Why is the most overrated FF getting a remake but not the best one?

Why is the most overrated FF getting a remake but not the best one?

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It might if VIIR is a big success. God knows it needs a remake more that VII.

Because its a company that needs to make money. VII and X sell no matter what. In fact expect Final Fantasy X-3 before a VIII remake, if it even ever gets one. Remaster, maybe.

Because Final Fantasy 7 is, adjusted for inflation, the highest grossing stand alone Final Fantasy game of all time, and the highest selling non-Pokemon jRPG of all time. It's the flagship game for the entire franchise, has spawned ten times the spinoffs and media of the rest of the franchise, and is considered to be the seminal jRPG that defined the genre for future generations.

The fact of the matter is that with all the FF6 cancerfags and the occasional degenerate FF8/FF9 retards attacking it, FF7 these days is criminally UNDERRATED, not overrated. But we get it. You need to prove what a free thinker you are by joining the herd mentality that hates on the most successful and popular game.

Quick: post your favorite FF8 tunes before the thread is archived


nice, so Sup Forums loves FFVIII now?

Sorry, but "most successful and popular" doesn't make it my favorite.


Both great games.

I don't get why you people also try and make it one or the other....

I liked the battle system(minus abusable limits) and even the junction system. But good lord the story was the worst one in final fantasy history. They really fucked up with that amnesia bullshit.

Because there's only one PS1 FF getting sequels, spin-off and remakes.

You didn't say "favorite" in OP, you said "best." And by any metric other than "its my favorite!" FF7 is the best.

it still looks alright

It's just the average bait OP to get people talking.
And I genuinely think FFVIII is the best PS one, followed by IX and then VII.

Actually, if I were to rate the ones I played it would be:
X > VIII > IX = XII > VII = VI
Or something like that, I don't even remember X-2 enough to put it anywhere.

I remember 10 years ago when I would get made fun of for liking FF7. Is it just old enough now that it's the cool old game? Did it replace 6 in that respect?

What's up with all the FFVIII love the last couple of days? It's my overall favorite in the series so I don't mind it but it's weird.

I know I've been thinking a lot about VIII and IX after playing Opera Omnia for a bit. Pretty decent game and it keeps a lot of the characters' personalities in tact.

No idea what my favorite track is but I do know VIII is my favorite overall soundtrack in the series.

Ignoring all of the obvious answers, I'll always be impressed by how good Eyes on Me is. For a cheesy love song played once in the middle of the game, it should be a lot more cringe inducing than it is.


I'm still mad the PC version doesn't have proper analog or vibration. The game LOOKS so fucking good and you can see so much more detail in the character models.

But janky-ass eight-way-run and no vibration during Renzokuken kills the experience for me.

Well, if we're talking about favorites, I actually prefer FF8 too. But if we're talking about quality, or impact on the genre, FF7 is clearly the better game.

For the first ten, in terms of favorites, I'd go:

8 > 4 > 7 > 5 = 9 > 6 > 10 > 2 > 1 > 3

But in terms of actual quality or what's "best"?

7 > [Power Gap] > 10 > 1 > 4 > 2 = 3 = 6 = 5 = 9 > 8

7 is obviously their big juggernaut, 10 is the first to get its direct sequel and had a lot of other spinoff material, 1 is their big "we saved the jRPG genre!" horn that they like to blow, 4 is huge in Japan and is probably only second to 7 in terms of sequels and spin-offs, the rest except for 8 all warranted half-assed remaster and mobile ports. And 8? 8 is hated by the studio apparently.

This. I've played pretty much every FF game and 7 is still the best, closely followed by 9. Contrarians BTFO

I love the one that plays during the space cutscenes.
Also love all the technology that is shown in this game. They really went into details with all the pre-mission planning and stuff, it's what I really like about VIII, the world is a lot more believable.

Best girl coming through

>Sup Forums is one person
fuck off sheep

Man, I fucking loved the cutscenes in FFVIII. I don't think any of the subsequent games were as well...I dunno, directed? Composed? I don't know. They flow so well from game to cutscene and the scenes themselves were so engaging.

Also, yes, Quistis best girl.

If it's the best then there's no need for a remake.

I'm planning on replaying VIII. The only problem is that I haven't touched it since I was a kid. Now that I'm coming back to it, it seems overwhelming. Do I do a low-level run? No level run? Can I do that before Diablos? Doesn't that mean running away from enemies? What about my SeeD rank during the Dollet mission? What about junctioning magic? Should I draw it all? Refine it from cards? Should I start playing cards right away? What if the rules spread? What about getting a complete collection? Didn't I have to lose cards to get cards? Does losing them mean I can't get the little star in the menu? What if I refine them? Should I get the Lionheart in disc 1? Won't that break the game? Do I want to break the game?

Fucking love the OST.
The orchestrated version are even more amazing.

Do you really want them to fuck up VIII even worse?
7's remake is nothing like the original and it has that shitty Crisis Core gameplay.

As far as I remember, it's the only FF to have almost seamless transitions from game to cutscenes.

It also has a ton of very short cutscenes that are just there to show what's going on.

You can do any level, the whole game scales with your party.

