WHen did you realize games media was dead and buried and completely out of touch with gamers?
WHen did you realize games media was dead and buried and completely out of touch with gamers?
like 10 years ago
About the time when Kotaku got popular. So like seven years ago.
Why does anybody still care about Gamergate?
>dox, misrepresent, and encourage attacks on media during gamergate
>why doesn't the media like gamergate!?
Fuck off goober, go back to redit.
When I started using gamefaqs in 2001
>caring about the gaming media
This, but neoseeker around the same time
I’m so sick of hearing about gamergate. To this day I have no idea what it is. Who gives a shit what side someone was on in a fucking i n t e r n e t a r g u m e n t from like five years ago.
Some people are stuck in literal pre-school. Like they haven’t realized cooties aren’t a real thing and they carry these practices into adulthood. Just tell me about the game and if it’s good, holy hell.
I mean she's not wrong
dont bring ryan into this shit
Based Abby triggering the Sup Forumstards and making the GOTY deliberations an enjoyable train wreck.
I'd post the Abby dabbing webm if I had it.
kane and lynch
fuck ryan davis
user, nobody cares about the argument at this point. Its just a boogeyman scapegoat now.
when gamewinners shut down
I guess it was when I realized that Sup Forums is ultimately flooded by Sup Forums and alt-rights who talks about their stupid ideologies and grudges against other people instead of discussing fucking video games
journalists in the industry have always held their customers in contempt, now that they know we hold them in contempt right back, there is no going back to how it was.
>doesn't cover KCD
>does cover pic related
Based Giantbomb
10 years ago.
I used to be a games journalist. It's corrupt as fuck and all the (literal) faggots doing it now only care about their political agendas and literally don't even play video games.
They cover whatever they feel like covering. Good for them. That's pretty based.
In the 90s? All of them being sellouts is not anything new by a long shot.
Yeah, this guy gets it.
Since day 1.
Because the underlying problems exposed by gamergate have in no way been solved and are potentially getting worse. You just don't understand gamergate do you?
When Half-Life 2 came out, inferior to its predecessor in everything but graphics and the press unanimously jumped on its dick. And back then they actually had the power to influence public opinion.
Fuck off goober.
>even /ourguy/ DSP refused to play it
literally the 2 worst things you can be
Did he say why?
your insecurities are spilling out your pockets
honestly the fact that this is black history month makes this so much sweeter, or rather the tears be sweater
surprised though they aren't reviewing more games by black devleopers, or revisiting games made by black developers like Gone Home
havent consumed it in literally years
probably 10 or so
Sup Forums and leddit are my source for shit like this. straight out of a consumer's mouth, not a party that's interested in profiting
If they were "out of touch with gamers" they wouldn't be selling millions of copies and making money hand over fist
gaming journalism is free, they don't "sell" anything
>Sup Forums gets upset when games media gives positive attention to politized games
>giantbomb doesn't give attention at all to a politized game
>Sup Forums gets upset that a media outlet isn't giving attention to a politized game because it panders to them
why is Sup Forums so hypocritical?
Basically, there's a psycho whore who makes an absolutely awful game called depression quest. It gets received well by gaming journalists. Some guy dated Zoe Quinn, made a post somewhere on the internet about how she was a cheating whore and how she cheated on him with one of the journalists who reviewed the game. People said "wtf this is so corrupt". Zoe Quinn plays the victim card "OMG SEXISM MYSOGYNY RAPE THREATS DEATH THREATS REEEEE" and gaming journalists started saying "OMG GAMERS ARE SO SEXIST BULLIES REEEE". Gamers started asking what the fuck was going on with gaming journalism, none of the gaming journalism sites actually defended the gamers who were concerned about ethics in game journalism. Which "red-pilled" gamers as to how SJWs and feminists are basically crybullies.
That sums up the "basic" part of Gamergate for most people I believe. If any other anons can elaborate I'm not very articulate at the moment. But yeah, basically Gamergate was a red-pill moment for gamers when they realized SJWs are full of shit and they're ruining gaming.
When all those "Gamers are Dead" articles came out. Coordinated hitpieces insisting there's no conspiracy.
