This is as far as I go, I beat Cuphead in under 2 hours and I can't beat these fucks

This is as far as I go, I beat Cuphead in under 2 hours and I can't beat these fucks.

>using cuphead as a gauge for anything

Just come back with more upgrades.

I'm tired of backtracking, maybe I'll come back in a couple weeks.

probably best you give up now

He's easier though

Hits harder, more phases, basically can't heal so have to go with a certain load out and it gets annoying having to do hollow knight (who is easy but takes a while each go).

Those beetles are easy enough with a few upgrades


>I beat Cuphead in under 2 hours and I can't beat these fucks.
I don't believe you. The scale of difference in the difficulty of these two things is massive. There's no way you can do the former but not the latter.

the white palace(?) is harder than this fight. and if youre going for true ending youre also probably going to attempt nightmare king who is a thousand times harder
> basically can't heal
yes you can, easily

Funny because i'm average with hk but absolute ass and stuck with artificial difficulty: the boss piece a' shit dragon

Mmm no.



get the quick focus charm so that you can manage to heal during the fight
also, using dark dive with the shaman stone charm when they charge at you is very effective, but remember to have enough soul to heal

>posting fanart of the true final boss in a thread made by somebody who clearly hasn't beaten the game yet
come on

use the lobber

>yes you can, easily
No healing is difficult and generally seen as a bad strategy in that fight. With spikes in the floor, tracking disks, multi directional beams and swords that very often come low or directly above you don't have much of a chance to stand still. Third phase is your best chance and even then not really. Even with the shell you are lucky to get one off and are better going for the blue life gem

Plus the best strategy is going for the scream which means you need to save energy

game is a year old and the story doesn't matter anyway

Sup Forums crying for shilling just make me love this game more.
Every moment with the game was awesome to the point I was burnout coming back to the regular crap after that.

I beat them with lag without joystick, you can bruteforce your way with quick nail and fragile strength, also, you can drop the chandelier to permanently kill one

Reminder that most of the time that ppl say this game is shit, it's usually because they're retards.

the "SHILL REEEEE" shitposters aren't here yet though

>No healing is difficult and generally seen as a bad strategy in that fight.
no, you can literally heal very easily. learn to recognize the patterns. i beat the game without weapon upgrades which forced me to learn it

Imagine being so used to cheesing the boss that you literally think it's impossible to do it the normal way.

>Being THIS SHIT at the game.
Every single boss, including nightmare king, gives you at least one window to heal without the speed charm.

So is there any way to tell where to go in this game? I can deal with no way points but it just gives me zero indication of what to do. I just end up wandering for a half hour until I find the right corner of the map.

Keep at it, just take a break for a while and retry.
The trick in Hollow Knight is to keep calm and focused, and eventually, you'll get there.
And it's worth it.

I 106% this game at about 60 hours, because I'm an oldfag 37 and this game made painfully clear my reflexes aren't what they used to when I was younger.

git gud

nope, you just walk around, with your painfully slow speed, and hope you stumble onto the right path on your first playthrough

Stand in the far left corner. They can't touch you there. Be warned though, this makes the fight boringly easy.

>people STILL have trouble with the dragon
use charge shot if you're stuck, it's ez mode and helps massively with phase 3


when did dark souls autism infect these threads?

Shit thread, post Hornet butts.

lewd a bug?
can i?

I tend to die more than the average on every boss but I never got the outcry against thoses.

I just bounced on them, wears them down. Maybe get the upgrade that increases sword range so it's easier.

You know what I couldn't beat in Hollow Knight?

My own boredom. I have no idea how you guys slogged through these samey, ugly dungeons littered with lame platforming challenges for those occasional moments of interesting combat.

Also bugs are gross.

the game really isn't that difficult save for a few bosses

There's a breakable ceiling in the room before the Watcher Knights. You can drop a chandelier to kill one of them before the fight starts.

If you already did that, I can't help you.

This is b8, but people are going to reply to it seriously anyway.
This is a sad board.

Look at you, you're so above-it-all.

Please do not kill yourself.

Sly is Hegemol

The director of Ori shitposts in every Hollow Knight thread, ignore him

i beat him 2nd try i'm not even good at 2D combat

I was hoping I'd get the chance to fight him
instead he turned out to be the ultimate bro


I originally liked Ori, like 9/10.
Then I finished it, and saw that horrible deus ex machina ending, made it 8/10

Then I played Hollow Knight.
Ori should be dressed up as a cow in a meadow with a horny bull/10

Why do people use this as an example of difficulty? It's a stupidly easy final boss.


>when did
nah dude HW fags where always this kind of retard, but i just wanna know why this baby first metroidvania isnt on vg yet because no one gives a shit to it except their chilling fans

the absolute state of Hollow Knight fans