Will Diablo ever return to its former glory days?
Will Diablo ever return to its former glory days?
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they're a big company
not if Blizzard has the IP From Software needs to get Diablo IP.
I can literally just start up Diablo II and play it right now. What the fuck is this nigger talking about?
Why should they? Are nostalgiafags that loose with their money?
Copyrights, probably.
A remastered version.
Diablo both 1 and 2 owed a lot of their atmosphere which they are so famous for to the rendering technology.
I'm retarded so I don't know a lot about it but the way it does color is a quirk of the rendering process which just isn't done today and any remastering done in a higher resolution wouldn't get the same effect. It would need a graphical redesign entirely to look good.
This is also why D3 doesn't look as nice - the gloom and doom atmosphere isn't very compatible with the engine, which is a variation of the warcraft 3 engine and generally very colorful.
But yes, the whole thing is pointless when people play D2 all the time. In a recent patch, blizzard fixed bots (by getting rid of them almost entirely) which gave the game a bit of a resurgence.
Its happened
Im in the mirrior universe
What the fuck
Who was that retarded article written for?
it would be easier to expect third party hackers making boot files like what exists for cave story and doom as examples.
He’s talking about Diablo 2 HD that fans keep asking about.
Due to the way Diablo 2 was made, an HD version would not be possible because Blizzard would have to remake a lot of the game.
They won't compete against their own game.
Same reason they don't want to continue rts warcraft; starcraft is their rts series now.
That sounds a lot like vanilla wow "you think you want it, but you don't" style excuse.
>This is also why D3 doesn't look as nice
D3 uses an entirely different style of graphics, art direction and complete hack WoW artists worked on it.
There's literally nothing stopping a D2 style game being made today, either using 3D-to-sprites like in the original or just having a proper art direction with the 3D models and palettes.
He's not with Blizzard anymore so he doesn't care. They've already raped his game with D3
>Diablo 2 HD
>half of the game consists of microtransactions
>other half of DLC bosses
i think it's just like 90% color palette. D3 didn't do grey really, it did blue. Grim Dawn feels more like a D2 atmosphere than D3.
I don't understand why people want this. I'm not even that big into Diablo but I can still play and enjoy both of them and they still look fantastic.
who cares about diablo 2 when PoE exists and is 10 times better than shitblo ever was?
>i think it's just like 90% color palette.
a lot of it is color palette, you'd be surprised how much better my game looks after playing around with nvidia filters
Why are blizzard so incompetent?
>D3 uses an entirely different style of graphics, art direction and complete hack WoW artists worked on it.
That's what I said.
Did you know they made D3 once modeled after D2, then decided it looks like shit and scrapped the whole thing? A very, very similar process happened with SC2.
D3 looks as it does because they didn't know how to make it look good so they ended up saying fuck it and made a WoW aRPG because it's better than not having anything to show for their efforts over the years.
That's basically what the guy is saying - they don't know how to make diablo 2 look good with modern technology because their old methods aren't compatible and they can't be fucked inventing new ones.
I assume he means it would be difficult to try to do some sloppy modding to put in "high-def" assets in place of the old art assets from the 90s
if he's saying that it's literally impossible to make Diablo then I think fucking GGG and Crate LLC would laugh and laugh and LAUGH at how fucking inept and shit Tigole's modern-day Blizzard is, and the suggest you go play PoE or Grim Dawn since thay're Diablo except made in the current millenium.
it looks like a generic unity pixel game you faggot
those things you talk about are called shaders and can be made in unity or any modern engine
Well apparently the guy who made it says no.
So either he's retarded and also everyone else working in Blizzard is retarded or it's not so simple.
Well to be fair, these two options are equally likely.
Grim Dawn is actually awesome, I fucking wish they could make a game like that set in the diablo universe.
Something feels shit about PoE and i don't know what it is...it's like the combat just feels weak somehow. Mind you i played it way back at release...
The way you word this and that you linked a recent speedrun of it to show it off gives me an awful feeling you haven't played it.
Nobody that browses Sup Forums hasn't played Diablo 2, right? Right?
Either that or they're just making excuses to not bother with the remake.
>never having played D2
Unless you build a time machine and save Blizzard North: no.
user, the bearded guy on the right is the core of Blizzard North. He's was the main guy in the company before it was even acquired by Blizzard. It had a different name back then, I can't remember what it was.
Anyway, the point is that if he says no, it's unlikely that the rest of those guys would be helpful in this matter.
Sounds logic since consoles is their only objective.
how to get diablo II?
Did Diablo II have loot boxes? Because, if they were to remaster or remake Diablo II, Blizzard executives would demand loot boxes and other kinds of cancer. So I don't know why anyone would want a re-release of this game in the first place.
>modern Blizzard
Nope, just for starters the dark atmosphere and look of D2 would cause 90% of the devs to have a nervous breakdown. Look at OW, look at WoW, look at SC2: these people are manchildren in the truest sense of the word, they surround themselves with infantile atmosphere to create a "safe space". This then reflects into everything they do of course, best example is OW where, aside from the obvious artstyle, even saying gg gets you banned.
Wouldn't surprise me if Blizzard's offices looked like pic related nowadays (I mean it does look like reference for OW, after all).
>>it looks like a generic unity pixel game you faggot
>porting an extremely well programmed game that's not even 2GB in size including all assets is too hard for Activision AAAA budget
You LITERALLY don't make that shit up.
Fuck, I thought noone else played this game.