This. Any remake could only spoil it. Even objective improvements would spoil it.

Remakes are creatively and intellectually bankrupt. Stop asking for remakes you fucking underaged brainlet furfags.

Because FF8 is creepy and weird

Nah, there can still be elements that haven't aged well. If you have the best of something that doesn't mean it's perfect and can't be improved, only that it's the best so far.

>Do I do a low-level run? No level run?

Don't stress about your level. Play like you normally would, just DON'T grind. The only thing you want to be careful of with your level is if you DO want to get Lionheart on Disc 1 as some items are more easily gotten from enemies as drops during specific levels.

>Can I do that before Diablos?

Yeah, Diablos isn't that bad so long as you're Junctioned up properly and you remember that Demi can't kill you.

>Doesn't that mean running away from enemies?

Again, only if you're being careful about getting Lionheart early.

>What about my SeeD rank during the Dollet mission?

Don't worry about that, you can always raise your SeeD rank later. All it changes is how much Gil you have early and you'll be swimming in it later.

>What about junctioning magic? Should I draw it all? Refine it from cards?

Most of the time, it's easiest to refine magic but not necessarily from cards. Do some Googling on item refinement tables and decide what magic matters to you early on. For example, Steel Pipes are one of my most important items early in the game because I love abusing Aura to constantly use Limit Breaks and you can refine them into Aura Stones then Aura or just use the Stones.

If there's one thing I'd recommend trying to abuse, it's getting Ultima early and using that to boost your Elemental Defense until you can absorb Elements. That shit is fun as fuck.

>Do I do a low-level run?
Low level runs are the easy option. Despite what you hear on this board, just leveling naturally is perfectly viable. Hell, even grinding and overleveling doesn't raise the difficulty that much as long as you're even remotely competent.
>No level run?
Those are never any fun.
>Can I do that before Diablos? Doesn't that mean running away from enemies?
Yes, that's generally what a low-level run is. Although ideally, you're not running from the enemies, you're Carding them through Quez and then refining those cards. You don't get XP for enemies Carded, but you do get AP.
>What about my SeeD rank during the Dollet mission?
Literally couldn't matter less. You can immediately take written SeeD exams and bump it to max level. And the only thing SeeD level determines is your pay. By the time you're dicking with refining items and cards, you're sitting on infinite money.
>What about junctioning magic? Should I draw it all? Refine it from cards?
Depends on how fast you want to be powerful. Ultimately, by the end game you'll probably be refining cards even if you started drawing. It's just too easy a way to max out your stocks of difficult to find magics.
>Should I start playing cards right away?
Yes. Even if you're not card refining, the game itself is crazy addictive and fun.
>What if the rules spread?
Save before playing. Let your favorite rules (Elemental) spread, reload if shitty ones (Random) do.
>What about getting a complete collection? Didn't I have to lose cards to get cards?
You can get back every card lost, even the ones lost to refining later in the game. It's good for completionist autists that way.
>Does losing them mean I can't get the little star in the menu? What if I refine them?
See above.
>Should I get the Lionheart in disc 1? Won't that break the game? Do I want to break the game?
Again, up to you. You should have an idea before starting if you want to jump into the deep end powergaming or not.

>Should I start playing cards right away? What if the rules spread? What about getting a complete collection? Didn't I have to lose cards to get cards? Does losing them mean I can't get the little star in the menu?

This can ALL be remedied end-game when the Queen of Cards is available at the Ragnarok. As far as I recall, it's impossible to permanently lose cards. That said, you can absolutely try to game the system early on if you want, it's up to you whether you find that process fun.

You may want to be careful about rules if you plan to play Triple Triad for fun and profit but just be mindful and look up how to abolish rules when they spread.

>What if I refine them? Should I get the Lionheart in disc 1? Won't that break the game? Do I want to break the game?

Lionheart on Disc 1 doesn't break the game at all. Getting Squall's STR to 255 takes no effort with Junctioning and, other than the limit break, that's all it really does. Since his limit break is random, it's absolutely not game breaking to have the weapon early. I personally love playing with Lionheart on Disc 1 but it's up to you on if it's worth the effort.

How come FF4, 7, 10, 12, 13, and 15 all got sequels and spin-off games, but 8 and 9 didn't?

FF7 has only aged well in the gameplay department, which is the most important. It's graphics are terrible by today's standards and people looking back at retro games. It barely looks better than an N64 game outside of cinematics. FF9 has graphics that aged more gracefully. FF4 has graphics that aged gracefully. FF6 is still considered the best of the franchise for a very good reason: its story. 7's just isn't as good, no matter how revolutionary it was looked at.

You're right though, 7 IS underrated. It's underrated because it didn't age as well as 6 or even 4.

FFII is objectively the worst Final Fantasy of the original 6 and one of the worst of the original 10. How the hell are you playing it anywhere near the others

>FF6 is still considered the best of the franchise for a very good reason: its story.
Only contrarians consider it the best, and it's story is an outright plagiarism of FF4's.

>shit romance (yet better than XV's romance)
>bad characters

how is VIII the best?

That whole part with the lunatic pandora, space and Adel made me really anxious as a akid.
Doesn't help that I got stuck for literally days in that Adel fight and grinded mobs for shitall exp until I finally managed to beat her.

