What combination of Atk, Res and Def Ploy would you use for Lute's C and Seal slots in a triple ploy build? I can't seem to make up my mind.
Give her an Atk Ploy seal probably
Should I give my Camilla goad or hone fliers
>those stats
Why are you even bothering
Cause I want to +10 merge her and the new refinements are really giving me hope.
if you're gonna join BK give me your code. I have a Reindhardt/B!Lyn counter to help you.
>35 atk
wew lad, at the very least get a +atk Camilla to patch that up
Meant for
Lute Boots!
Just use your Arvis.
Arvis isn't a cute girl.
Bench Ploy 3 on C
I just made her a Linde.
Silly TT.
I already have a Linde and 4 "Linde"s. I don't need a 5th "Linde".
Got one already but I want to focus on speed and I just know the refinement is coming also already have a good enough cherche but I like Camilla so I won't mind working on her while I save up jewels and wait.
You just really like titty monster to go to that effort
How do you set a unit as the support that shows up when your friends use you in the new mode?
First unit on your first team.
Mate if you want a Speed build, ditch the Brave Axe. Give her a better weapon that capitalizes on your +Spd Camilla, like a +Spd Refined Slaying Axe. Off a Sheena or something for it, it's not hard.
Thank you for reminding me that GHB is coming back. Never had a chance to get him the first time around since I was still green in terms of units.
Yep. I'm gay but I just really like her art and voice. Also got DC waiting for her if her refinement doesn't have a built-in DC.
Would you guys have whaled if Grima looked like this?
Yeah I know but I'll focus on her skill while I wait for her refinement. If nothing comes in a couple of months then I'll go with Slayer axe
Remember to do the weekly AA run.
No not edgy enough
I highly doubt Brave Weapons will get a refinement any time soon, their great effect is balanced out by their pathetic low MT.
Good luck man.
What's the most annoying build you can think of?
>Not a single stat is above 40
What the hell is wrong with yours? Even with Brave Axe + she hits like a wet noodle.
No meant a legendary weapon or something unique like Felicia got. It seems like some of the older, outdated units are getting one so hoping.
>no dc
thanks for the free kill
If Felicia and Hinoka can get a major buff the Camilla should too.
Bait me, faggot, I dare you.
The goal was simply to be unkillable in 1 round (no Svalinn Shield would mean 31+ Spd QR Armorsmasher could 1 round her; Escutcheon helps lower loli Tiki's 2nd attack from QR) so you have to deal with Panic Smoke/Atk Smoke/Spd Smoke at least twice in a fight. As I mentioned, it's supposed to be annoying, not a threat of being the unit to kill one of yours.
So goad or hone fliers again here's the team
Good statline but
>FEH Unit Builder
>no artist or voice actor credits
Let's see the real one.
Give whatever the fuck you need. You don't need us to hold your hand.
Enough with the armors
He just wanted to brag his 5* team, like if those were super ultra rare unit that no one has.
>FEH Unit Builder
The whole point was to come up with annoying builds
Yeah I know but I'm not sure which buffer is better for which team. I know that armor teams do better with ward most of the times but I don't know much about Fliers
Neat, I don't have to worry about a special proccing.
That's ridiculous, why go all the way to maximize her Def when it's her Res that makes her shine?
Judging by the filename, I assume it's to negate Myrrh's Great Flame effect. Of course there would be better units to do that with, though, but it's all in good fun.
>Lucklets are this seething
If I want to show off I wouldn't show off a team with Camilla.
Let's see how you handle THIS!
Let's go bitch
>almost completely obscures the S rank background
To answer your question. For starters, promote a +Atk -HP Camilla ASAP. Second, give her Slaying Axe+, Fury and Hit and Run. Goad Fliers is good if they rest of your team has it. If you're planning to use blade tomes, use Hone/Fortify.
Not autistic enough.
Not this time!
