How would you make a game about him?

How would you make a game about him?

Other urls found in this thread: cancer that'll save Sup

definitely a beat em up type game


We already tried and failed.
That's what we tried

Is this like a e celeb avatar or something

A postal 2 like game, but the levels are different boards of Sup Forums

Newfriends huh? Fresh off the boat from reddit eh? I suggest you turn and go back to where you came from

Go to bed grandpa. Oldfags are literally pathetic

They made a game about dubs, you could make a game about Sup Forums-tan. cancer that'll save Sup Forums.swf

That's what reddit says

Unironically who

Holy shit this so much.
>hurr im so pathetic ive been here a long time durrrrrr

Make it a game about trying to get through each day without killing yourself

How new are you guys? It's Sup Forums as a person.

The personification of Sup Forums "Sup Forums-tan"

We made one for every board. We made a game about it but then gave up half way through development



le cake is le lie arrow to the knee u win all teh internetz lol epic trolled Sup Forumstard do I fit in with the oldfags yet

A dating sim with other board tans.

>its Sup Forums as a person!
Says who? I dont agree with this.


Why doesn't Sup Forums get a cute girl like other boards

>Sup Forums is one person


Of course it is, Me


Sup Forums has been dead for a long time. Even neo-Sup Forums is dead too. Nu-Sup Forums is the only thing left.

A mix of anything
>A rpg level
>A beat them all
>A fps
>A sandbox
>No dating sim

Good. Oldfags are actual losers.



nu-Sup Forums started in 2014 after gamergate, I think we're in a new era again.

The ree in this one always cracks me up.


Are you happy now newfriends? This is what the boards would look like if they were people.


Bad end

Reskinned Godhand


>not a raped husk of a corpse.

I miss Sup Forums as /n/

>Wet dick at /jp/'s side
>Asshole face

I bet Sup Forums tan is a dude.

>no buldge

Maximum autism.

>any attempt at creativity or having fun is considered maximum autism
What happened to this board?

It's the avatar of the biggest e-cleb faggot of them all. Think they know all there is to know about vidya in spite of hardly ever playing.

hes just a faggot, dont worry, as a drawfag myself i welcome this

I don't recall 3AB going on to say he knows all there is about vidya he just kinda drew crude comics with silly characters.

He's trying to fit in. Probably underage or newfag. It's the Sup Forums equivalent of typing "cringe" in twitch chat.

So that's where that reaction image came from