All Gamergate was, was 90's kids waking up to the realization that journalists covering mindless entertainment would not be impartial, then getting angry that the people writing articles for beeps and boops coming out of a TV screen aren't being held to the highest of journalistic standards.
You sound like a Sup Forumstard, but there's no way you are one. Sup Forums doesn't post here and is just a silly boogeyman
They recorded a quick look of A Hat In Time and it was scheduled to go up. A few hours before the video was supposed to be available it was removed from the schedule and never spoken of again.
These same retards are vocal about how much the hat gaming journalism yet they spend half the day reading it.
Nothing but a bunch of retards looking for things to trigger themselves over so they can come here and make threads about how triggered they are.
>gamers call out fraud in video game journalism
>a movement starts to defraud the video game journalism
>suddenly, a bunch of "redpilled" faggots start acting aggressive and harrass/threaten people
>they go out of their way to censor them by making threats to conventions where those people wanted to talk at
>every sane person distances himself from this radical group of insane people
>these goobergaters wonder why gamergate is considered cancer by everyone and looked down on, even by the devs of KCD themselves, the ones they parade
>Sup Forums doesn't post here
Have a (you) dumb frogposter.
>one of the journalists who reviewed the game
it was literally 5 different kotaku editors in exchange for positive coverage of the game
she had also shut down Sup Forums's attempt to fund a game before that, so there was already animosity on her part toward Sup Forums and other less-sjw-friendly websites
This is the Sup Forumstard narrative. Notice his use of the word "redpill" which highlights how big a faggot he is.
What actually happened with GamerGate is pretty simple. Some literally who whore made and released a free game and had some literally who journalists she fucked review it. Sup Forums used the outrage over this insignificant event as an opportunity to start a culture war to try to cast out liberals from video games. They lost the war because the vast majority of people knew what they were up to. Even based moot told them to stop their shitty daily GG threads in here and told them to fuck off. In return, they said they'd all go exodus to 8ch and that there would be a significant downturn in users. This never happened. No one went to their shit website and they came back here and continue to pester where they're unwanted.
thats fine, if something like KCD was complete SHIT
but its like a 7/10, at least deserves a fucking review and not because the asshole in charge has any agenda.
if they were in a corp setting, they would REVIEW the fucking game because they would get fired otherwise. their boss wouldn't care about his fucking pol opinions, he wants THE DAMN REVIEW ON HIS FUCKING DESK BY MONDAY!
These are allegations. Gamergaters may have never done any of that shit, it could have been false flagging. Whether these particular allegations are true, there was tremendous effort exerted to smear gamers and gamergate in every other way possible, and some people started asking how the fuck journalism could be so corrupt. Some of them looked up to see the bigger picture.
So they started digging.
Goobergabbys need to fuck off from Sup Forums, we dont want your reddit movement anymore
This is the common belief but even this is wrong. The movement was about "redpilled" Sup Forumstards from the get go. Journalistic integrity was always a cover story. We started threads making fun of her for being a whore and posting nude photos of her, mocking how fugly she is. The "we are actually doing this for wholesome reasons" bullshit only started when Sup Forumstards wanted to make a whole chanology 2.0 out of it.
billy, your soy is ready, get off the computer its dinner time
imagine thinking of yourself as a "liberal" or "intelligent" but you can't keep an open mind about a children's game lmao
Social Justice is literally the millennials religion of choice.
It's got it all
Self flagellation
Witch hunting
all you got to do is change Sin to "Privilege" and you'll have millions of morons lining up to crucify someone
Came to post this
>le ebin soy meme
Woah... so this is the intellect of the faGGot... Truly makes one ponder.
>at least deserves a fucking review
Giantbomb doesn't really do reviews though, the last game they bothered reviewing was Star wars Battlefront 2.
GB are a weird personality driven game site, not a review site.
And they found connections to "common core", which is when the media started panicking. They were trying to contain the outbreak of awareness about "common core" corruption. The bankers and other criminals are all behind that shit.
I dunno a lot of liberals blame GG for getting Trump elected.
