like this because of this

you will be able to fly around seamless while you get switched from server to server in the background. you won't notice this switch thus making it seamless. what's so hard to understand about this?

>> those that have played EVE

This sounds like what we've known since 2016, not sure why its being reiterated again.

Who would be suprised? I mean the whole thing is such a huge scam these fuckers must have a PR firm under retainer.

My cousin and I almost did.

Because Sup Forums is incapable of talking about SC, been that way since the kickstarter.

>Star Citizen was touted as needing the best PC possible to run a perfect space sim
>when it comes out, it'll be medium specs and be an instanced piece of shit

Holy shit

It's hard to talk about things that does not exist

Were not talking about your brain though


Really? I'm not the one that bought SC and you're using the brain thing? Kinda hypocritical don't you think?

true they just need another 200 million dollars to "get the tech working" so you better start giving more donations fellow Citizen

>He spent money!
So? I do what I want. I support things I wanna see and even the devs and artists behind their creation. Star Citizen isn't the only thing I've backed and wont be the last.
Plus its not like anything else is coming down the pipeline that looks anything remotely close to what SC hopes to achieve and that's cool to me.

A fool and his money are soon parted

I got plenty to spare, this is called having a career and not sitting on a mongolian tapestry forum shitposting my entire life.
Does it upset you that i've bought starter packs for my friends too?

>Star Citizen will
Never come out.

>I got plenty to spare

>its not like anything else is coming down the pipeline that looks anything remotely close to what SC hopes to achieve
Of course not, because what they are claiming to give you is the highest kind of horseshit.

>Does it upset you that i've bought starter packs for my friends too?


You're still an idiot to give money to a vaporware. Don't give me this "hurdur I have job so it's okay" shtick. You're an idiot to not see how vaporware this game is. A retard with money is still a retard. Keep trying to justify your retardation. I've heard SC is having a sale right now. Prove it that you still have plenty to spare.

Lmao kys


I just got a starter package for $45 for both games a few years ago and won't spend a single penny more, even once it's out I am just going to buy ships with ingame currency.

There are whales that spend thousands on all sorts of other free-to-play games and MOBAs, it's not something limited to SC, if they want to waste tons of cash on digital stuff then that's their problem. I still got more fun and gameplay out of SC so far and it's not even released, compared to stuff like Battlefront or For Honor where I got bored of the mechanics after like ten hours and never went back. I don't really get why Sup Forums always gets its panties in such a twist over this game. I'm mostly just enjoying watching it take shape and getting a view inside gamedev which most other companies don't give.

Well they had to tell you at some point.


He gave us the best ads.
We should've never questioned him.


Unless his backer do it before him.


>game is ambitious and could be great if they fulfill even half of what they intend
>Sup Forums keeps complaining about AAA games being simplistic and casual
>lmao lets hope this game fails so we can have a few shitposting circlejerk threads
good show lads

This could be a new meme user. Keep working on that lol pattern


I think SC is a scam, but this seems perfectly okay.

I really wish this is really

>even the star citizen reddit is starting to lose faith

But that's not what he's saying

i dont know what bothers me more, that it's this easy to trick people out of their money or that i have conscience that prevents me from doing it.


When this shit releases after all these years it will be so fucking cut down, buggy and barely playable it will make E:D look like a masterpiece.


I gave these guys $40 in like, what was it? 2011? A long time ago.



i was talking about the first comment being upvoted.
a year or so back anything negative said about sc on that reddit would have been downvoted to oblivion.
people are starting to wake up with the amount of features that keep getting pushed back again and again.

>paid 30 dollars for this back when they first announced it and said late 2013 will be the release date
>havent really been following it since
>still dont know if its an MMO or what
>all i know is that there are like 1000 ships and theres a ship being announced or released daily
>decide to try it out years and years after i bought it
>log on
>wander around some empty city with no players in sight
>look at the 4 different types of guns that are usable in some shop and the 4 different types of armour
>wander around some more meeting nobody and have no clue what the fuck to do or where to go

Can i actually play this if i have no friends?

Has there ever been an instance of good new with this game? I mean something more substantial than "development is coming along swimmingly! :^)"

Last one.

>I have a job so it doesn't matter I waste thousands on a literal scam
>doesn't realise all the real things he could get with that money

Beware of hubris, never promise to give your daughter a unicorn.

They clearly were far too ambitious.

Every thread.

Every god motherfucking damn thread.

What the FUCK are you trying to accomplish you autistic fucking piece of trash? What the fuck do you want? The entire mothercucking thread to say "Oh my fuck, you are so right, we are and always have been wrong, thank you for showing us the way, enlightened one"?!

I hope you fucking DIE. Every single thread with this autistic fucking bullshit and everyone tells you to fuck off every single time because no one gives a single fucking fuck about your autistic manga vs anime imaginary fucking war.

vwnosij[bhdsip[vnphuserijo{VPHw u[=dpcvmorb8

The same thing happened with Freelancer. It was only after Chris Roberts left (before he was pushed) that they managed to piece together the parts that were playable into something that could be released.


>The Enablers

Amazed how they have 4k posts in that forum.

while advanced, it's nothing too special. there is nothing "lol" about that.

>have a need to have massive "seamless" space travel
>single server cant handle the load of the entire population and what they are doing
>create multiple servers to handle different instances
>already have a loading screen that is light speed travel
>it is now no different than any other game with a loading screen

Someone post the pic.

>wow had sharding like 5 years ago
>star citizen still struggles with the tech

Oh fuck, I only just realized that.

Shit man I used to post in forums of shitty browsergames and gather thousands of posts, mostly by shitposting with the rest of the community in offtopic sections