What's the best opening sequence in a videogame.
HARD MODE: Not a cutscene.
What's the best opening sequence in a videogame.
HARD MODE: Not a cutscene.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sitting in a tram 5 mins & pushing a cart into a reactor is a godlike intro according to Sup Forumseddit
Why are HALF LIFE BEST GAME EVER fanboys so retarded?
Silent Hill 1
BioShock 1 & Infinite
Resident Evil 2
Bayonetta 1
Half-Life 2
Prototype. Darksiders. You actually get to play the VIDEO GAME instead of sit still and watch a dumb as fuck cutscene/set piece.
>Wait a minute, that card...
Millennials make me want to kill someone
liberty island
truly a level which separates the men from the boys
Kingdom Come Deliverance had a really amazing intro.
The game devolves into TES/Witcher openworld fuckery really fast after it tho.
Super Metroid's classic intro is solid.
uncharted 2 had a really good one
I decided to kill crossbowmen on sight while sparing other NSF because those tranq darting faggots piss me off
Once I started fighting guys on MJ12's payroll, all bets were off
It's shit, user.
Armegeddon obviously.
Recently quite enjoyed Battlefield 1's intro.
Classically probably Super Metroid.
actually the best
Millenials are the only ones to believe HL is great.
HL1 and HL2 really set the tone exactly right.
Half Life isn’t a good game.
Go ahead and name a game you considered a good opening
>zeros theme starts playing
you are my melanin overdosed pal
I was born in the late 80's, played HL1 when I was 14yo, yet I didn't like it, I got bored of it half way though. I preferred Unreal and Heretic II more than HL1.
safety first
Super Mario Bros 1
You hit start and you're hit with the future of video games.
GTA ]|[ and Vice City both had amazing opening sequences. San Andreas' intro set up the goal of the game perfectly as well.
>black bwoy gets arrested, frisked and robbed by the cops
>gives you motived to want to kill those two cops
>you get to kill them at the end
I would give you a blowjob but this isn't 9th style. I'll give you a handjob though for posting beatmania iidx.
I always wished that 3D Realms would release the unfinished version from 1998 made by Paul Schuytema, back then when the main character was Talon Brave.
A reminder that dynamic portals were possible in '97-'98, and running on a 266mhz with a Voodoo 2 VGA card.
o yeah, that's memorable
MGS4's opening cutscene is a bit long but damn is it good
there has never been a bigger plebfilter than the first mission in Deus Ex. Plebshitters who claimed to be avid and passionate gamers exposed themselves en masse.
the only reason I gave MGS4 a second playthrough was when the podcasts came out guiding you through secrets and extra technical shit about some maps.
Every -shock game (including Prey)
Dude Sex Liberty Island
Nier Automata
Shit taste lol
I am honestly surprised by how many people just cant pass liberty island
Far cry 3's is pretty intense, shame about the rest of the game
>when hell march kicks in
Half Life was god tier until the opening was over and everything was full of aliens...
The game had so much potential.
At first I thought some terrorists are trying to infiltrate this highly secured research facility, but nope, just the average horror game where everything is dark and looking like shit.
Imagine a game where you would have to be responsible to improve the security and find traitors inside. Who likes fucking horror games? This game would have been much better as a tactical defense game than this shit.
i have never seen a good video game opening
Grove street...
virtuous mission
Kingdom Hearts 2
Super Mario Galaxy
what classifies as Xenogear's opening?
Parasite Eve opera
Resident Evil live-action opening
The Last of Us
Bayonetta in the graveyard
>either bioshock
lol, fuck that
Might agree with Bayonetta though
Thematically unparalleled, personally
Half Life 2 opening sequence is just a masterpiece of game design.
DOOM 2016 does it very well too.
But liberty island is unanimously the worst part of the game.
Come on, say what you will about the game in it’s entirety, but Bioshock Infinite had an amazing intro.
if not that, then City escape from sonic adventure 2 youtu.be
you can beat it in under two minutes fairly easily, under a minute if you use a bug
What is the best end credits and why is it MGS1?
Shouldn't the shitty tutorial be considered its opening sequence?
hows this game?
worth pirating?
if you're expecting slow stomping mech action then it's not that
I thought it was pretty fun but just got too repetitive since the missions are all pretty much the same
nah it's pretty boring
>dawn of war
Greatest intro of all time bar none.
>implying there's any other right answer
literally the HL1 intro except worse
Anyone else playing this on their vita? :)
Not the best by far, but still worth mentioning.
i kept the demo on my ps3 just so i could rewatch the opening
i prefer 2s but this and nv are both amazing
I don't remember a plane crash or any swimming in hl1? Definitely don't remember some spooky splicer gutting a man in front of the tram and then the doors opening for you to exit.
pretty sure the opening sequence is OLD MEN
Kain is deified.
You could just pass the level by running and jumping around like a madman, thats what I did at least kek
I can not understand. Why can't they finish it? It is not complicated.
Metal Gear Rising is up there
>amazing boss fight out of the gate
>amazing soundtrack out of the gate
>covers some basic story beats like just Metal Gears have been completely left in the dust by cybernetics
my comrade
honestly liberty island is a pretty boring level imo
although afterwards the game picks up speed and just keeps rollin on and on until the end
Half life is horror to you? Is your usual media experience just looping Teletubbies?
Wolfenstein The New Order.
I can think of others, but that game was kino.
i came to post this
all you do is hold W through most of it :/ , still pretty epic
The demolition racer intro absolutely nails the feeling of the game itself.
If you count the entire "Welcome to Rapture" level as the intro, then BioShock 1, hands down.
If you just cut it off at the plane crash then it's pretty lackluster.
oh fuck YES, came here to post this
The first conversation with the Elder God is cool as hell
>I know you, Raziel. You are worthy.
>What madness is this? What pitiful form is this that I have come to inhabit? Death would be a release, next to this travesty.
>You did not survive the abyss, Raziel. I have only spared you from total dissolution.
>I would choose oblivion over this existence!
>The choice is not yours. :^)
If only he knew how little choice he had after this point.
also Mega Man X
>Your secret die with you, old fool...
Bioshock 1
can i even post anymore?
I feel bad for never finishing it.
I got stuck at an elevator shaft even before leaving the facility. I hadn't been having much fun, and I quit, never to return.
I tried playing the sequel like three or four times, but always just ended up stacking suitcases on top of the girl by the chain fence.
Maybe I'm just as asshole for not feeling much for these games.