>and gaming journalists started saying "OMG GAMERS ARE SO SEXIST BULLIES REEEE".
Way to completely gloss over the core point of them operating a group literally and without exaggeration inspired by the J-List.
Do you see how hard they are trying to keep people from talking about the real meaning of gamergate?
>We won't cover this game because somebody did something icky
If the game is good then who the fuck gives a shit?
Gamergate has no meaning, kill yourself goober.
>There are retarded liberals
No shit. Yes, I know that Zoe Quinn thinks that she's personally involved in Donald Trump becoming the president of the United States. It's yet another reason why SJWs are no different from Sup Forumstards: Their self-delusions.
They are literally pointing out the real meaning of gamergate.
J-list? If I missed something enlighten me.
doxxing is a leftist tactic
ok then!
if they don't review games, then why are people apparently wanting them to?!
it'd be like asking my mom to review games when she has no idea about games in this day and age, when the last game she played was like SMB in 1985!
fuck you friendship wanting fucks
i fucking HATE you all
>I'm a goobergabbler
it DID get Trump elected
that was THE moment that the general public found out how corrupt the media was and by extension the leftwing politicians that the media was connected to
literally the entire current political climate goes back to GamerGate
I'm sorry reality doesn't fit to your Sup Forumstarded narrative. Yes, I'm sure the 4 people you're replying to including myself are deep government soros SJW shills that are making sure this movement doesn't get any popularity even 5 years later.
Or maybe you're a conspiracy theory faggot and your retarded movement is blatant Sup Forums bullshit.
>GameJournoPros, according to Orland in one of the leaks, was inspired by JournoList
I only see/pol/fags saying that
it wasn't the sole catalyst. what it did do was awaken a relatively large demographic and forced them to the political front. bread and circus man
Nah. Zoe Quinn legitimately posted a tweet saying that GG was the beginning of everything. They're just as delusional as Sup Forumstards.
Pic related
>implying the left doesn't doxx and spam employers to fire people every fucking day
What were the connections to common core exactly? I know the curriculum is an absolute piece of shit that should be burned in a fire, but I've never heard of this aspect.
>implying the left doesn't doxx and spam employers to fire people every fucking day
What does that have to do with anything?
Lmao if true, what a joke website
Well, while saying this runs the risk of actually defending Zoe Quinn, gamergate literally was the beginning of a lot of gamers becoming anti-SJW, or right wing in other words.
Calm down, no it wasn't.
Americans are the real problem. I hope best Korea nukes them.
Never said you were deep government.
It's so fucking bizarre and obnoxious. The two extremes are constantly having a delusional war with each other and trying to sweep everyone else into it.
Don't forget the cruelty she did to WizardChan even before that.
People already knew she was toxic and a serial liar, so many were ready to believe just about anything about her.
What underlying problem? That there are still women in the industry and you have not managed to harrass them all yet?
Fuck off you degenerate sack of shit goober.
There are still a couple of decent people, and even the retards still express decent opinions sometimes. Just look at who you're listening to, and place that in the right context.
For example, if you listen to Abby, just realize you're listening to somebody who knows almost nothing about gaming.
The last time I ever made a purchase based on what a journalist said was in 2002.
>I don't care about the media
Basically nerds being nerds and all that comes with it. Sex was used to gain power, people didn't like the usage of sex to gain power. The outcasts found this deplorable for multiple reasons but the most bitter among them chose the fact that it was a woman as the chief reason that everything went the way it did. Eventually it turns out that said woman happened to be connected, along with many of her peers, to a large media company. Said media company also happens to be connected to an even larger series of companies known for doing some shady things, as most companies are. Incidentally said shady conglomerates happen to be involved in education as well as many other pies, leading to people questioning just how deep the rabbit hole goes. However at this point things have become totally common talking points on the internet even for those far removed from gaming or games journalism and as such both sides of the argument are perverted by false arguments and the deoning of the masses.
So now you're a fat ugly nerd gooberglimper if you happen to find the events suspicious or a hairy legged bulldyke feminazi if, once again, you find the events suspicious.
>To this day I have no idea what it is.
You could solve that problem in 5 minutes thanks to a little thing called google.