Remember me?

Remember me?

Yeah I was just playing it

Yes. In fact, there's threads about the Switch every day. GR8 B8 M8

I touched you not five minutes ago. Stop being so needy, bud.

Haven't touched you in over 2 months so not really

Stop pretending there's any new games to play after SMO.

Name one (01).

When's taiko?

PS4 only has bloodborne

I've never played DQ Builders before, so it's new to me.

o b s e s s e d

I have a PS4 and a Switch
I own Bloodborne, BOTW, and Odyssey
I play 20 year old PC games instead

yeah, i want to play with you but i need to study

u n d e r h a n d e d

But he never said anything about new releases

umm no sorry sweetie
>persona 5
>yakuza 0
>uncharted franchise
>gravity rush 1&2
>horizon zero dawn
>god of war
>the last of us
>literally every single hard hitting multi plat that actually fucking matters

just to name a few honeypie

Just saw an ad of Bayonetta 2 for Switch, so...nope


Yeah, I have to clean that shit every week and remember that I wasted almost 400€ on it.

yeah, i was playing Mario Kart with Hitomi Tanaka last night.

we had fun.

>lists multiplats
>then literally says "and multiplats"
Imaging having four and a half years to build a library and all you have is Bloodborne, HZD, and Uncharted 4, the latter two being trash movie games.

>it was on da pwaystation fwee so it don count

>it was on da pwaystation fwee but it count
>it was on da peesee but it count
>it not ewen out but it count

>multiplats and games that don't even exist yet

Looking forward to spelunking the darkest of dungeons and splatooning with u when I get out of work bb cakes ;3

>nintiddlies actually falling for the sweetieposter's weak bait

>Every single game listed came 3+ years into systems life
>Expects Switch to have a gorillion games after not even one full year yet


Yes, you're on my desk collecting dust.


You don't own a switch.

spent 75% of a paycheck to buy one
wtf do i do now besides an hero

Woah.... So THIS is the power of the Nitnendo Switch?!


>under powered tablet that has no good games worth playing, not even any worthwhile multi plats
>shit flinging nintendies still try and defend it
lmao enjoy yoshi i guess

holy shit, that game was great!


>the worst version of doom
>fucking minecraft
>the worst resident evil games
>fucking xenovers and not even fighterz (lol)
>the absolute worst version of skyrim
>fire emblem warriors (lol)

oh man that takes me back, I loved playing super mario odyssey on it

>Stop pretending there's any new games to play after SMO.
>being this desperate

>More like Zero Awards amirite
>Not out
>Not out
>Literally nothing but ports

Literally this. Fun as fuck.

>wiiu port
>360 port
>literally who
>not fighterz
>literally who
>3DS port
>mobile phone version of doom: 30fps at 720p edition
>3ds port
>literally who
>super mario fun for 20 minutes
>wiiu port
>ps2 game
>wiiu port
>literally who
>literally who

also all of those are old as fuck
i repeat: name ONE

>he doesn’t know Snipperclips
Opinion discarded.

nintiddliewinks are this mad that they dont have any of these great games and never will.

its ok tho user, id be mad aswell, just enjoy your kirby fun time, hopefully mommy will bring you back some tendies when you are finished :)

Shared switch between three college guys, barely played.

Worst version of Doom is on Xbox One
I'll give you than one, user has shit taste getting Minecraft in 2018
That's not Resi 6
It came out before Figherz on Switch too you know
That's not the 360 version
Wipeout is trash
Better than DW9

I'm playing it right now.

Yakuza 0 isn't a remake nor is Gravity Rush 2 a port.

d e a d m e m e

Anyone's Switch broke recently? Mine was working fine until one day it stopped reading any cartridges. Anyone a cartridge gets inserted, an error screen pops up. I can't even google a solution since it's apparently a rare issue.


And the update this week.


im sorry but you only have two games, Zelda and SMO. Where are your games? Please get some games.

The least good version of a game doesn't make a game a bad game.

