Eager Tournament 2 today
post wips
Eager Tournament 2 today
post wips
It's still a little early.
too early you cuuuunt
I guess you don't know about "sage."
Oh well.
just like you don't know what it's like to not be a faggot
Wow. I'm so offended, on the board that says "faggot" all the time!
lol why are you so mad jeez
Why have these threads been starting earlier then usual?
Used to be 12 central on the dot.
Nice projection. I ain't even mad. Not in the slightest.
Are there any postrushes today?
Shitposters have made so many early threads that stayed alive that people forgot that they used to begin typically at 2 PM EST.
None have been announced.
lmao is that why you wrote a textbook over 1 word? stay mad geezer
people trying to push their luck like maggie poster and bant fags
Don't open.
I like how heehost has wasted yet another weekend while staying silent.
That's one way to evaporate all the hype from your tourney, I guess.
long arm bob was kinda just an idea because I wanted shreddin devil to look popular
it was really fun to make some crowd ideas actually
That first ability looks really fucking powerful.
that second ability looks pretty damn funny.
Anyone being mad about this is either new or shitposting. He said he was busy with school. Over a day ago. He did something very similar with WC7 when it wasn’t ready. If it’s not ready it’s not ready. I don’t get the point of trying to start some anti HH train going.
That was a fake trip.
go to
>Burst mode levels of broken ability on second evo
>Host killer ability on third evo
>19 stats on third evo
You might wanna look into those. He otherwise looks pretty interesting, if simple.
i wouldn't say that the 3rd is really host killer
on the 2nd evo i could probably just remove the extra chance to crit or make it just one ability halved
Thanks for the feedback thop
when did vermin lose its soul?
shed engine when?
Having both the inability to attack and the halves stats is still “my ability is two abilities”.
multi-champ namefags
you fucker i thought noone would ever namedrop me
when people began to antagonize the hosts and regard vermin based on their creators and not the vermin itself
uhhhh t10?
It didn't, nostalgiafag
It's a slow thread.
Post fanart.
If you insist.
Early tourneys seemed really fun and people could do whatever they wanted and people were accepted. At a certain point it seems like people who were artists took it upon themselves to shit on people who aren’t artists and a bunch of people got really entitled about tournaments. Also a lot of lore stuff like comics with an overarching story stopped being made as much.
The engine is on hiatus for god knows how long, someone though it wiould be cool to hardwire the wifi into a part of my house, and surprise surprise, the roof in my den got so water damaged it got into the wiring and I had to cut it off.
Oh and the guy making the engine forgot about the engine until I asked him about it.
So yeah, it's not coming anytime soon since I'm poor.
Made this for my teammate. I thought she would look cute in a sailors outfit.
doesn't that mean ashe's naked all the time?
>name is "poppy with a fucking hammer"
>90% of the time she has no hammer
Explain this
Then how does Poppy reproduce?
What's that stand for?
I'm currently drawing this team, all four members of it.
i want to FUCK that vonjungle
thanks, i hope we do good tonight
So does this mean anytime a plant vermin and a bee vermin are fighting each other, love can bloom on the battlefield?
God dammit
you can stop now
its a decent pic dont ruin it
eager when?
I'm just going to leave this here.
Sorry, it's the last thing I drew
martycycle draw a champ this weekend
It's probably going to be a couple hours before anything will happen.
It's better to wait since it's basically all we got today.
Post cosmetic abilities.
I so happy that we not only got to see Titanebrae's ability in action, but he also became a champ too.
The greatest
>2nd ability is basically the same
This has to be shitposting at this point
I wonder if this is the oldest "cosmetic ability." It's definitely among the oldest.
oh sorry heres a legit ability
This, which is partly because some artists are real fucking elitist dramaqueens or attention whores
She keeps it in hammerspace
post shitposts
This af
People get mad when people say Skeeto is shilled to death, and the argument is made that Skeeto has done so much for the community and shit
But the thing is, Skeeto the vermin hasn't done jackshit, its a generic bug vermin with no joke or personality to compliment it like Mr Mats
People only like Skeeto the vermin because of Skeeto the person, and thats an undeniable fact that a circlejerk is in effect
In spire of everything, I think he's kind of funny.
beat champ
Good luck Randy
>only vermin to ever have a superboss as a teammate
The only reason people attack RPGhost so much because he's a super easy target cause he was a clueless normie with no idea how to handle Sup Forums users.
>regard vermin based on their creators and not the vermin itself
I was surprised to see him in that exhibition match.
I'm surprised that nobody ever entered this vermin to a 2v2 or 3v3 just to fuck with people.
>being this mad someone when someone calls out your bullshit ability
How new are you
>finally got one of my faves in to a tourney
>spent their one free loss at 2nd stage and could very well die at stage 3 barring then from other tourneys forever
I'm scared anons
People wanted to see a a 2v1 but it'd be a lot of work to actually set that up so I went for the next closest thing.