It's up
Is this the one that people pretend to like just because the lead dev argues with tumblr fags?
>watching some shitty Youtuber who's forced to pander to his Sup Forums-tier audience because they'll REEEE at him if he doesn't shit on everything
He's great at editing though, I'll give him that.
So is done shilling VR games?
Stop shilling your fucking channel here.
fuck off
is he for real
It's up
Shitpost Fodder: The Channel
No idea what game even is
buying bad games to own the libs
Please don't tell me that the last battle of Kingdom come is this bad.
I don't get it.
Good video
>Sup Forums hates Crowbcat now
>Seeing more people getting angry at Crowbcat videos compared to Dunkey videos
Don't stop evolving, Sup Forums.
Ive always hated all ecelebs
except avgn
>Sup Forums is one, two, three, four [something]
I thought only gta4 fags liked him
>DSP threads get deleted
>this shill gets to stay each time he release a video
>it's up
ok, now fuck off !
Now that comparison video I don't understand. Both games are shit.
Normally love his videos but this one is pretty bad. And no, I haven't played KC:D
>le schadenfreude man
Isn't this guy a shill for VR games?
i mean his videos are funny and well-edited but it's no secret that he cherrypicks footage and tries to turn any small controversy into a huge over-blown thing. like whenever new console hardware comes out he always has a video called something like "[console]'s rough launch" with clips of people with defective hardware that never ends up being a real longterm issue beyond the first month of the console's life, but shitposters will spam it up and down on Sup Forums as if it's real evidence of the console being shitty.
>people shill this game on Sup Forums
Everything changed after he went after nintendo
go shill VR shit you fag
It's up
nah seriously, whats the very latest?
if anything
buttmad everyone saw through his obvious shilling
This video is like him putting the scraps of other videos he was to lazy to make into full videos.
His last two videos have been shit, this one and the blatant shilling of that VR game that he back pedaled on like a fucking bitch and went and deleted it.
this channel is just one big pile of shitpost
Crowbcat isn't a singular person, but I'm honestly getting tired of the rampant negativity. Their video on Sprint Vector was really refreshing compared to the low-level nitpicking that it's devolved into. At least with the old criticisms that were made, there was a semblance of care about what points needed to be made, but here it's just a compilation of 6 minutes with mundane jokes and editing effects.
Why would anyone play Kindom Come when you can play Mount and Blade?
>b-but at least Kingdom Come has nice looking forests
apex kek
chris chan is still a tranny, altho these days he's unironically making money from people who are stupid enough to donate to him via patreon
he's doing sonichu again, for gibs, and went full blown Sup Forums mode not too long ago as well, just check the cwcki
Yeah, he's also a pussy who needs to be liked by everyone or else he retreats into his shell at the first sign of criticism.
He released a video blatantly shilling a vr game, then deleted it when people called him on it.
Awful, it's like he's struggling to stay relevant so he slapped together some shit about the latest things and pushed it out as soon as possible
The KTGF segment didn't even make use of the god awful gameplay and it barely focused some of the more terrible voice acting, stuff he would have pointed out by showing lots of examples
This video was already basically just a "greatest hits" of Sup Forums shitposting for the past few week. It's obvious they post here on the regular.
So this is the "based" game that people won't stop talking about. Why the fuck does it look like an oblivion mod
Yongyea confirmed for laughing stock
I unsubbed because it seems like he has nothing more to say, and what he says merely isn't entertaining enough. It's gotten to the point of 'compilation cringe' in video game format, which isn't very good.
>subscribe button
yeah nice try, crowb
What's this all about?
That subtile btfo with the coupon.
I really like this guy style.
Cry him a river with sellout and shilling Sup Forums can't wait to see nintendogs raid on the comments too.
>It's obvious they post here on the regular.
That's a good reason to avoid their videos.
What a garbage video
He even sneaked in some advertising for that trash VR game he was shilling
pretty weak
it's like he started making several videos but was lazy to finish any of them so he threw them together and will get a pass because "enjoy the mess xD"
Is this what it feels like when you have a waifu and she gets all corrupted
she used to be so pure before the fame
they're Sup Forums amalgamated into video form, that's the only reason i watch them
i think the only reason he did it is to troll people and as a reference to the backlash, besides the ""(("coupon"))"" does nothing.
He made a video basically evangelizing sprint vector as the savior of VR games then people called him out on it obviously being a shill video.
He then deleted the video and uploaded a edited version with all mention of sprint vector removed and just replaced with being hopeful for the future of vr.
I want thiccfag Twitter artists to die already. They all draw the same shit over and over again for the lowest common denominator. Worse than Shadman.
lmao that was great, wtf is wrong with you faggots?
I love how he saved into his fucking fanbase and made a "negative" video
Oh boy I love cherry picker shillstein
I liked Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Was it that "aftertaste" video of this, the one he made before this new one?
He can dish out criticism but the minute his videos get he takes them down what a faggot
He was and still is much better than cancer that is Dunkey
But overall it's e-celeb shit
one of his funniest yet. subscribed
What is the point of this exactly.
Can someone tl;dr this Hunt the Freeman thingie to me? I understand it's an HL fangame but what's it about, why did the creators think it was a good idea?
It's so easy to edit and image like that. The fact that you fell for it is even more embarrassing.
>crobcat shits on battborn
Lmao fucking based bro
>crobcat shits on game I like
Wow he lost his touch stupid eceleb
I honestly don't know why folks went full Sperglord on crowb for the VR thing.
All they did was point out that VR is in a shit place right now, then display a game that seems to take advantage of the VR experience...
He needed to get his fanbase back so he just wanted to shit on stuff real quick so people see the "true crowbcat"
it's up
because this is the same guy that shat on VR for being a gimmick, while promoting a gimmick VR game
He lost all credibility with his last video. Once you lose trust it's gone for good. Never watching another video of his as long as I live.
Ecelebs aren't video games.
Channel settings doesn't appear there, you baka.
The reason people did not like the last video was Crowbcat made countless videos shitting on VR and they suddenly makes a video praising a random VR title.
now that I think about it. dunkey and crowbcat vids are a lot alike
Post-gamergate janitors have been pushing their agenda for a few years now.
after making his positive video, i really just can't watch him. it's hillary-tier obvious that he was paid off by Valve and the devs who made it. massive sellout.
All of his console launch videos are nothing but cherrypicked garbage
The fact it took Sup Forums this long to realize this is shocking.
>makes a video praising a game
>gets called a shill
what a deal
>dunkey forces his shitty opinion into masses of manchilds
>crowbcat does none
Yeah, really alike
kill your self
>it's le up
I lost respect for him fully now he made this video lazily due to everyone thinking hes a shill.
He can cherry pick and dis out criticism all he likes but the minute people express distaste for some of his videos he deletes them.
yeah, i know. I just said that
his jewish faggotry made him a massive sellout in Sup Forums's eyes. deal with it, niggerfucker
It’s video game culture. Deal with it or fuck off