>when their """graphics update""" even made King's Row bright and colourful
it really looks generic as fuck now, nothing special about it
The fuck? The Multires mod literally adds 16:9 support, and the only buggy part about it is that lights rendered outside of the 4:3 border are stretched.
I'm betting, somehow Blizzard lost the master copy or the backups or some other vital bullshit thing like an ancient legal document and now they just blow smoke because they feel really stupid.
what happened to blizzard? I mean, look at that mess that is overwatch.
>"Look at our polished memefest~"
I'm confused: Outside of the message on the pool table, what is wrong with that office?
They have a widescreen patch.... I don't understand why this is even an issue.
even a kid should recognize this as total bullshit
>generic pixelshit 2D game
>can't be done on different ratio/resolution
for you
Well there's your problem: it's Brevik, he's the original creator of Diablo. He actually gives a fuck about the game and is thinking of a proper remake. NuBlizzard doesn't give two shits about Diablo 2 and has no intention of making a decent remake, they just want to neuter it down for the modern OW audience (removing problematic and sexist content, for starters) hoping they eat it up as being retro and nerdcred.
>there are people browsing this website RIGHT NOW who are not underage who were born only 4-5 months before Diablo II was released
midyear is going to be the real wakeup call to isometric aRPG fans, knowing that filthy fucking children who never even played Diablo or even knew it existed other than Diablo III are allowed to browse this website without fear of being banned for being underaged who the fuck am I kidding the average age of this website now is like 14 at best, people that played Diablo II as a teenager are literal grandpas in the eyes of those little cunts
>what is wrong with that office?
looks like a kindergarten
because programmer are literal autists
What does that look like, a professional work environment or a daycare for manchildren?
>He actually gives a fuck about the game
That doesn't explain why he's full of shit.
>muh atmosphere
the game looks bland and generic, the sprites look like they were rendered from shitty 3D models
the first time i played diablo ii it was on windows 7
fuck that loser
how fucking stupid can they possibly be?
do they actually think we're this stupid too?
I've never been so mad at something so trivial
just kidding, it happens every day
Read between the lines, he is lying because he doesn't want it to happen and the executives over him are too dumb to realize that he is lying.
go suck off a cel-shaded game, bitch.
>meanwhile GGG does it for free
but now everyone else will think he's a retard
for jew
Then how am I playing it right now?
but muh atmosphere, it's not dark and gray enough
Path of Exile is not the successor to Diablo II, not the direct successor at least. It's a good game but it takes a different approach. Grim Dawn is the direct successor.
Some sacrifices are worth making, like keeping your masterpiece out of the hands of jews who will rape it and kill it's legacy.
sounds like a noble sacrifice
So the part where you can attack enemies outside their aggro range is working just fine?
Most of the areas are dark and grey though. That's just a palace towards the end of the first story.
You could already do that if you weren't a shitter, namelocking works on bosses too iirc.
it's good but it's just not the same.
would look much better if it was isometric
How are people in this thread so retarded?
He is not working at Blizzard, he's also not involved in the D2 remaster, he's just stating that Blizzard might have problems recreating some of the effects
Don't forget the micro transactions.
Diablo 2 had an expansion priced at $40. It came with new classes, gear and an entire campaign.
Diablo 3 had a loot system based on the auction house.
Solo > group
Let me guess: you started playing games after 2007, correct?
Grim Dawn is the direct successor of Titan Quest.
Which is the direct successor of Diablo II, so technically that makes it -a- successor, but yes, not a direct successor, I used direct unnecessarily.
people who never played Diablo 2 aren't actual people. poe is a good effort but doesn't even come close in terms of atmosphere (UI, sounds, story, talent trees etc.)
It's whatever you want it to be if you scroll the mouse wheel.
GD is not even a successor, it's a reskinned TQ with few tweaks and a couple of new mechanics. And it still has the same issues TQ had with it's poor class synergy despite offering tons of class combinations, lack of loot variety, uninteresting leveling system where you can go upwards of dozen of levels without actually having a single point invested in active skills because passives can work just better etc etc
yo anybody got a ptorch for trade on us east sc?
>TQ is a direct successor of Diablo II
Get the fuck out of here, nigger. I don't want to listen to your retarded ass shit anymore. You're a disgrace to ARPG fans and people with taste in general.
The sad part is that this faggot never ever played diablo 2 in the first place, fuk blizzard there is nothing of value in that company anymore
How can one post be so wrong.
So, you are saying Path of Exile or Diablo III are the successors to Diablo II? OK then.
>graphic whore
>literally believe the fart noise out of his mouth matter to adults just because he's parotting the guy who posted above him
What's the best way to play Diablo 1 and 2 if I want to play it online with a friend for the first time?
go back to /agdg/
but its already on my modern pc
everyone fucking played it you mong it was very popular on release
I think he means how modern game engines are too fancy for stuff like D2. But if that’s what he is saying I don’t see why they couldn’t just write their own engine, it’s not like it would need a lot of features. The 4:3 vs side screen thing is particularly confusing, I think the old man’s lost it
>how dare you know about the subject! get out of my safe space I want to express myself, and mom aggrees it's the best !
Fuck off kid, it's not the place for this shit.
Posting that image is a good start, since it's ancient as fuck from the goddamn alpha. As someone who mods for Grim Dawn, it fucking IS just a reskinned TQ. It uses the same goddamn engine, just updated some. If someone hated TQ, they will hate GD just as much because it is fundamentally the same design.
post ur game
Just in case somebody here doesn't already know: nolfrevival tk/