Iwant to buy a console for my boyfriend's birthday, but I can't choose between a Nintendo or a PlayStation. Which one has fun games to play for two?
Iwant to buy a console for my boyfriend's birthday, but I can't choose between a Nintendo or a PlayStation...
What games does he enjoy?
Should I watch this anime?
if you enjoy cuckold fantasies yeah
PS4 with Yakuza 0 and Persona 5.
How is it cuck shit?
Nintendo Switch would be your best bet for games you both will enjoy and be able to play together. Playstation will be more for single player and online games.
It's pretty cute when a girl buys something for her boyfriend, it feels like it rarely happens nowadays.
>spend 80% of the season developing a relationship between two characters
>something out of nowhere happens
I'm confused user. Did some cuck shit happen in the anime or did you get cucked by the anime? Because it sounds like the latter and that's just sad.
>>something out of no where happens
>inb4 cucks telling you it wasnt ntr because she was just a kid
The show spends half the series building chemistry between the two kids.
MC gets attacked and falls into a coma while saving her life.
MC wakes up a decade later and she's married to and has a kid with his fat friend.
Can anyone explain wtf this is all about? I'm just gonna assume you're just cucks as said otherwise
Someday the only word you people will be able to write is "cuck".
you mean a 28yo and a kid, and the 28yo already likes hot pizza deliveryfu
The anime is cuck shit, though. All of this author's works are, this one is the most subtle of them.
It's sad that people only remember this show because of the ntr meme. I thought it was a really good story.
kys roastie
That would be horrifying, but it's not cuckshit. What a bunch of homos.
meant to go to
People obsessed with ntr subconsciously see it everywhere.
If you have a penis get him a Nintendo console. In all other cases get him a PS4 or Xbox, just throw a dice or flip a coin.
Go to hell bitch
Don't pull that shit. The timeskip would put them on equal terms.
He lost roughly as much of his life as she did.
Kill all faggots.
Delete this thread and go back to getting pounded by Tyone
That's pretty gay, user.
NTR was created by satan himself so he could easily ruin people's lives and happiness.
Just buy him nintendo so you both can cuddle and play mario. Cant cuddle and play bloodborne
Can you really blame them when the dude was in a coma for a decade? If I was him I'd just tell them to fuck off and be on my way. They obviously moved on.
Why are people attacking me for being a girl?
Because girls fuck guys, and that's gay.
Sure, if you like NTR genre
Kys roastie
because you started a designated shitposting thread for at least the second time today with the same topic and i'm sorry you didn't get the number of you's you expected for what is literally the oldest bait on all of Sup Forums.
Go back to Facebook lol
Yeah then he was passed out for years and years. I get it, I really do. If I was that guy I'd have a fucking conniption and dip out, if I could even physically restrain myself from lashing out. To say it's cuck shit though? Nah man. That's not how it works.
Honestly Switch is the best.
Me and my girlfriend both own one and couch Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8 or Bayonetta 1 & 2 is just fun.
one handheld one docked is best because when 1 Switch gets low around 15% the one on the dock goes into handheld mode and the other one gets the tv. It's all very seamless.
Repeat about every 2 to 3 hours.
I don't know about you but same pace Bayonetta 1 side by side while comparing who got platinum, gold, silver or stone rating is just plain fun.
10/10 would buy again
im sure this post is not bait hahah, im sure op and this guy are some cute grills haha, damn women haha
Not at all, the author didn't need to take the story in that direction, though. Even if he did, her going to the hospital to visit him with that fucking baby basically confirms the feelings of NTR that the author wanted to elicit from the viewers.
If you want to play couch multiplayer games go for Nintendo
Nah honestly I can see that shit happening and it's not a sexual thing at all. That's people being self absorbed, which may have been a trait of hers. This is some cognitive bias on your end man
I'd tell her the fuck off tho desu. Fuck that noise, acting like it's no big deal that I sacrificed a decade for you.