Metal Gear Survive

Is this good as a single player experience?

It's okay

I liked it a lot.

It's below average.

Right off the bat, mixed opinions.
Is it even pirateable or does it have DENUVO like MGSV did?


He is correct

>Is it even pirateable
It's as pirateable as D3

I'm having fun. The co-op makes the game a lot easier though, since you can get really fucking powerful gear off of it even very early in the game.

You couldn't POSSIBLY know this unless you were samefagging. BUSTED haha

This is definitely a different experience, thanks to the introduction of survival mechanics and the extensive base building, but these aspects actually benefit what the title is going for. With a punishing but fascinating open world to explore, a crafting system that allows for all manner of items to be fashioned, and a suitably bizarre story that is sure to surprise even series veterans, Metal Gear Survive is likely to please those that give it a solid chance.

haha you got me I'm actually all of this thread, even YOU

Way better as a multiplayer game once you beat the campaign

Thanks doc

go away marketeer

I actually agree with that review except for the story part. It's not bizarre, it's just shit

The whole thing feels like an ambitious mod to MGSV. I think that's the best way to look at it. The only parts in it that feel like a real game are the couple big cutscenes it has (and there's only a few, while most of the flimsy story is pseudo-codec conversations). The rest of it could be a fanmade mod, except it's not fanmade, and costs money.

It's actually mostly a Singleplayer experience.

The marketing for this game was super misleading. It made it out to be a co-op game, but in the game you can only do specific co-op missions; the Open World base building is all Singleplayer and all the XP and items you get simply carry over from MP matches. You actually have to play a fair bit of SP to even Co-op properly.

You can also play the co-op missions solo so basically the entire game can be played by yourself.

This entire game is basically a strange open-world zombie mode mod for MGSV. It's okay/10

It's pretty fun even though the beginning is quite tedious. Some areas have a pretty great atmospheres, other not so much. It's a shame most missions are very short.

I had the game for 2 days via Redbox and for those 2 days I couldn't put it down. Its MGSV, with survival mechanics (hunting, eating, drinking, healing yourself, scavenging for sources, exploring new land etc.), mixed in with traveling through wormholes to other dimensions and fighting off monsters.

During the whole time I was playing, I couldn't stop thinking about all the rumors that have been posted here about Metal Gear merging with Silent Hill. That idea sounds insane until you play Survive and you can literally see the merging of Metal Gear with Silent Hill happen right before your eyes.

Other dimensions? Have you even played the game it's set in earths future not an alternative dimension

Does this game get TENSE?

No, usually even if your low you will have enough barricades to stop most attacks unless you really are bad.