Are there any good vidya youtubers left or is it basically just dunkey now?
Are there any good vidya youtubers left or is it basically just dunkey now?
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Slurring your words and le playing game in le funny way is far from what I would call good.
>Haha, this game is so great because nostalgia
>Haha, this game is so bad because hyperboles and it shits on my nostalgia
>Great youtuber
Yes op I did fall for your bait
>le video donkey
thats a neck
>friendship with dunkey and Sup Forums ended
>now my best friend is le survival metal gear zombie game
Destiny is the memelord.
There was some meek female one that spoke Japanese that I enjoyed because she mainly played horror games but she has no capacity for critical thinking i.e. She would get stuck for around 5 minutes on the simplest puzzle and walk around in circles waiting for her fans in chat to help her
is TB still a cunt? what about DSP?
That looks like the guy from Hamilton
This is even worse than hover hand. This guy somehow managed to look like even more of a beta
>MLP fag
Get out
he's hoverhanding himself
Found her
Both of them are still cunts.
Not only does he have the body of a boy, but he also dresses like one. The beard just makes him look creepy.
>being a horsefucker
Not video games.
>looks like a child
>dresses like a child
>debates like a child
>is a man, age-wise
Is this the epitome of a manchild?
>guy with a literal fursona as personality on youtube
>not a horsefucker
Show us your YouTube channels and show us how much better than the unfunny Dunkey you are, then. How many subscribers do you have compared to him? Zero, right? Why should a surgeon give a shit about the criticism of someone who never handled a scalpel in their life? Easy to talk shit when you're behind a screen, huh?
trying to hard :^)
Calm the fuck down dunkey, you suck, but lots of shitty people are popular look at PewDiePie
>posting a picture of literally any animal is now a fursona
sounds like you have something to tell us
>literally /ourguy/
>starts getting a couple million views
>Sup Forumseddit turns on him
really makes me think
you forgot height of a child
answered your question with your pic
autistic gookclick reject manlet collecting a harem of asian twitch girls and getting into shouting matches with Sup Forums icons is top tier content