What were their names again?
What were their names again?
Глaз and Пaлeц
Major Degtyarev and Mercenary Scar.
Glaz (Eye) and Palitz (Finger).
It is symbolic because they were a sniper - spotter duo with Eye being the spotter and Finger the killer. They both took out a part of their own body - Eye cut out his eye and Finger cut off his finger because those two parts were responsible for taking lives.
Ass and Pallets
it was fun extracting them instead of killing them
The two were in Laos together
Glaz and palitz
Probably like doug and mike or something
these two were more interesting than anybody in TPP, why couldn't TPP be like GZ
The Trigger and the Nigger
No thats not it
Dogars and Koffing
Window and skid?
Simply knocking them out won't cut it.
Jesus, the flashback of cringe is real
>yfw you carve your eye out for a simbolical meaning of redemption and your bro instead of cutting out his hand to simbolize the same level of guilt only chops off a finger
>get them in Phantom Pain thanks to GZ save file
>fire their asses when they get outranked by S+ rank nobodies
Nigger and Cracker.
Black and Tan
I like it.
God being an adult sucks. Never thought I'd find furniture interesting
Why does he look like HHH
>Not finding furniture interesting as a child.
Ground Zeros is unironically 10 times better than fucking anything we got in TPP.
The fuck went wrong?
Their names are right there in the filename, idiot.
>firing their asses
>not ranking them up with all 3 medals and keeping them along with every other unique character in the game
Enjoy your generic motherbase
The Eye and the Finger
Assigning Palitz to the combat unit in TPP and exclusively using snipers
Fuck your feelings
But you can't fire the black one, I tried.
>when you let kojima write your game
The Ass and The Fingerer
Honestly, chopping off a single index finger will still let you lift stuff at 95% efficiency. He'd have fucked himself more if he chopped off his pinky because the percentage drops down to like 60%. If he needs to shoot stuff he can just learn to shoot with his left hand. The Finger is a cunt.
Glaze and Donuts
As a child furniture is important, they make up the safe spots for when the floor becomes lava
>if he chopped off his pinky because the percentage drops down to like 60%
Really? Because I suspect I might have somewhat short pinkies since a lot of gloves leave almost a joints worth of space empty on the pinky.
Ebony and Ivory