Is she the least likable character in gaming history?
Is she the least likable character in gaming history?
N- no
so you didn't play the games or do you have autism?
Literally whos like Brooke are better than Chloe.
The entire game is unlikable. Shitty tumblr game.
Both her and Max yes
I'd say it was intentional (there's even a bit in part 5 of the 1st game when the game points out how much of a cunt Max is) but it was most likely not.
Well I mean I'd still want to fuck her, so I guess she isn't the most unlikeable. But she's pretty bad.
Rewind this!
>be teenager
>dad dies in car crash
>best friend fucks off and doesn't call/write you anymore
wow yeah, I wonder why she's fucked up, really makes me think
>playing SJW ridden movie for normalfags
>complain about having shitty characters
I swear half the time this game is being delibrately comical/satirical.
>have reason for being an unlikeable cunt
>this makes you now likeable
>Because someone has a reason to be unlikable I have to like her
>wah my dad died
>i think its time not only fuck my life but fuck everyone else in my vicinity
There are people that had it much worse than chloe and still come out on top
Better a normal than a weeb kek
>having a shit life excuses you from being a twat
really makes you think.
you are fucking retarded
doesn't mean they weren't acting like cunts throughout
Definitely the least likable character that you're intended to like.
There are probably more hated antagonists, like Eric Sparrow.
>that webm where Max farts the cum out of her corpse asshole
Ah yes, I forgive her for being a stupid cunt. I really want to hang out with her now. Thanks user.
Not even close. She's very likable imo, only manchildren in Sup Forums seem to hate her.
I kinda wished there was an option to play as a male in LIS.
I get her and like her in LiS, but I really find her unbearable in LiS: BTS.
Has there ever been an easier choice in vidya than this?
I know people IRL who have had worse shit happen to them and they're not total assholes like Chloe.
>Look at me I'm so cool! I can kill her hahahahahaha I hate women hahahahah!
>Seriously considers and pushes Max to stealing money meant to help handicapped people to pay off her debt to Frank she caused.
Nope. There's worse.
Man I've never played these games but I am yet still 99,999,999,999.99% certain there's no way to crown a least likable character in video games.
Its a medium awash with garbage characters. Something something pissing in an ocean of piss
You'd be killing more women if you sacrificed Arcadia Bay you dumb misogynist. Back to Sup Forums with you drumpfkin.
>people hating anything in the world more than this stupid fucking cat
I think she's pretty and I like her a lot
okay now the projection is starting to border on mental illness
There was no proof it was for the handicapped, hell it could be drug money.
So? She was her bestfriend and the fact that she was willing to do it makes her a great character.
how is she the least likable, she isn't even black
Nah, she's cool. She's a steampunk.
>I need main characters to be nice, reasonable people!
Before the Storm is one of the funniest games I've played.
chloe is actually extremely likable in before the storm. it's a damn shame they aren't getting the crack at the second season. i hope dontnod takes good notes.
>There was no proof it was for the handicapped, hell it could be drug money.
And you have no proof it's drug money or anything else. Here's the fact. She had no problem taking money that was clearly labelled to be for the handicapped, whether it was for them or not. In other words, she has no problems morally stealing from invalids which is pretty bad on her. Also, here's things in game that support that it actually was to be for the handicapped.
>A sign will be outside the dormitories showing a delay in an accessibility upgrade due to lack of funds, making Max comment on how she is somewhat remorseful for allowing Chloe to take the money.
>A sign will be outside the dormitories showing an accessibility upgrade taking place thanks to the fund, making Max comment on how she is glad she didn't let Chloe take the money.
Like for example?
For the first one.
That was her only redeeming quality in the entire game, but her shitty personality aside, fate had already determined Chloe was going to die. Sacrificing Arcadia Bay was basically murder, while sacrificing Chloe was the only morally just decision. Sure, Max could keep rewinding time and saving her but the game heavily implied extended use of her powers would kill her so Chloe ends up dead. Max ends up dead. Everyone ends up dead.
If you didn't sacrifice Chloe you made the wrong choice.
the thing is... that I want to fuck that cat.
no, this is worst girl
kate was best girl
She's pretty flawed but likable, I mean she even beats up on herself a lot for being a dick.
Shoot me, I enjoyed the damn game, I thought it was comfy alright.
Characters aren't always meant to be likable just because they aren't villains. How do people not get that?
post yfw no qt russian christian cosplayer to cosplay as a christian character and go to church on sundays and have sex only for procreation purposes
>Shoots herself via a ohysically impossible ricochet
Reminder:God himself wants this bitch dead, and is bending the rules of creation to make it happen. Her death is divine providence. Stoo trying to subvert his will, chloefags.