


I played Megaman X5, option A is suicide

Picking B would be picking easy mode.
You don't play games on easy mode, right user?

+20% damage any day. If that girl gets captured you have to waste time and resources to get her back. NO one can take +20% damage from you.

disregard women acquire +20%

fuck thots
get that +20%

A. by far

I wouldn't play this game

>pick B
>open picture of cute girl on my second monitor

I beat the system.

A in real life

What idiot makes this thread? You have to put some incentive for anyone to pick A.

How cute? And how annoying are the comments?

I hate girls and i hate damage. What do?

Anyone that doesnt say b should be executed

>C. Leon Kennedy accompanies you through the entire game and is a great help
Yeah i'll choose that one

qt validation pls

which game company designed this cute girl?

B. I am the cute girl in games.

>doesnt have 20% damage in real life

have fun getting your bitch stolen by chad.

I'd pick B even if it was nothing.

be gay and play tetris.

The comments are actually endearing.

This is the girl

I'd pick a.
Because 20% damage is not worth the content gating.

I do because I'm a white male


I'm 20% more motivated to perform at my peak when there's a cute girl around, so definitely A.

I can cheatengine B anytime


I play games to have fun

You can cheat engine both options, pleb.


pick one and ONLY one

And how cute are we talking?

>girl acts as a distraction
>get free critical hits on enemies
A is the way, but it also depends on the girl.
Can I see this girl before choosing?

Is this a thinly veiled Dragon's Dogma thread?


Assassin damage+ perk.

White Korra obviously

Very cute. Reminiscent of but not identical to your waifu.


I am the cute girl

B all day. I carry a photo of my waifu everywhere.

Only casuals need a damage advantage.

All forms of competition are easy for us.

Depends if she is fun. This could be the one character that makes you chuckle one or twice. And that is golden.
I can live with some damage wasted.

B, having no real gameplay value means I can't fuck her

A of course
20% is nothing i rather get some lore or something

If singleplayer then 1
If multiplayer then 2
Cmon people, if you don't manage to deal tons of damage by midgame on singleplayer games you're doing it wrong, almost all of them have a broken mechanic, you can have tons of damage and a cute girl yet you casuals need that 20% cause you don't know better.

Absolutely A then

A, but only if I can bully her with my dick against her will.

Option A is Bioshock Infinite. Fuck that.


Neither please

Is my damage high enough to warrant it , is the enemy hp bad enough to make a difference

option a sounds fucking annoying

That counts as gameplay, so no

Can I fuck the cute girl?


>not Leon Kennedy makes one liners so cheesy and cringy that it manages to piss off everyone in your general vicinity while also being a great help


Damn. I'll take damage for 400, Alex.

But what about the comments? Are they snappy passive aggressive bullshit or is she head over heels?

Dark Messiah basically did this for the later act of the game

>Keep Xana, and continue to have her companionship (and useless demon form)
>Exorcise Xana, get the best weapon in the game, play the rest of the game alone and in silence

>The Handler
>Solo Xeno Jiveass forever because that fucker is an unchallenging HP sponge
>"WE did it!"

Yeah give me the fucking +20% damage please

B. My character will be the cute girl

>mfw there's a game with a similar premise and you can get the girl killed off and replace her with party members of actual value



B for first playtrough
A for a 2nd one

I do not play this game

Post full image

You should pick A because you get extra dialogue with everything, it's content you paid for even if you don't use it. B just makes the game easier without actually adding anything worthwhile.

If you need a cheap crutch to play the game you need to fuck off


Can this girl be killed by npcs and enemies? Do I have to constantly be checking her health and being careful to keep her healthy?

If yes then B by far, fuck that

If not, and she's just some invincible thing that can't be harmed and stolen then yeah, A

Extra Dialouge that cant be skipped and pauses the game

How old is she and what is she wearing?

Nobody actually went out and killed best girl, did they?
There's no such homos browsing this site, right?

Rather get C, an okay girl and 10% boosted damage.

A would get old fast and I don't like girls.

>tfw no White Korra fuckbuddy

begone thot, give me my +20% damage

A. because that sounds fun and I'm not a scrub that needs +20% damage to beat the game

>dialogue that will often times be background noise to the combat is """"content"""
In every RPG that lets me have companions I never have any because most AI are dumb, stupid, get in the way, and REPEAT THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

dumb tripposter

Of course it depends on how much I need those 20%, but usually I'd go with A.
Dialogue and character development > Stats and resources

>C. Be the girl


Depends on how A is executed, because it's the kind of thing that could become incredibly annoying if done poorly

Usually I choose extra story content over gameplay benefits though

Keep talking and I'm gonna be forced to kick your ass.

How old is the girl?


Not a loser like most of you
Go with B and have some girl give me a bj while I play. Then get one of my cemale friends who are decent at MMO's to play and talk about her experiences fucking other girls. Why can't people just realise the world is a lot easier to navigate if you stop acting like sex is something only special people can get.

Demons need to be purged.

C. Kaiji's narrator commentates everything you do and everyone can hear it. Zawas included.

really? that's all that matters, their age?

fucking pedophiles

She's a jap's idea of a cute white girl. So, an abomination. Anime mannerisms translate horribly to realistic models



no you aren't though, are you?

the game is probably so easy that I don't even want B

Now we're talking

A if it's a Eastern game
B if it's a Western game

>Easy mode or a companion