What were the greatest tech jumps in videogame history?

what were the greatest tech jumps in videogame history?
>hl1 -> hl2
>sims 1 -> sims 2
>gta 2 -> gta 3
>daggerfall -> morrowind

Silent Hill 1 -> 2. Just two short years between the two.

...Or practically any PS1 to PS2 transition in general.

Far Cry to Crysis is the best example of modern games I can think

Fallout 2 to Fallout 3

>FC to Crysis
eh, not really. FC1 could still pass as a low-budget PS4 game these days with all settings maxed.

halo -> halo 2
Metal gear solid ->Metal gear solid 2

For the time gap, I'd argue Smash 64 to Melee is up there, games that basically came out 2 years apart from one another.

>be 15yo
>see a new GamePro mag @ store
>headlines include something about new a RE game
>"a remake of RE1"
>all the screenshots are REAL TIME, in-game
My young self's mind was blown.
Some blocky and pixelated 240p visuals were still a common place in early days of 00s, and all the sudden the in-game graphics were practically indistinguishable from the pre-rendered stuff!

Skyward Sword to Breath of the Wild

Dragonball Z Ultimate 22 to FighterZ

Super Mario World to Super Mario 64.

Nothing really beats that.
Alternatively Metal Gear 2 to Metal Gear Solid.

system shock 1/2


Within a single series?

Pretty much any time a game went 3D for the first time, especially if it was an old game that got revived in the HD era.


doom to quake is a bigger jump, imo


Nah I agree with that guy. Wolfenstein 3D is total garbage while Doom 1 is still one of the best singleplayer FPS out there to this day.

Wolf to Doom brought us more convincing 3D world and lighting, and stock weapon & item sets and management elements.

Q1 really only brought in the areas over each other and free-aim (though that was kiiinda in BUILD games too). The color palette was totally meh compared to D1 though, while otherwise it was Doom in everything but name

We're talking about tech jumps, not gameplay.
>Wolfenstein 3D is total garbage
You're also a retard.

>Q1 really only brought in the areas over each other and free-aim
You're severely underestimating how much of a jump "areas over each other" are. Even Build uses kludgy-ass "separate layers stacked over each other to simulate actual layers," Quake/id tech 2 is true 3D through and through- no differentiation between walls and floors and ceilings, no layers of a level actually existing next to each other and just faking it, just the brush-based system that would be used for the next, oh, twenty years or so.

Nah, I'm cool. Wolfenstein 3D is total garbage, especially when directly compared to Doom 1.

>any early 3d game

No, you're a fucking retard who needs to learn some fucking history. How can you call Wolf 3D total garbage when the original Castle Wolfenstein and Beyond Castle Wolfenstein exist?


Wolfenstein and Doom are both 2.5. Quake is true 3D. If you want to see the difference between 2.5d and 3D, compare the dungeons of Daggerfall and Arena. Adding a z Axis makes your levels have the ability to become much more complex, have real underwater areas, and introduce gameplay elements not found in 2.5 games like switches on ceilings or enemies attacking you from all 360 degree angels.

I understand perfectly fine the technical differences and freedom the polygonal structure of Q1 brought us; I was already modding the "Doom clones" back in 1990s.
In practical sense, for the player, the difference was not really as apparent. Meanwhile, Wolf3D was completely "2D" in every possible sense, lacking height differences, shading and shit. Doom was a huge upgrade in all possible ways, only missing slopes because of lack of time.

>anything ever -> crysis

How the fuck do even more archaic games change that Wolfenstein 3D is garbage? Doom 1 has great gameplay even though it's also old as fuck and Wolfenstein 3D just isn't. The fucking level design is the worst offender.

Crysis looks and plays like shit without mods.


>Wolfenstein and Doom are both 2.5. Quake is true 3D.
Again, here. That meme's getting old.
If you REALLY wanna split hairs, then everything on your monitor is just 2D picture, mimicking 3D environment.
There are, however, practical differences between the three-dimensionalities of Wolf3D and Doom 1, with former only allowing movement on Z and X planes on the projections of what are merely 64x64 sized 2D "images".

The later "2.5D" games, such as all the BUILD engine games, made the practical difference between them and the polygonal / brush maps very negligible at best. Sure, you had to do a bit more work, be more creative in order to implement your ideas, but 3D movement with 360 interaction was not impossible any more.

why did you post the old one?

No, it doesn't. Visuals hold up better than some 2010s games, and gameplay is MILES above majority of the Gen-7 and 8 console AAA trash.

>plays like shit
How to easily tell someone was too poor to play the game when released, got butthurt, and never went back to it.


I unironically think that SW2013 and "2" look and play way worse than SW97

But I literally went back to it and it plays like garbage.

>How to tell someone didn't play it at all
Crysis isn't that good. It has always been a tech demo with a 7/10 game attached.


>plays like shit
Are you a game journalist?

Doom to Quake can't be better than Wolf -> Doom because the latter is purely additive where some things were lost going from Doom to Quake. Quake had less colors, less varied environments, a smaller bestiary, and no first person animations apart from the guns themselves whatsoever

Sims 1 > Sims 2 though

>He doesn't know
If I was this late to a party I would be eternally embarrassed


>Being too stupid to play Crysis properly and instead play it like COD

the sword fighting is the best part about SW2013 and makes the game actually fun

Witcher 1 to 2

In general, 2D to 3D.

This is so painful to watch, the snapping up every time he jumps is so autistic it stings, not to mention punching buildings with super strength at all or ever to immediately demolish any suspension of disbelief the moment the """"physics""" and """"destruction"""" goes to work.

terrible post

Imagine being so autistic that a super suit simulator isn't fun to you because of realism

one of the funniest things I see on this shit board is people who know nothing about physics complaining when something pretty much physically normal happens.

that looks fun a s fuck. also you're retarded, he's not punching the buildings hes shooting missiles out of his hand.

Why aliens.
Why there was aliens in crysis.
Just why.

That's not 3d, that's just isometric.

I remember not being able to play RE1 on Gamecube because the opening cutscene freaked me out and then the game itself had such a realistic and suspenseful atmosphere I just had to turn it off.

i'm talking about how the walls are literally one single object that doesn't break into smaller pieces, they literally just fall over.

You're a retard, get back in your seat, kid.

what exactly is happening here
the car lands at about 0:04 but then at 0:06 it gets launched towards the player

Gran Turismo 2 to Gran Turismo 3

The tech jump alone sold the PS2 sky high

what are you talking about? are you mentally retarded

you can clearly see the wall is at least 3 pieces. the one of the left is falling. the right is made of two pieces. you cant see the door, presumably because it already broke off.

and none of it can be punched inwards, it will fall and collide with each other and look like absolute shit

>not to mention punching buildings with super strength at all or ever to immediately demolish any suspension of disbelief the moment the """"physics""" and """"destruction"""" goes to work.
Yeah, it's way better when everything is static like in every AAA games right now haha
Why not? You dislike variety in your fps? It's better to have always the same human ennemies with hitscan weapons?

But we had dozens of games between the two.

>People are still butthurt over the fact that Crysis was not only a good looking game, but a great fps.

post the original game instead of mods or it doesnt count.

if you're talking about games like Red Faction Guerrilla where you can smash concrete until the building collapses physics, its not as interesting as you think

Same with Majora's Mask and Wind Waker.

not an argument