> outright plagiarism of FF4's.
Oh? So, you're saying that the protagonist of FF4 had a half-breed hero from a mystical race too? Or that he started as a soldier for an evil empire attacking a peaceful town before joining a group of rebels featuring a King, martial artist, mechanic named Cid who makes airships, ninja, etc. And then you discover that the real threat wasn't that evil King, but his second in command, the evil sorcerer?

Two titles couldn't be any more different.

>Sup Forums isn't contraria-

>look at how contrarian i am uhhhhhh so cool

>Grinded to beat a boss fight

Well no wonder.

I was 10.
The other time I remember being stuck for days was in that FujinRaijin fight in Balamb town.


Oh no, not blaming you for not understanding that when you were younger, just saying that you were probably unintentionally making the game harder for yourself.

Probably related to the people that were related to it moving on, or not wanting to resume work with.

There were tiers of understanding for FF8 powergaming.

>I need to level up more so monsters will have better magic to Draw

>I should hold off on leveling until the GF's get those +1 Str / +1 Mag /etc. abilities that strengthen me when I level up!

>I shouldn't level at all

u me op?

to make money from casuals and fake fans that never managed to finish a single FF game.

>tfw no GF

>FF7 these days is criminally UNDERRATED
How much more appreciated can it really be though? It's a 20 year old game, there's only so much impact and discussion it's going to have at this point.

I mean it's almost impossible to pick a favorite but Breezy, Julia, Fisherman's Horizon, The Extreme, you could just go on. It's basically Top Uematsu. Tough to pick just one, he nailed it on this game.

Wait... I never heard FF6 was going to have a remake


>shit romance
It's the best one in the series, builds up over the entire game and the climax isn't just a single cutscene.

Square make a fucking Chrono Trigger remake already

You keep making this thread every other day.

>Best one

That's quite the claim.

Threads like these really show we need an ID system for Sup Forums

>FF9 has graphics that aged more gracefully.

I guess it's ironic FF9's art style is why many dismissed it outright back in the day.

8 is fucking shit tho.
It's firmly at shit -tier with 13, 15 and 2.

You're acting as if the stories in FF are somehow unique despite heavily borrowing off other pieces of fiction.

X is getting remade?

Literally never made a thread about this.
The thought crossed my mind when FFVII OST showed up on my youtube homepage.

That happens with lots of titles that don't go for realism.


>builds up over the entire game

then why does it feel like Squall suddenly did a complete change in personality when the shit character known as Rinoa fell into a coma?

>But good lord the story was the worst one in final fantasy history.
No way fag, the story was fine. There were a few bad twists and Squall's personality took a nose dive after he suddenly fell in love with Rinoa, but otherwise it's serviceable. There are a lot worse FF stories especially if you count spinoffs.

Playing this for the first time, senpai. Tell me the best and less tedious way to draw magic.

>game where the legitimate winning strategy is to not play
>best in any fucking way

Because it's not told like usual romance stories where the male MC is trying to seduce a girl and keeps failing until X happens and the girls suddenly falls in love, it's the other way around.
It's Rinoa trying to seduce Squall, and it starts with the ball at beginning, then there's the concert in Horizon, then Squall finally mans up during the Balamb university attack and starts really caring about her when she falls into a coma.

Just refine magic from items. You can entirely ignore drawing outside of drawing GFs from bosses. Once you start min-maxing you're only making the experience worse for you.

>It's the best one in the series
Nah, no matter how much shit people give FFX the Tidus/Yuna romance was the best
>Builds up over the entire game
That's not true. It doesn't happen naturally, it's just forced when Rinoa goes into a coma and it really fucks up Squall's personality.
>and the climax isn't just a single cutscene
That's true but what other FF games make the romance like this?

Only slow people who don't understand the Junction system believe in this meme.

>It's Rinoa trying to seduce Squall

and she was fucking annoying.

Oh fuck off. You're saying that Rinoa only succeeded in getting Squall's interest by going into a coma despite him not showing any signs of romantic attraction to her before then.

OK. Thanks.

SE could designate a Nomura-less team to work on a FFVIII remake today and I can guarantee you it would come out before FVII remake.

We certainly love it more than /vr/ somehow.

Not what I said, but yes, why not?
It's natural to start caring more about people when they're in danger. As I said, it's during the Balamb attack that his personality changes and he finally mans up, and I don't mean only his feelings for Rinoa.

emulate in 1x with caligari scanlines in software, so it doesnt have down syndrome faces. increase the color booster in the caligari filter if it's too dark with the scan lines.

Because having GFs is an important element of the game and nobody would be able to relate.

This entire game feels like a big conspiracy theory. Squall's sudden change, Rinoa being fishy in general, Seifer just sort of doing whatever the fuck the plot needs him to do. Something feels really off about it, and it's a little unsettling. I don't mean like horror style unsettling, just normally. Like something doesn't fit.

The music is fucking amazing though.

>not playing the steam version with mods to make the game look better and sound glorious

FFVII has the best Biggs and Wedge

Enjoy the game looking like an amateur indie game.