Have you tried blowing on it

>3ds dude
opinion automatically discarded to the shit pile

But I have a PC user. You know, that thing with actual 4k support, and better drivers for the PS4's own peripherals?

u n i n t e l l i g i b le

you should have a year warranty on the console as default

Not an argument.

Remember me?

Xenoblade came out after Odyssey

What's the name of this fastest selling console in history that has 5 threads on /vl 24/7 since it's announcement ?

Swoop the doop?

well done my man! so does everyone else on Sup Forums!, but you see my dear sweet young user, that argument is invalid since we are discussing why the ps4 is better than any other console (especially the switch) and always will be :) i know it can be hard for you to keep up in these kind of conversations but i'm sure you will do better next time :)

neither is that

it's a generic waifubait jrpg. not even worth mentioning

a racist caricature of black people, some memes are better left in the past

Have fun with your wallet being drained by battlefront 2 and MGS Survive

Yea I'm sending it in for repair. It's a shame because it's the first console I ever had to do it with.

Oh okay
>Tropical Freeze
>Bayo 1&2
>Hyrule Warriors
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Rayman Legends
Damn, Switch looking good for 1 year

None of those titles look appealing at all

sure, and you have fun with your dusty switch

It makes perfect sense that a Sonyfag finds fun unappealing, that's why HZD was such a hit

Why do people call this place nintendogaf when every nintendo thread is infested by shitposting?

Yeah! I just played some comfy handheld Bayonetta on you! I'll play more after work.

>b-but I don't like them so they don't count

>buying a Switch for ONE (1) game

>2 most powerful consoles lost January to a fucking memory


>shitty platformer that has a new even easier mode
>ok-tier games
>bland and uninspired fighter, there are so may better fighters out there
>its an ok port at best but the online is pretty shitty and soon you will have to pay for it
>a great game but its on literally everything else

it was a nice try tho user

As someone with a switch that was an awful first year list.

I fixed it for you.

Does the switch have Bluetooth support? Would there be a possibility to pair a Bluetooth headset to it in the future?

>It's a 12 year old baits Sup Forums thread

These threads are everything that's wrong in this board. It's always the same faggots spouting the same bullshit. Nobody ever changes their minds or have a coherent conversation, so why bother?

the thing is mario odyssey isnt even that good, plenty of anons have made this point before but its only remotely fun your first time through, the second time is literally a chore to through, this is incredibly bad since the game is really quick to get through

In any case, of course I remember the best console ever made. I play it every single day, in less than a year I already have 10 games for it.
It is the first time it happens and I follow vidya since the 90s.
Not even the DS managed to have so many games that I loved in only 11 months.
Switch will be incredible.

Zelda BotW = skyrim + easy souls

Xenoblade 2 = all jrpgs + a crappy phone gacha game

Splatoon = shitty version of every shooter ever

>[console] doesn't have games!
>haha lmao more like [other console] doesn't have games!
>no you fucker it has [list of games]
>nice list of multiplats and remakes!

this will go on forever if you let it

go back to /vg/ faggot

>it took 4 or 5 years to reach that point
>switch only has 11 months
stay deluded

Not enough reddit or tumblr will do

probably because they we'rent rushed user

>Zelda BotW = skyrim + easy souls
This is enough to know you didn't even play the games.
Games because it means you did not play all 3 of them.

its just a bit of banter anons no need to fucking cry over it

Guy! Do you remember the sky? I looked up outside , and then I membered it!

>n-no games! We want a CONSTANT stream of games, 5 per month
>b-but we don't have that many because they are not rushed!

>Exclude Mario, Zelda, and XB2
What other console's year one can compare to the Switch's

>the absolute state of skyfags
the ground is obviously better you fucking soy guzzling fucktard

Have you even played them

I still have plenty of use from my hacked 3ds.
I won't bother getting one unless two things happen.

1) They offer something besides ports
2) They fix that shit-tier virtual console list of games they currently have
Knowing nintendo, they won't do either one for a couple years, or it's gonna be locked behind and "upgraded" version like they did with the n3ds, so I'm set.

>Taiko with motion controllers