I have a +Atk -Def one and I've been seriously considering foddering the L!Ike we'll be getting so she can have Warding Breath, then refine her Handbell with Def and give her Aether, which seems to be now a popular set on armors.
Ok cool I'll see about the +atk Camilla but I have enough fodder for the rest of the things on that list. I most likely will go for summer corrin once she has rerun so I'll go with hone then.
>not reciprocal aid
10 hp at a time is so useless
Why does this same one always get posted
Where the fuck are the wards. Armors never go alone unless suicidal.
Good lord that's disgusting.
Doesn't NY!Camilla or Azura have Hone too? If that is the case then give her and someone else Fortify so you can buff them all. A personal tip, flier teams can be really versatile, you can go for full hyper offensive which in that case quad Goad is the preferred option or you can go tanky so you can do a mix of Goad and Ward or Hone and Fortify. Can you show us the rest of your team?
Alright, you sacrificed a Deidre, that's cute and all, but not only he doesn't have a S-Level Unit Support, he's not +2. Don't bother us with underwhelming units, please.
It's shit.
>not a 3*+10
you disgust me
he just wants to bait (you)s thinking he's an epic prankster,
don't worry, he'll samefag that post eventually to make us think we care
No NY Camilla has ward but Azura and Hinoka does. But I'll look into the fortify flier idea.
Can I also get (you)s
Only for me to say I want to fuck that child.
Had you had a little of patience and self-control, you could be enjoying a 5*+4 Nowi... instead you have a way less inferior 4*+4... enjoy.
Don't worry user she has a friend
Would Threaten Atk be a good replacement instead of Atk Ploy? He'll be using an Escutcheon + Shield Pulse combo.
an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
He needs at least 2 wards to survive a +Atk Bold Jakob, which is all nice and simple until you realized you're stacking +8 Def/Res for a bulky ass armor to survive an archer.
Fighter skills were a mistake
fine, what about this
I hope they increase our friend list size, I want to add more of you guys but I don't have the heart to kick the randoms on my list, some of them are little nubbies too.
Yeah I do have 2 with Hector as the other one with Zelgius.
Friends are nothing but free 10 daily feathers and some ok units in gauntlets. I'm sure people here would give you better stuff to work with than randoms who probably haven't played in weeks.
New mode coming in march lets you use friends units.
My point stands. Get rid of the friends with shit main units.
I'd like to let them use mine since they aren't well off, shame we can't talk to eachother.
If Tiki or a ranged armor are in the Legendary Banner, I'll roll in them. What are the units that would make you summon?
Post your hardins. I'm still trying to get one with good IVs. I pulled two +def -atk/-res and I decided to keep the -atk
I have a bunch of jap Tier 15~ friends with the same unmerged 5* exclusive units and basic skills but I don't wanna delete them because I've had them for a long time. I also like seeing a couple of them chaging their lead for the latest new unit and seeing them slowly buidling them up.
Seasonals, for the most part. The only banner one I've gotten since I started playing is ToD Henry.
Do you think we'll ever get units such as Mama Naga?
Mia and one of the two brown OCs in the red pool. If it's only one or the other then I'll pass.
Summer Femui for merges and the new OC (which seems unlikely).
>A slot
>B slot
Wary Fighter
Wings of Mercy
Drag Back
>C slot
Armor March
Here is my Hardin.
>support slot
Dance or Sing
Good Idea!
post your good omens for this week, set the tone for March.
>pulled Azura on free summon
Didn't want any from the banner, but got someone I've been wanting just to have. Hopefully it's good news.
Naga, probably not. Nagi, highly likely
I've had shitty luck the past 200 orbs. Surely gambler's fallacy is a myth and I'm due for good luck in the near future.
Nothing really, there are a few units like Lute, Linde, little Tiki, Genny, Bride Lyn, and Jaffar that I'd like to have but I wouldn't really roll for them unless there were multiple units on said color that I wanted.
I'll probably be rolling red for Ike and whatever color the new Legendary is if they aren't total garbage.
>5% for V.Hector
fucking kill me