I don't play mobile gacha games.
>that feel when you reach the point where working on your own software is more fun then playing 90% of video games, especially shitty phonegames
Yaaaawn, be skipping this one thanks
How many monies will this particular game cost to purchase?
Don't know. Hopefully less tahn 15$
Eh. Maybe if they didn't have to make the maps so fucking tiny to fit on a mobile screen I'd be more interested.
Game looks like it belongs on the Nintendo DS.
Looks great.
>that accent
I can't stop laughing. How am I supposed to take this guy seriously with that goofy-ass accent?
Not trying to be an ass, but damn.
>Shitty puzzle game
>All missions are "Survive X turns"
>Better to CC targets then kill them
>Loot boxes
>Looks like GBA game
Sure is shit tier in here.
torrent SOON
I like the music
Ya it takes awhile to get used too. But he gets a lot of tactical games early.
>Loot boxes
really? source?
>>Loot boxes
No fucking way, really? What kind of lootboxes?
In the previews, they are called "Time Pods" and they give random loot.
>describing an in game supply drop as a "loot crate"
ffs mate everyone now uses that term for additional real money purchases
It is a box with loot in it. What do you expect me to call it?
>no cons
>still a 9
well, that's fine as long as I don't have to pay real money for it, do I have to pay extra real money for it?
A supply drop
Reminds me of my math teacher.
>100% / B+
>Nothing is perfect
You can't escape them now. Nintendo even put them in fucking Mario Kart of all places.
I never got on with FTL but this is extremely my shit
Its not made by Nintendo.
You have to pay money to buy the game so you are paying for in game rewards.
your math teacher is a fucking idiot
if 2 plus 2 equals 4 then its perfect
Much better youtuber, even if he is objectively awful at games.
I beta tested this game. It is a god damn work of art.
Likely the best game of 2018.
is this coming to mobile? I need a good game to play at work.
>implying a mobile device can handle this level of tech.
But it can. Hearthstone is more demanding, you know.
shill it to me user
Horse Armor DLC
i'll suck your dick with my mouthpussy, user
only if you are a cute girl (male)
>combat is just using attacks that move targeted units to a direction and clumping the enemies together or pushing them into debuff tiles
I wanted a mech combat game, not fucking klotski.
I am. Do you like thigh-high stockings and feminine cock?
Mech games are a myth, there will never be a good one.
>play the same tiny map over and over
It's randomly generated so there are infinite possibilities
Yes, how feminine are we talking?
Excuse me?
maps are tiny, and the battles look more like repetitive puzzles instead of real turn-based combat.
>Telling such lies
5 inches, but cute and thick.
oh SHIT I didn't even realize
They have said $15
that's like saying borderlands has loot boxes
shut the fuck up retard
Maybe if the devs made an actual turn based combat mech game instead of this mobile tier puzzle game
torrent WHEN
Damn I can't wait for this I love turn based tactics
What game is this?
that's a lot of blur
there's some dude with a serious grudge against this game. expect dedicated shitposting.
i got scared off torrents when i got a dmca notice from even a pure fitgirl rip
tomorrow as well since its released on GOG
I wish they just made FTL2 or something, not this weak shit.
Man, I've been torrenting like crazy these past couple weeks. Iconclasts, Celeste, Hollow Knight, Grimrock... Do you just get a letter in the mail?
It's not a crowfunded game. Just follow them on youtube or twitter if you want some news.
>It's not a crowfunded game.
I don't understand these words.
Niiiiice. Should be a blast
you just get tossed an email of warning
>Comcast reminds you that use of the Service (or any part of the Service) in any manner that constitutes an infringement of any copyrighted work is a violation of Comcast’s Acceptable Use Policy and may result in the suspension or termination of your Service account.
people say they never really do anything unless you're an insane 24/7 torrent madman
>"empowering" tactical system
what does this even mean
Huh, alright. Thanks for sating my curiosity
The gameplay looks pretty decent, but I really dislike the aesthetics of the mechs in this game.
>what is Front Mission
>what is Armored Core
>what is Another Century's episodes
do you even get letters from your ISP for torrenting games? thought they only track shit like movies, music and tv shows
>nu-Sup Forums in charge of piracy
Those all sound like console toys, not games.
it's anyone who decides to track something specifically
the companies with the copyright send a notice to the ISP who sends a notice to you
I think I got dumber by reading your post
have the autistic switchfags started begging for a port of this yet
Ooooo good point, this game is PERFECT for the Switch!
it lets women win
salty wh*te boi dicklet detected
This game would be perfect for the switch, because you can play it on the TV or on the go. You can just take it anywhere. You can play it in bed! Any word on the switch version? No switch no buy, I'll wait on the switch version.
You'd be right. Wanna fuck my boipussi and nut inside me?
Switch Port when?
probably that it makes you feel completley in control
unempowered tactics would be when you're at the whims of RNG. From what I've read this reads like the game is similar to Invisible Inc where there's no %chance on actions
Seems like a fun game but from what I heard it's more of a puzzle than a strategy game.
Any word on a Switch port? Does not look like something I'd play on PC.
>Forgetting based Brigador
+1 fellow switch owner :D
I'm at that point as well user, what are you working on? I've been building my own framework in lua to speed up my game development.
Everyone forgot Brigador
Looks like shit.
I'd rather replay old Advance Wars.
The combat system is designed around position modifiers and environmental hazards instead of straight DPS and hit percentages like most turn based games, it's empowering in the sense that you will always do damage and if you play smart you can wipe an entire wave of enemies with a single attack.
Brigador was awesome too, did devs managed to turn a profit at the end?
*nuts in you*
*walks away*
*you never see me again*
Ex Comcast employee here, they do shut people of frequently for torrenting
*masturbates over the memory of it for years*