Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

>Is good

>All the fonts are shit

The credits are made up of Japanese names.

Has attractive women


>token black character isn't shit

Oh here come the racism again

Touché Sup Forums

turn based

reddit hates it

Its both cheesy and fun.

>no lootboxes

No manfaced women.
Women actually look attractive.
No dumbass overt "trendy" political quips.
There's actual gameplay.
The gameplay is actually good.
The VA doesn't give you ear cancer.
The VA can actually act.
It doesn't constantly bug out.

Japanese developer logo on screen when you boot up game.
Japanese developer and publisher logo on box.
Characters speak Japanese.
It didn't get TV commercials.
Anime box art.

>character talks with their eyes closed and looking away from other characters

>Menu is in Japanese
>Text is in Japanese
>Characters speak Japanese

faggots who accidentally clicked Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums can't shut up about it and get defensive when they're called out
case in point

Visible panties.

The music is memorable.

>teenager kills god

>cringe humor that revolves around body parts or nudity

you're the only one who sounds defensive

>video game
>Sup Forums
the insecurity


>horrible body language animations

>woman on cover is actually a man
>little girl is actually a demon and 1000s of years old
>"plot" is incomprehensible
>you immediately recognize the same 3 voice actors from every other nip game you've played
>final boss is literally god
>huuuuuuge tiddies
>"featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series"

Pure pottery here.

>accurate black person rep

Mass Effect 3?

calculations come in simple steps instead of complex curves

cell shaded characters

really bad, but clean animations or the best animations ever

unnecessarily long text

menus for menus for menus

a weird lack of marxist/jewish ideals

>you immediately recognize the same 3 voice actors from every other nip game you've played
this applies to western more than japanese games.

>Protagonist and Antagonist meet
>Either or both start spouting dumb philosophical bullshit about wills or something
>Randomly holding back bits of information to make the story seem mysterious
>Turns out there's no payoff on half the loose ends they make

>a weird lack of marxist/jewish ideals

'Gameplay' with no depth

it's revolutionary

>calculations come in simple steps instead of complex curves
what does that even mean? I can't begin to guess what you're referring to


>the gameplay is good

There's a commercial about a juice called Bai. In it, there's a samurai who speaks. That voice is literally in every Japanese game/anime that has a "burly guy" in it.

The music isn't complete fucking garbage

they speak some ching chong language duh


Stupid hair

Same as you accidentally clicking Sup Forums instead of reddit?

Fuck, wrong thread.

>play Bethesda game
>hear someone talking to themselves


Characters with terrible personalities and with minimal flaws that are not even interesting. But hey, cute women, am I right?

black characters aren't ugly
women aren't ugly
actually no characters are ugly, and all characters are interesting

thanks doc

requires about 1000 hours to 100%

>oversized weapons
>disrespect for wild life
>cartoonish with disproportional art style
>sexualization of children
>autistic fanbase

Just the main ones

>at least half of the clothing/weapon designs will be godawful bullshit that makes zero sense even within the confines of the game's setting

Good looking female.

This but unironically

>all characters are interesting

Your post just also described most recent Western games with the exception of the second sentence.

>Characters with terrible personalities and with minimal flaws that are not even interesting.
This isn't the western games thread user.


No niggers


Chink "emotions" are predictable and boring

>copy pasted male and female characters from a random previous Jap game
>an average of 7 belts per character
>manga hair
>grinding instead of natural progression
>no matter how whimsical and inmmersive the environment is, when a battle starts the screen fills up with 10 power meters and number counters
>characters have stupid unnatural victory poses/dances
>godawful VA, females sound like they're being rammed in the ass so neckbeards can fap to them
>random quirky animal companion
>you start off as some total wimp but 30 hours into the game you karate chop God who is the final boss

Anime tropes
Sometimes applies to western made as well

>characters must be insanely flawed reeeeee

Almost all the characters are students and school faculty.

You mean they're present at all, unlike with amerirobots.
>whoa she like blinked and he like raised his eyebrows to make the dreamworks face
>this is totally acting like in my pixar movies!!1

It's not as overly common in actual games to be honest. Bully wasn't made in Japan either.

Sup Forums loves it

Pretty sure comically large items outside cartoony games are exclusive to jap games.

>The VA doesn't give you ear cancer.
only the mature women voices, squeaky little girl voices can die

And western vidya emotions are overblown and stupid. Two sides of the the same shit coin.

>Japanese Text


The men look women and the women look like children, or there is a race of childlike people.
Women are either flat-chested and look young but are actually "1006838136 years old and suprrr awesome & kewl and randum x3!!1!!!1!11!!" or women are balloon-titted bimbos that are just embarrassing to look at.
Lots of creepy pedophile vibes in the game.
Story is infantile, bad, or just full of cliches.
Bad, grindy gameplay.
And last but not least, weeb Sup Forumsirgins defend it to their dying breath.

Good thing we're talking about Japanese games here.

The primary concern for the developers is pimpled shut-ins being able to jerk off to the game. This supersedes writing, gameplay and graphics

I'm not keen on the squeaky voices but they're not terrible earrapes like listening to american dubs or worse, American """cute""" girl voices.

It's rampant in their entertainment mediums as a whole. Japan is a culture of schooling and work. And now that they're getting more creatively bankrupt by the year, school is an overly present background and/or theme.

ps3 graphics

>that are just embarrassing to look at.
So are you a homo jew or a hambeast dyke?

No, they're all the same.

The game is actually fucking good.

Anime and games are the most common forms of escapism for the average Japanese male, and most of them dream to be back in school and live a better life. That being said, while it is a common trope, not all of it is school.

game for pedophiles

Tends to be the unfortunate side effect of the "when it's done" philosophy rather than kicking out a pretty turd in 18 months.

I started playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 the other day and the first thing I noticed is that there are a lot of comedy scenes in the game. Like Pyra being too fat for a 15 year old boy to carry, Tora's closet being full of cosplay for his totally not a sex-bot robot Poppi, or just how much of a flamboyant mustache twirling villain the mayor is.

And it's like, Western games aren't anti-humor but the jokes they make are usually exceptionally crude or rely on shock value to be funny. At least for published games. Indie games do use more humor but a lot of them are the same puns and meme references.

Movies and shooters vs a variety of different genres.

Guess they need to catch up on things that sell

I don't think I've ever played a Chinese video game.

Pedogaffers on ResetEra seem to prefer western games though. (not like they buy either anyway)

>TLJ has a few jokes
>people lose their shit
I don't know when Western society became so anti-fun but it's appalling.

Luckily you don't have to because I'm telling you they're all the same.

>and most of them dream to be back in school and live a better life
Except all the shut-ins and school refusals.

I have. Wuxia Tales. Cool combat and RPG-ish elements if a bit broken and completely unintelligible english.

It's terrible.

anime hair

because turds like tlg and ff15 were so good

The one on the left looks like an ugly woman.
The one on the right looks like an underage boy.

gracias el doctore

FFXV was the antithesis of "when it's done".

girls are cute
combat is good (usually)
very not realistic, even if the artstyle is