Steam profile rate thread

Steam profile rate thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

>anime avatar

I'm going to Nico Nico Knee you

It's completely shit. Steam is shit as well.

What did you just say?

new anime this season: op's steam profile: trasher than trash



please fucking stop

>Girl Gamers


I don't talk to players who don't have a "12 years service" badge

Always the same background image.

Nico Nico neck yourself.

I want to SHAG Ashley!

Could I have a shot with an English bird or do you guys still hate all continentals and I'm being chased out of town with torches and pitchforks?


I want Nico to give me naizuri


R8 but no h8 pls


Get the fuck outta my way.


>this thread

>including comments

>514 of 520 achievements
>using SAM

I'd never use that account ever again, everyone knows you cheated.


>private profile
>get flammed all the time for this
what's so bad about having a privat profile?
I didn't even have a description, background or whatever, I just want to play my fucking games nigga

Yeah, i'd revert them back but I'm too lazy. But hey, I don't try to hide it

theres literally nothing wrong with private profiles

sure nico is weird but that featured group needs to be fucking purged.

>says the makifag

I still can't get over asking my cousin about some secret stars in Mario 64, the burden is too heavy.

>leave profile on private
>no scammers or thirsty furfags ever add you because they fear you will steal their acc instead

>put profile on public
>weekly scammer adds and retarded group invites

One option is clearly better. And the best way to put it is "Friends only"

Non-ironically posting. I don't give a fuck what you think.

>weekly scammer adds and retarded group invites
I remember a pic of some guy trying to get scammed by a guy pretending to be his brother, wish I had saved that pic.

Is this Autistic_Frog? The guy that sperged out on Siege, told a girl to get gang raped by niggers then cried all over Sup Forums because Ubisoft banned him?

>Sup Forums
Quelle surprise

oh man I remember back in 2010/11 I got a really nice unusual hat in TF2 and I got sharked for almost 2 weeks straight by Russians/Ukrainian scammers

>these are the reprobates I'm potentially holding a conversation with every day


>being on Sup Forums and not using an anime avatar

I think you're in the wrong place

some of us only consume anime that isn't saccharine escapist schlock

>1 group in common
you tried

>Furry Group
What did he mean by this??

no such thing

Cute profile.

>have irl name on profile
>afraid to post profile here incase some user tries to back track me

I put people with such retarded rules on permablock if they ever try to interact with me.

>hurr durr comment on my profile first teehee xD

>24% avg. game completion rate

Just block it using MSP or any other software.

why the fuck would you put your real name on steam of all things

I like your name but those games are garbage
You need to play Deus Ex more

>inb4 hurr no hours
I've been playing most games off of Steam.

a couple of my irl friends and my cousin has their real, FULL names on their profile and i cant help but ask "why"