Post criminally underrated games.
Post criminally underrated games
I don't think BD is criminally underrated. It's definitely a jank game, but is has its charms and that's why it has a cult following.
I really liked a lot of the things Binary Domain was doing, it just wasn't that fun to play.
this game is better than vanquish
Exactly what part of it is "jank"?
not sure how well it aged but even at the time I didn't know anyone but me who ever heard of the game.
one of the best RPGs of this decade
The main gimmick doesn't work and is actually worse than just using the controller to issue commands
Disregarding the claim of its "jankness", there are numerous problems with it, like how it's a squad game where you can choose your teammates but there's a definitive choice if you want the best ending. Furthermore the upgrade system feels tacked on and there's not much weapon variety.
It's a standard TPS really
Yeah but shooting up the robots is satisfying as hell, actually some of the most satisfying in a Tps in my mind.
Didn't this game recently get ported to PC? I wish they would give the team another shot at a game like it, not even a sequel but some spiritual successor.
Best in the series gameplay wise and one of the best stealth games ever made.
Didn’t they remove the slow-mo cutaway camera from hacking takedowns during car chases?
Idk, the online was pretty fun and stable. The characters and world design were a snooze though. Felt too much like the first except without the half decent cliche B movie plot.
>Best RPG
>No waifu marriage
It's better than the first in every way, but I still wouldn't call it good.
The voice lines are definitely broken.
It all depends on how you play, I maxed out Bo during the first mission and didn't need to bring him again. Fun fact, it's easier to get the best ending on higher difficulties because enemies take more damage, allowing you to get more trust.
The upgrade system is alright.
I wouldn't call the game janky, the ombat, set pieces, movement, graphics, sound and plot are very polished.
Everyone agrees on that one though. It's not so much underrated as it is just forgotten
Realy good survive game, like dontstarv in 3d
but not good if you like others mgs
It was just a bland gears clone
I loved the world of Binary Domain, the lore is really well fleshed out, and the setting is just right up my ally.
Could you imagine making a Mass Effect style RPG out of Binary Domain? If I were Sega I would be doing that right now. It simply follows, all the mechanics are there already, a world already established and just waiting to be explored. And with Mass Effect pretty much dead now the niche is waiting to be filled.
Even after the Xbone bc port, I still never see anyone talk about it.
i don't know what genre you'd call it but it's the best god damn game in the genre
kat deserved better
Yeah, in terms of mechanics it's standard but I do agree that it's very satisfying. Love how the robots had limb based damage and most of the boss fights were pretty good.
You can definitely game the system by killing the unending hordes in certain levels but the problem is that the only people you need to have in your group is Bo, Cain and Faye. You get kind of punished by having the others, which happened to me as I used the two Brits.
The upgrade system could have been a lot better, there's some that improve your melee when melee is absolutely garbage. Would have preferred a lot more interesting upgrades rather than boring percentile stuff like 5% more HP. Same for the weapons, you generally use your rifle because you upgrade it more.
I wasn't the same user that called the game as a whole janky, just the gimmick (which was disappointing).
>HD rerelease finally comes out
>new dev team had to reverse engineer the game and work with incomplete source code
>game still releases for free
>online is back with new rebalancing
>quality of life changes added to both Single and Multiplayer
>graphics are a straight upgrade due to the immense quality of the original textures and models before compression
>potential for new cards and new maps after devs found cut content within the source code
>nobody cares because it's XBO/Win10 exclusive
It hurts
Goes to shit once mech come in to play
I see you are men of taste.
Being forgotten means it's underrated, especially given how high quality a game it was.
Regina was one of my first vidya crushes, probably why I still have a thing for redheads to this day
I had more fun in the split screen with this game than possibly any other game ever, I never even played the single player
3rd person moba 15 years early
It was a really charming game even if some the writing was bad, but the gameplay is going to keep me away from playing it ever again. It's not that it's that bad, but supremely mediocre in being entertaining after you get over how cool the enemy destruction engine is.
Been trying to find a copy of it. Though my autism prevents ordering it from online
boss game
The sequel to the also excellent Donkey Kong 94.
One of the best puzzle games I ever played. Released during that awkward period of the gameboy's life where it was starting to wane in popularity but Pokemon hadn't been released overseas yet. Fun fact, this was composed by Taro Bando who would later compose F-Zero X.
Some good boys in this thread.
Multiplayer was huge on this, I wouldn't say it was underrated. Shame about the PC port, though.
>hang back
>get most kills
>90% head shots
>dan you want to run to your mommy now, get your shit together
Don't fuckin' remind me, man. I'm locked out of the damn game.
Fair enough on the multiplayer point, though. I got into the game really late so I wouldn't know.
farcry 3 blood dragon